The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That sounds really bad. I wish there was anything we all could help you with. Just hang on in there :(

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • edited October 2017

    Just endure and survive, friend. I woke up today with skull crushing pain from my wisdom teeth that remembered they aren't fully grown yet. The thing is they aren't really that clever and got drunk or something, because they are trying to pierce through my upper jaw - probably the pain isn't even close to yours, but I can't eat or drink or sleep. The only thing that helps is a cold compress. So I advise you to find something that helps you relieve the pain a little or at least takes your mind off it.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • I’m really sorry for you buddy, I wish there was something I could do to try and alleviate the pain.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • I have a PS4 and tablet, but the charger to my PS4 controller is broken and my tablet charger only charges the tablet when turned off, and at a very slow pace.

    Is a TV all the technology you have?

  • Well, it turns out my tooth hurts because there's a hole in it. I'm going there tomorrow to get an operation.

    Ugh. For a week now, I've had a really intense toothache, that hurts so bad I just wanna rip it out with tongs. Lucky for me, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow.

  • edited October 2017

    Sorry to hear that, I bet it sucks. All I can say is I hope it gets better eventually.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • Do you want to talk about it?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Today has been one of those weird days where literally everything I predicted/talked about earlier on in the day and had dreams about in the recent days have come true. I just need a hug cos i’m mad af

  • I'm sorry to hear this, but I hope your symptoms can ease as your treatment progresses.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • Sorry to hear that - that really sucks and I hope you get better. :(

    Also, there's a Help/Venting thread if you wanna chat with more people who can hear you out:

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • That sounds terrible. I feel sorry for you. I hope it gets better or more bearable soon.... I'm not really sure what to say to this.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • I'm really sorry to hear you are in so much horrible pain, I know everyone who responded would do whatever they can to help if they could myself included. Like others have said please just hang in there and hopefully the treatment will eventually make you feel better.

    The last few days have probably been the worst I've had. The pain from my Crohn's disease is absolutely agonizing. I'd rather be asleep most

  • Yeah, I just need to process how this week is going

    Do you want to talk about it?


    "Imagine finding a picture online of an actual murdered diplomat and putting it into your Batman game," the user Dont_Look_Back posted on the Telltale Games forum."

    D E A D

  • enter image description here

    LMFAKAO IM GONE "Imagine finding a picture online of an actual murdered diplomat and putting it into your Batman game," the user Dont_Look_Back posted on the Telltale Games forum." D E A D

  • ur famous now fam

    LMFAKAO IM GONE "Imagine finding a picture online of an actual murdered diplomat and putting it into your Batman game," the user Dont_Look_Back posted on the Telltale Games forum." D E A D

  • edited October 2017

    Forgot how hard Bloodborne can be. Feels good to play an actually good Souls game again.

    UPDATE: i lost 80,000 blood echoes and i no longer enjoy bloodborne

  • Anyone else listen/watch Eminem’s Cypher at the BET Awards last night? This is why I love the guy:

  • i WaNt My sZeChUaN sAuCe

  • what was it spent on anything good?

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well I tried to be nice a gave my cousin access to my steam account to play a game I have and what do I find? $15 missing from my steam wallet yay.

  • edited October 2017

    People are too black and white nowadays.

    Gray is the way to go even if it is boring most of the time.

  • enter image description here

    i WaNt My sZeChUaN sAuCe

  • We have a celebrity in our midst. First Poogs gets a shoutout on a Telltale video, now Don't_Look_Back is mentioned by the BBC.

    LMFAKAO IM GONE "Imagine finding a picture online of an actual murdered diplomat and putting it into your Batman game," the user Dont_Look_Back posted on the Telltale Games forum." D E A D

  • Especially if there are fifty shades of that gray.

    ...bad joke I know...

    J-Master posted: »

    People are too black and white nowadays. Gray is the way to go even if it is boring most of the time.

  • J-Master posted: »

    People are too black and white nowadays. Gray is the way to go even if it is boring most of the time.

  • A game called subnatica.

    what was it spent on anything good?

  • Well I just came back from one of Markiplier’s tours. I’m not even a big fan of him but my friend invited me so I thought it would be cool to see a YouTuber and it was actually really good.

  • That's pretty cool! What kind of stuff did they do?

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well I just came back from one of Markiplier’s tours. I’m not even a big fan of him but my friend invited me so I thought it would be cool to see a YouTuber and it was actually really good.

  • My Yanks are off to the ALCS, bring it on Houston.

    enter image description here

  • Do you even know what movie your GIF is from?

  • Super Mario Odyssey already getting a 10, from Edge no less. If I had to guess, it's probably going to get scores similar to Breath of The Wild.

    Review mentions there are almost as many Moons in Odyssey as there were Korok seeds in BoTW :o

  • so not a great game then

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    A game called subnatica.

  • Finally, another Yankee fan!

    enter image description here

    My Yanks are off to the ALCS, bring it on Houston.

  • edited October 2017

    It’s from an old movie, that’s all I know.

    enter image description here

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Do you even know what movie your GIF is from?

  • Boooo!

    My Yanks are off to the ALCS, bring it on Houston.

  • edited October 2017

    Couple of my friends recently passed in a car crash the other day. I was on snapchat sending streaks and saw their names because I had streaks with them. Can't say what made me do it, but I opened the messages of one of them and sent something only he would understand. Kind of like an inside joke.

    About 5 seconds after I sent it, the message opened. I sat there in shock and disbelief, instantly started crying. I sat there as if waiting for a reply but it never came. Got to say, that was probably one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

  • You know it

    enter image description here

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Finally, another Yankee fan!

  • Music to my ears.

    BigBlindMax posted: »


  • Sorry to hear.

    Couple of my friends recently passed in a car crash the other day. I was on snapchat sending streaks and saw their names because I had stre

  • edited October 2017

    I’m sorry to hear about your losses. I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear, but things will get better.

    Couple of my friends recently passed in a car crash the other day. I was on snapchat sending streaks and saw their names because I had stre

  • I'm very sorry to hear that.

    Couple of my friends recently passed in a car crash the other day. I was on snapchat sending streaks and saw their names because I had stre

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