You're gonna have a hard time suing them; their tricky legal department managed to narrowly slide past that copyright infringement by changing one letter of it's name so that it's "Meltan" instead of "Melton".
I was still extremely angry over the news regarding the lawsuit this morning, it even carried on throughout most of my school day, luckily the homies cheered me up ? srry to everyone I argued with, I still feel for the employees... despite being fucked over too early, instead of them filing the lawsuit after the final season was finished, which was still quite yeah... ?
I was still extremely angry over the news regarding the lawsuit this morning, it even carried on throughout most of my school day, luckily t… morehe homies cheered me up ? srry to everyone I argued with, I still feel for the employees... despite being fucked over too early, instead of them filing the lawsuit after the final season was finished, which was still quite yeah... ?
So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete infor… moremation. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
i've been using aussie shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner for so long and now i found out they test on animals. i need to be more careful ?
This is going to be the fourth forum(professional legitimate company forum) shutdown while I've been an active member. Starting to think that I'm the real problem.
I didn’t post here as much as a lot of people but I’m so upset about this whole situation. I don’t have any friends here but this was my onl… moreine ‘home’ for the better part of three years.
It’s crazy to look back and realise how much of my teenage life was influenced by Telltale’s games and its community. I remember when I was fourteen years old, watching Youtube videos on the family iPad with nothing better to do, I tapped on a TWAU video simply because it looked cool. I remember crying as many tears as I have in the past few days while watching the TWD Season One finale. And then there was TFTBL, something that I put off for months before I gave it a go and then chastised myself for leaving it so long! Days before the release of its fourth episode I bought the game and played through it on my family computer at about nine frames per second because I needed to experience it myself.
Then I joined the community. Obviously it wasn’t all su… [view original content]
Really disturbed to see the number of people in the Walking Dead forum hoping that the former employees that got screwed over by Telltale do… moren't get paid. Because of.. what? Because you may not get you're video game? So these people should go unpaid after years of being overworked and then a surprise layoff without any kind of severance and limited health insurance because "I WANT MY VIDEO GAME NOW"?
I wonder how many of these people saying all this are actually adults.
One day, I’m gonna start my own band and our name will be We Are Ants. Our 1st album name will be Ant Army. I don’t know where this came from, but this just popped up in my head last night?.
Have you seen this theory on why the titan was so different from the others?
You should give it a watch if you haven't. AFTER YOU'VE SEEN THE WHOLE SEASON ofcourse
Have you seen this theory on why the titan was so different from the others?
You should give it a watch if you haven't. AFTER YOU'VE SEEN THE WHOLE SEASON ofcourse
Well somebody needs to get sued
I was still extremely angry over the news regarding the lawsuit this morning, it even carried on throughout most of my school day, luckily the homies cheered me up ? srry to everyone I argued with, I still feel for the employees... despite being fucked over too early, instead of them filing the lawsuit after the final season was finished, which was still quite yeah... ?
So Sony just opened up Crossplay and Cross-progression for Fortnite today for Xbox (OMG
) and Switch.
This is huge.
This is awesome.
Don’t apologise to them.They should be apologising to YOU.
Nah, I was out of line.
I don’t think so.
Ok, Ik ?
We are all cave dwellers... Also you might like shrooms ✌️
1-10 how fat am I??

i've been using aussie shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner for so long and now i found out they test on animals. i need to be more careful ?
2nd times the charm
Hmmm, I'mma say -9. You must be death-defyingly thin if you only eat virtual sandwiches.
Ooh sheet, the last forum I was a member of got shut down too!!
Oh hey! You were one of the winners of that Hot Profile Pic Competition 2017! Still wearing that medal with pride, I see.
Haha, yep. I forgot my Gravatar password but y'know, I never felt compelled to change the pic.
Ordered crab sticks, fried rice, and fries.
I can understand crab sticks and fried rice. But crab sticks, fried rice AND fries? Now that's going too far!
You gotta try it sometime. It’s awesome sauce.
Say WHAT...?
To answer both: I have noooo idea
Rewatching Haters Back Off!. This show is golden. Too bad it won't get a third season.
seems p accurate ?
wikipedia says it already has an 8ep second season. looks like a fun show too. i'll probs watch it someday.
I love how huge and disproportionate it is.

Its a great show. Very hilarious
One day, I’m gonna start my own band and our name will be We Are Ants. Our 1st album name will be Ant Army. I don’t know where this came from, but this just popped up in my head last night?.
The artist who created Bowsette is Malaysian.
Have you seen this theory on why the titan was so different from the others?

You should give it a watch if you haven't. AFTER YOU'VE SEEN THE WHOLE SEASON ofcourse
I’ve already seen it. He’s basically a deformed colossal with back problems?
Finally turned 17 today and I finally got Spiderman PS4
Damn, you weren't even a person when 9/11 happened
Anyways, happy birthday!
Thank you very much mate
Not as neat as Omelette.
I remember you being 14.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Time flies man
Im certainly glad to have spent these three years with you all.
Thanks buddy!
When you go to and start adding shit to your cart knowing damn well you have no money to buy anything

thats what she said. ?