The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • S7 wasn’t that boring to me. I thought the 1st episode was fantastic and the final one.

    If you don’t like Negan and his character, then you’ll find S7 boring.

    Right now, I'm on season 6 of TWD.... Heard S7 was boring af tho, planning to catch up before S8

  • how can someone not like negan

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    S7 wasn’t that boring to me. I thought the 1st episode was fantastic and the final one. If you don’t like Negan and his character, then you’ll find S7 boring.

  • Why is all of my technology going shit? My TV screen went all shitty and I had to replace it with a small one with shit audio quality.

  • It's a creepy mushroom trip involving a girl and a faun. It's very nice and has the wonderful soundtrack.

    Interesting... but slightly creepy... What's the movie about?

  • Well that was kind of strange. Did the website temporarily go down for everyone else too or just me? It was just displaying weird code.

  • It went down for me as well. That was really weird.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well that was kind of strange. Did the website temporarily go down for everyone else too or just me? It was just displaying weird code.

  • Others (and myself) also had that issue for a short while but it's seemingly fixed now.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well that was kind of strange. Did the website temporarily go down for everyone else too or just me? It was just displaying weird code.

  • I had that issue, too.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well that was kind of strange. Did the website temporarily go down for everyone else too or just me? It was just displaying weird code.

  • For those who still haven't played Borderlands, there's a great bundle going on right now on Humble Bundle.

  • Yeah, someone at Telltale tripped over a cable.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well that was kind of strange. Did the website temporarily go down for everyone else too or just me? It was just displaying weird code.

  • Alice in Wonderland for grownups.

    Interesting... but slightly creepy... What's the movie about?

  • In my top 10 favourite movies of all time for sure. One of the only films to make me cry.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Thought I'd get a new avatar to match my new favourite movie. (Free cookie for anyone who knows what movie it is)

  • Thank Christ, I thought my internet had gone shit as well.

    Others (and myself) also had that issue for a short while but it's seemingly fixed now.

  • Shadow of war is really good, been playing it non stop for past 5 - 6 Hours

  • Eh. I've got acne and a toothache, but I'm not too bad. How about yourself?

    How have you guys been doing?

  • Ugh. For a week now, I've had a really intense toothache, that hurts so bad I just wanna rip it out with tongs. Lucky for me, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow.

  • edited October 2017

    Today has been one of those weird days where literally everything I predicted/talked about earlier on in the day and had dreams about in the recent days have come true. I just need a hug cos i’m mad af :disappointed_relieved:

  • I just need a huge

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Melton23 posted: »

    Today has been one of those weird days where literally everything I predicted/talked about earlier on in the day and had dreams about in the recent days have come true. I just need a hug cos i’m mad af

  • Be aware of the time right now as well as everyone around you and be cautious of the last words you tell to people because they just might be the very last.

  • That sounds... ominous?

    Be aware of the time right now as well as everyone around you and be cautious of the last words you tell to people because they just might be the very last.

  • Well yes you're right, unfortunately. It's true though.

    That sounds... ominous?

  • Definitely the saddest movie I've ever watched.

    In my top 10 favourite movies of all time for sure. One of the only films to make me cry.

  • edited October 2017

    It's kind of like a mix between a fairy tale and a grim war tale. But it is definitely not for kids.

    Just do yourself a favor and watch this movie. It is a Spanish movie, but you should be able to get hold of a version that has English subtitles. Just be warned; It is not for the faint of heart. At times it can be really gory and there are scenes of very disturbing violence. But it is an amazing movie, there's nothing else quite like it.

    Interesting... but slightly creepy... What's the movie about?

  • Lmaoooo

    fallandir posted: »

    I just need a huge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Well,this is Halloween month soooo muwahhhahah sorry

    Well yes you're right, unfortunately. It's true though.

  • Been doing pretty alright! Thanks for asking! :D

    Eh. I've got acne and a toothache, but I'm not too bad. How about yourself?

  • Lol I meant to say hug :joy:

    fallandir posted: »

    I just need a huge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Two. More. Days. Of. Inventory.

    Then holidays

  • So I watched the first of the 3 Goosebumps episodes I'm watching for this project. Gotta say, Werewolf of Fever Swamp is not half bad. It's quite impressive for being a 90's canadian cable television show actually, just not super good. I liked it. 6/10.

  • Hmmm.... Well, I'm pretty squeamish.... not sure if I could watch lots of gore and violence... D:

    Daaayum you've gotten into some really dark games/movies lately!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    It's kind of like a mix between a fairy tale and a grim war tale. But it is definitely not for kids. Just do yourself a favor and watch t

  • Is a TV all the technology you have?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Why is all of my technology going shit? My TV screen went all shitty and I had to replace it with a small one with shit audio quality.

  • I hate making pointless one word comments, but:

    LOL :D

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, someone at Telltale tripped over a cable.

  • You should also check out Game of Thrones. Amazing show, I love it. (Kidding, I don't watch it)

    But really. You can't tell a compelling story with just puppies and princesses now, can you?
    Oh wait, hang on...

    enter image description here

    Aren't the best movies the ones that move you? The ones that make you cry, that make you feel for the characters? The ones that make you think about your own life in a different way? If you think so too, check out this movie:

    enter image description here

    Hmmm.... Well, I'm pretty squeamish.... not sure if I could watch lots of gore and violence... Daaayum you've gotten into some really dark games/movies lately!

  • c

    there you go bud

    Melton23 posted: »

    Lol I meant to say hug

  • Goosebumps is the show that used to freak me out when I was a kid. Rewatching it you can say it was kinda messed up.

    So I watched the first of the 3 Goosebumps episodes I'm watching for this project. Gotta say, Werewolf of Fever Swamp is not half bad. It's

  • Well I tried to be nice a gave my cousin access to my steam account to play a game I have and what do I find? $15 missing from my steam wallet yay.

  • The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most of the time so I don't have to deal with it. Everything I try to eat hurts when it comes out. The side effects from the treatment I'm taking are really fucking me up. I can't focus, I'm anxious all the time, my body shakes...

    I'm begging for something good to happen. I honestly feel like I need to be saved from all of this pain.

  • Ty <3

    fallandir posted: »

    there you go bud

  • :)

    Been doing pretty alright! Thanks for asking!

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