The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Same, man, I didn’t expect to get tagged in any of them ?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Getting tagged to all these goodbyes is giving me the feels

  • edited September 2018

    Welp... my eyes have just been raped...
    @Blind Sniper quickly ban @Laracroft33 before they reach the rest of the forum pls

  • I don't know about him, but I did get a PM from someone.

    I'll give them this--never saw that one before.

    ...Creepy songun.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Welp... my eyes have just been raped... @Blind Sniper quickly ban @Laracroft33 before they reach the rest of the forum pls

  • While I have been relatively quiet and neglectful of this community this community, I would like to go ahead and say I appreciate the shoutout, guys.

  • Avoid the PM’s, you valiant soul, you

    DabigRG posted: »

    I don't know about him, but I did get a PM from someone. I'll give them this--never saw that one before. ...Creepy songun.

  • I like how he just drags his face through the ground :D And then that creepy stare he gives........

  • I can be found on Youtube and Twitter at and at the handle AussieNicholas. Msg me if anyone wants to keep in touch.

  • I like nachos and frozen yogurt

  • edited September 2018

    Now I’m hungry, so thanks for that
    send more

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I like nachos and frozen yogurt

  • More nachos and frozen yogurt

    Melton23 posted: »

    Now I’m hungry, so thanks for that send more

  • I know I haven't responded to everyone who has mentioned me in their comments, and I'm sorry for that, please don't take that to mean that I'm ignoring you or I don't appreciate the words and thoughts. The fact is that I do, more so than you think. I've been on these forums for years, it's been a place I've used more times than I can count to forget about life for a while (Billy Joel reference), and a big part of that was the people. I just didn't realize that a lot of others felt the same way, especially in regards to me, and honestly, it means a lot. I never really considered myself that popular of a guy. I couldn't make memes like Poogs, or funny Youtube videos like Jewfreeus or leatherwolf, or draw like so many people here. The only thing I felt like I contributed were shitty Let's Plays and my own opinions, no matter how unpopular some of them are/were. So to see so many people say such nice things, it means a lot, and I'm not going to lie, I'm tearing up just typing this. Thank you so much, and no matter what happens going forward, I'll remember you all fondly and appreciate the memories we've had.

  • Frozen yogurt just hits that spot man.

  • Damn... I’m gonna cry ??

    I know I haven't responded to everyone who has mentioned me in their comments, and I'm sorry for that, please don't take that to mean that I

  • edited September 2018

    Thank you @Cocoa2736 and @Kenny_The_Almighty for mentioning me. Even though those last days were very sad It gladdens me to know that I've been a part of this great community with such an amazing people like you guys. I really hope that we'll "see" eachother on Reddit or some other forum in the near future. Whatever awaits us, I'll always remember you all

    Also I had to save this image made by @Joe_Momma (I love you too man). As a souvenir.

    "Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that 3 of us have 3 different Kenny-Jesus profile pictures?

    Boat Buddies assemble!"

  • Been having errors left and right, I'm actually worried that I won't be able to access the forums anymore.

  • Perhaps. It also just might be increased traffic. I have no idea how much longer the forums got. Could be hours. Could be days. It could even be months.

    If this is the end though, it's been a good ride. Glad to meet ya.

    Been having errors left and right, I'm actually worried that I won't be able to access the forums anymore.

  • I honestly hate saying goodbyes...

    See you around, Ingen.

    Perhaps. It also just might be increased traffic. I have no idea how much longer the forums got. Could be hours. Could be days. It could even be months. If this is the end though, it's been a good ride. Glad to meet ya.

  • This lag is honestly showing signs that the forums could close at any moment. Ooorrrr an update is being made so that the forums can become its own thing, and not telltale’s problem anymore. The lag is painful though ?

    I honestly hate saying goodbyes... See you around, Ingen.

  • I am back with another post and this one is 110% Serious. It may be viewed as pointless but how do we know unless we try?

    With the way things are going we are losing pretty much everything we love: Telltale Games, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, The Forums and the amazing people who were a part of the Forums that are now saying their Final Goodbyes to their Friends.
    Why should we accept this? The Community as a whole fought like hell for change when Kevin Bruner was the CEO at Telltale Games. We fought for Telltale during their darkest moments. This is probably the worst one they have faced yet.
    We all need to get together and do what we can to save Telltale. Contact Valve, Contact Microsoft, Contact Sony. If we rally together and fight for Telltale then we can make a difference. We should not give up because of the news that broke on Friday.
    One persons voice may not be loud enough for change to occur, But what if we get together and voice our views to get the attention of the Industry's biggest companies? We CAN save Telltale. The odds are so incredibly low and stacked against us but even the lowest of odds can still be broken and beaten.

    Telltale have given us Clementine, Lee, Javier, Kenny, Bigby, Rhys, Fiona, Snow, Jesse, Sam & Max, The Guardians of The Galaxy, Bruce Wayne, John Doe, Rodrik, Asher, Gared, StrongBad and many other amazing characters with amazing Stories. I think we should thank them for that and do our very best to return the favour and to try our best to save Telltale Games. Pete Hawley can't do it on his own and while he had the backing of the Board of Directors, It sadly wasn't enough. It is important we get together and fight our hardest to save Telltale Games.

  • Thanks for the mention. I’m glad we met. Please accept a thousand hugs from me <3

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I didn't want to make a post tagging everyone at first since you're all amazing and I didn't want to forget to tag any of you. This has been

  • edited September 2018

    Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon
    Though its the end of the world,
    Don't blame yourself now
    And if its true,
    I will surround you and give life to a world
    That's our own

  • The previous CEO= Homer Simpson

  • Aw' shucks, this is bringin' tears to my eyes. I will forever treasure these memories. This is the greatest forum I have ever been in. When I grow up, I'll always have this to look back to.
    Like if you cry everytiem.

