The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • you slaughtering people in cold blood with your responses is the most entertaining the forums have been in quite some time.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well, what are we making shit up about now? I assume you meant, "Well who's making shit up now?" The answer is still you. H

  • Only the best FACTS™ and LOGIC™ for my space wizard film :triumph:

    you slaughtering people in cold blood with your responses is the most entertaining the forums have been in quite some time.

  • Let's stop this argument, someone is gonna get banned if it goes on.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well, what are we making shit up about now? I assume you meant, "Well who's making shit up now?" The answer is still you. H

  • B U R N T

    you slaughtering people in cold blood with your responses is the most entertaining the forums have been in quite some time.

  • Thats not the problem here, I'm okay with female characters having screen time for most the movie. But I think there should be a balance.

    AChicken posted: »

    the female characters have way more screen time than the male characters. Dear god, this is blasphemy of the highest degree! How dare a film give women more importance than men?!

  • edited November 2019

    Let's stop this argument, someone is gonna get banned if it goes on.

    Well alright then.

    • I'm okay with female characters having screen time for most the movie.
    • But I think there should be a balance.

    Okay one more.

    Thats not the problem here, I'm okay with female characters having screen time for most the movie. But I think there should be a balance.

  • edited November 2019

    The teaser trailer for Pixar's upcoming animated movie Soul is out!

    If you're unfamiliar, Soul is about "a musician who has lost his passion for music is transported out of his body and must find his way back with the help of an infant soul learning about herself." It's being directed by Pete Doctor who directed Up and Inside Out so this will almost certainly be another tearjerker.

    I just gotta say the shots on Earth are gorgeous, holy shit. I also like the look of the souls, they're really cute looking. Very excited for this one.

  • Who, me or him?

    you slaughtering people in cold blood with your responses is the most entertaining the forums have been in quite some time.

  • Oh, duh! I can be stupid at times!

    captainivy1 posted: »


  • He's already dead, just stop!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well, what are we making shit up about now? I assume you meant, "Well who's making shit up now?" The answer is still you. H

  • Da fuq

    Ghetsis posted: »

    He's already dead, just stop!

  • Come on guys, can't you all be mature and not result to such childish squabbling?

    Consider this, how do you say... a final warning. If I see one more damn Star Wars argument spiraling out of hand, or anyone involved in this most recent debate step out of line, well... I have a bad feeling about that.

  • Oh shit!

    Come on guys, can't you all be mature and not result to such childish squabbling? Consider this, how do you say... a final warning. If I

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited November 2019

    On a lighter note, today is the 5th anniversary of the creation of my forum account (also my half-birthday). It has been an...interesting five years on the forums, to say the least. I played some great games and some subpar games, seen a lot of people come and go, and made some good friends too. Telltale died, and then came back...sorta...Life has changed a lot too. Here's to the forums.

    Also, N7 day, although not a lot to celebrate there either.

  • Me walking into this thread having no idea what's going on.

    PS, I don't want to know. All I know it has something to do with Star Wars and I want no part of it.

  • The ethnic diversity and larger female cast was a marketing move to expand the demographic. The sequel trilogy is being supervised by a woman as well so that also has a part in it. It wouldn't be as big a problem if the characters were better developed.

    I believe the cast was selected to make Star Wars more "accessible", if that makes sense.

  • I'm so glad I didn't preorder RDR2 from the crappy Rockstar launcher. Good thing I am waiting for the Steam release. But I do still wonder why Rockstar chose to put Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Epic Store before Steam. (As a side note I do know that you still need to use the stupid launcher even if you buy it on Steam).

  • But I do still wonder why Rockstar chose to put Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Epic Store before Steam.

    Probably money.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I'm so glad I didn't preorder RDR2 from the crappy Rockstar launcher. Good thing I am waiting for the Steam release. But I do still wonder w

  • Probably lots of money.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    But I do still wonder why Rockstar chose to put Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Epic Store before Steam. Probably money.

  • edited November 2019

    Finally decided to sit down and try my best to draw my own avatar the way I want it to be... and this time I actually drew something I find somewhat aesthetically pleasing! It's still really rough, but this is closer than I've ever gotten to the picture in my head! I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF!

    Birthday time

    I welcome tips and criticism

  • edited November 2019

    Happy Birthday! May your feathers remain preened and your comb and wattle forever red!

    If you don't mind I had a go at trying to draw your chicken.

    One with a party hat.

    AChicken posted: »

    Finally decided to sit down and try my best to draw my own avatar the way I want it to be... and this time I actually drew something I find

  • Happy Birthday

    AChicken posted: »

    Finally decided to sit down and try my best to draw my own avatar the way I want it to be... and this time I actually drew something I find

  • edited November 2019

    First off, Thank You @MetallicaRules!