  • Depends. As long as it's somewhat similiar to the telltale forums then sure. The only thing I don't like about Reddit is how downvoting and upvoting can change the position of a thread drastically and you need to click on New to actually see everything.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Would anyone here be interested in a backup forum in case this place crashes and burns? I'm trying to get something working right now but it's not a 100% guaranteed thing so don't hold me to it.

  • Yeah, I've had some problems too. It's really slow, takes 5 seconds to do anything, be it open a notification box, post a discussion or reply to a comment. But when you said hours, it felt like my lungs sank and my heart skipped a beat. I now know that this is the end though, now that several have stated that Telltale will close after the obligations are fullfilled, i.e Minecaft.

    We REALLY need an alternate forum that is not related to Telltale.

    Perhaps. It also just might be increased traffic. I have no idea how much longer the forums got. Could be hours. Could be days. It could even be months. If this is the end though, it's been a good ride. Glad to meet ya.

  • Think about how Gameover Ent returns and he's hyped but then this happens.

  • So...does anyone know something concerning the creation of a forum ?

  • One of my greatest fears is that someone at Telltale who has never been on the forums before and who doesn't understand what makes it so special will just close it down without thinking about all the people they'd harm. I know that even if I see people on Discord and Reddit it won't be the same. It's like meeting up with an old friend but then realising you don't have a connection anymore. I can get over the fact that there will never be a Telltale game again, but it''s a horrible and petrifying thought to think that after a refresh this site will close down too. Telltale has no obligation to do so, but maybe someone could ask employees to ask Telltale's skeleton crew to modify the site to be something away from Telltale. Without News, Jobs, Support, Company, etc. What would it be called?

    Telltale's Legacy.

  • Thought, I would be more relieved to know that our posts remain intact.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    One of my greatest fears is that someone at Telltale who has never been on the forums before and who doesn't understand what makes it so spe

  • edited September 2018

    I will miss the users more then the games they were interesting, smart and entertaining. The games were same copy paste while slapping on different name cash grabs.

    Didnt like the company they treated staff like trash without any innovation.

    I remember this forum more then the games I have many wonderful memories here

  • Thanks for kind words!
    It's very cute.
    Yeah, I want this time back.
    But I still believe Its not the end and TWD will be finished sooner or later and Telltale will reborrn!

    This gif :)

    YASSSS I remember you! Sorry for not tagging you, I fixed it in another thread. You mean the Sombrero ship, right? Those were golden times, mate. Спасибо большое

  • Yeeeah, I have more memories from this forum than the game. But the games are still amazing though, trying to convince peeps on PewDiePie's vid that Telltale games are not David Cage games with a right and wrong answer.

  • Oh hey, thanks for the mention! I don't think we interacted much, but I definitely recognize your username. Never got a chance to say it before, but you're a pretty cool person. :)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I didn't want to make a post tagging everyone at first since you're all amazing and I didn't want to forget to tag any of you. This has been

  • A lot of people read about what happened to my sister (MegaXD) and i want to clarify what happened before this forum stops existing, long story short: I’m her brother and I’m the one who was posting things after her last post which was a suicide comment around the time I’m writing this 7:40PM. Well... she couldn’t make it. I honestly don’t want to describe how she did it, after 1 month I decided to join this forum and I’ve been keeping her account alive because it’s a great distraction, besides the community here is the best. I didn’t want to attract too much attention or anything and also I don’t want to remember what happened, that’s why I didn’t post anything about this earlier.
    Anyway... awful things happens in life and we have to move on, my sister LOVES all the telltale games and I bet she would be devastated about this, she has all the games and I started playing some of them for the first time and yes this company had so much potential, their games are so good and original.
    I won’t mention people here because I don’t know anyone but thanks for this amazing community that my sister was once part of.

  • Although I never spoke with your sister, I'd like to say that i'm terribly sorry about what happened to her, and that I hope she's in a much happier place. <3

    MegaXD posted: »

    A lot of people read about what happened to my sister (MegaXD) and i want to clarify what happened before this forum stops existing, long st

  • edited September 2018

    Don’tcha just love being single? You get to rant and rave to a company to bring back a franchise that you love without your partner thinking that u are some kind of loser ? pls telltale, give us walking-I mean I-walking deeeaad ?

  • Being single is hella fun. You don't get into arguments about what you and your girlfriend want to eat, have her say she's not hungry but then eat off of your plate, not having to see her wear your hoodies, not having a girl to miss whenever you two don't see each other for a while, not having someone you feel spiritually entwined with :D

    Melton23 posted: »

    Don’tcha just love being single? You get to rant and rave to a company to bring back a franchise that you love without your partner thinking that u are some kind of loser ? pls telltale, give us walking-I mean I-walking deeeaad ?

  • (Me trying to hide the fact that I clearly have contrasting feelings on the subject)

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Being single is hella fun. You don't get into arguments about what you and your girlfriend want to eat, have her say she's not hungry but th

  • It'd have a simple forum format kinda like but the layout and design would be very different as expected. If I can get a reputation system to work it wouldn't effect the position of posts. It'd just be like and dislike. Or just a like system like on here.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Depends. As long as it's somewhat similiar to the telltale forums then sure. The only thing I don't like about Reddit is how downvoting and

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