    Second, just... WOW. Thank you Lupin. This is a fantastic recreation. I'm so grateful you took the time to make this!
    And now I've got another reference to use to improve my design. Yay!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Happy Birthday! May your feathers remain preened and your comb and wattle forever red! If you don't mind I had a go at trying to draw your chicken. (Spoiler) One with a party hat. (Spoiler)

  • Happy birthday to @AChicken

    be sure to hop back on the TTC discord once Wolf 2 is announced ;)

  • edited November 2019

    Some of you may remember that post I made a few days ago about the controversy surrounding The Dragon Prince. Some time has passed, which has allowed me to at least gather my thoughts and listen to various perspectives. If I'm being honest, I think it's being blown a bit out of proportion.

    The evidence I'm seeing points to the creator in question, Aaron Ehasz (former head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender, used to work on Futurama and at Riot Games), is a ginormous asshole to work with. He treats those under him as expendable, he comes in and changes things to his liking, doesn't really take into consideration his employees concerns about changes that he failed to communicate with them, can be pretty demanding, and cowardly when it comes to owning up to his mistakes or fuck ups. One of the accusations was that he brought his kids into work with him one day, and when meetings got in the way, he dumped them on his staff to watch, pretty douchey thing to do.

    All that being said...I have no reason to believe that most, if any of it, is evidence of either abuse or even sexism like some are saying. One of the accusers claimed he failed to listen to both men and women when it came to their input, so it's not like this was just directed at female staff. One of the biggest accusations brought up by all the accusers so far was that Aaron never listened to their ideas or creative input and he would do what he wants. Sounds bad, and maybe some of the behavior is reprehensible, but it's not damning to be honest. He was the creative lead of these teams, whether that was his time at Riot Games or with The Dragon Prince, he's the boss, so yeah, of course he's going to go in the direction he thinks is best. He's under no obligations to implement every single idea you present forth, and not implementing those ideas is not necessarily ignoring them or failing to take them into consideration. And for the record, two of the people who are claiming this didn't even have creative roles on the team. One of them was the social media person for The Dragon Prince and the other was a writing assistant, not an actual writer. Now that's not to say everything they talked about was solely in regards to the show, some of their input and concerns that Ehasz failed to take into consideration was how the office is run and their own problems with him. One of the accusers said, during a group meeting, that she was afraid of having one-on-one meetings. Literally a week later, Ehasz calls her into a one-on-one meeting that (according to her) left her in tears at the fear of it (not clear if it was the actual subject of the meeting itself that left her in tears, but I think it was having the one-on-one meeting that got her upset). Is that an example of a really bad manager who doesn't always think about his employees, yes. Is it indicative of an abusive and even sexist/misogynistic person, I'm not willing to go that far.

    The closest thing they come to actual abuse is accusations of gaslighting, but even then, I'm just not sure if the evidence surrounding that is enough. Science does show that, with the passage of time and other outside factors in our environment, our memories are malleable and change. Memories are not static, every time you recall a certain memory, it changes a little bit. That's not to say he's absolutely not gaslighting, but both can be true at the same time. That there can be gaslighting, but at the same time, certain factors have caused one's mind to treat and see these memories as possible abuse. However, for the most part, it just doesn't come off that way. It just comes off as the dude being a huge douche in the workplace and treating people in less than stellar and unprofessional ways, and some people venting about either him coming in and changing things from the way they liked or not giving them creative input when that wasn't there job. It just sounds like he's a bad boss who's a huge egotist. It's certainly not appealing, but it's not "Boycott and cancel the show" worthy.

    I feel like this is honestly a well balanced, evidence based outlook of the situation. I tried posting a slightly more detailed version of this on Tumblr, and now for some reason, the post is just gone. Never deleted it, but it's not showing up in any tags. Guess someone got pissed off and flagged it or something, I don't know. God forbid I don't rush to emotional judgments or say something you don't like. There's a reason Tumblr is a cancerous website.

  • i pretty much thought you wrapped up your thoughts pretty neatly and i don't disagree with much of it, i will talk about one tiny thing though:

    There's a reason Tumblr is a cancerous website.

    this is a sentiment i have never understood. arguably twitter and facebook are just as bad, if not worse, than tumblr. i don't really understand where this "tumblr is evil" culture came from when the toxicity most people pin on tumblr is on every other site too.

    Some of you may remember that post I made a few days ago about the controversy surrounding The Dragon Prince. Some time has passed, which ha

  • That is true, but in my experience, it just feels more prominent and all encompassing with Tumblr than other sites. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. also have their negatives too, don't get me wrong (I could go on a similar tangent about how awful Twitter is and how it has negatively impacted our culture and our sense of rational discourse). We had that discussion about the subreddit a couple of weeks ago, and while there are other subreddits that are similar, just as bad, or maybe even worse, I doubt anyone really says that's what all of Reddit is like. Tumblr (again, based on my experience and that of others I have talked to), it just feels like everywhere you go, regardless of where it is, people act pretty toxic or just kind of crazy, like the slightest thing will set someone off and you'll be called some sort of "phobe" or "ist" because of a tiny phrase in your sentence. I'm still not saying everyone on the site is of that mindset, and if you find enjoyment in it and have a fondness for the community there, great, all the more power to you. Tumblr just always feels like it's more, I don't know, "out there," like everyone just wants to out "woke" each other half the time. Someone on there got pissed the other day and claimed racism because they drew an Inuit character a slightly lighter shade of brown (it looked fine to me if I'm being honest, and even if it was, it was probably just an accident). They said they were whitewashing, they called them bigoted and insulted the entire piece and the artist, because the skin tone was minutely off. I think the reason Tumblr gets its bad rap is because people are just so quick to jump the gun and cry foul, instead of maybe giving people the benefit of the doubt. Hence why I think my post just up and vanished, it gave the creator, even though I called him out on several horrible acts, the benefit of the doubt in someway and didn't label him sexist, misogynistic, and a horrible person because he was a cis, straight white male. No joke, someone actually said that because of this incident, he will never watch anything created by a cis, straight white male ever again. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about. The mob mentality of Tumblr is strong, and that's why it's the butt of a lot of jokes.

    i pretty much thought you wrapped up your thoughts pretty neatly and i don't disagree with much of it, i will talk about one tiny thing thou

  • edited November 2019

    I'm still so touched by the amount of well-wishes and little "gifts" people have sent me here today. Man, thanks guys. You're all the best. I love ya. :bawling: :blush:

    If you haven't yet, please put your name and date in the Birthday thread, so it can be kept track of for future reference (by me). And don't be afraid to wish others a happy birthday when it's their time, too. I have to admit that in reviving the thread, I never expected to be the only one checking in every now and then to give people congratulations and stuff.
    But, eh, I like it. I'll keep it alive and well.

  • Hope your birthday was wonderful!

    AChicken posted: »

    I'm still so touched by the amount of well-wishes and little "gifts" people have sent me here today. Man, thanks guys. You're all the best.

  • Hope you had a great birthday.

    AChicken posted: »

    I'm still so touched by the amount of well-wishes and little "gifts" people have sent me here today. Man, thanks guys. You're all the best.

  • Me waiting for Telltale to just announce Wolf 2 already so we can talk about Telltale again

  • Happy Birthday Chicken Fam

    AChicken posted: »

    I'm still so touched by the amount of well-wishes and little "gifts" people have sent me here today. Man, thanks guys. You're all the best.

  • edited November 2019

    Yeah! Birthday has been pretty good so far. Lots of people at school wished me a happy birthday (after reminding them all).

    Family was great when getting back home. They did the same thing. Apparently the big cake, gifts and general festivities are delayed until tomorrow night, when all the relatives come over.
    They did make me some small cupcakes tonight though. I'm 4 now! Oh boy! :smiley:

    No, really, I'm actually 21 now. Whoopee! Legal drinking around the globe!
    (too bad I don't like alcohol!)

  • Haven't posted here in a while.

    Can't believe it's been so long since TWD: The Final Season dropped. I was fully expecting this whole website to be completely obliterated by now.

  • Probably would have been obliterated by now if not for Telltale being revived.

    Haven't posted here in a while. Can't believe it's been so long since TWD: The Final Season dropped. I was fully expecting this whole website to be completely obliterated by now.

  • Instead, it's just pretty crippled.

    Haven't posted here in a while. Can't believe it's been so long since TWD: The Final Season dropped. I was fully expecting this whole website to be completely obliterated by now.

  • @AChicken
    Happy late birthday my chicken!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Instead, it's just pretty crippled.

  • adulthood is loving the minecraft alpha soundtrack but being unable to listen to it because every time you do you start to cry remembering better times where you didn't have to worry about bills or politics or mental health because all you did was play Minecraft on Xbox with your friends, friends who you haven't been in contact with for quite some time and likely never will be again.

    wishing I was dead rn bros

  • Some guy on /r/TheWolfAmongUs posted "leaks" this morning for season 2. Pretty obvious he's a troll, but the pic he included still has me a little curious because I don't recognize where the Snow (?) model is from. Can anyone help me trace it so I can better debunk it?

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