The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • The controller for PS5 is revealed. No more dualshocks, we are now going to have dualsenses.

    I dunno what to say. It looks neat but I don't like the lack of colors for the button symbols and it looks a little bit fatter. But I guess I gotta get used to it.

  • I have been doing nothing more than just working out at home and just basically going outside only to get food and groceries. I have limited it time to time. Also been buying beer too. Hopefully Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't get delayed again. CD Project Red stated that they sre working hard to get it out and they are taking their time with it. I can't wait to play it

  • Well at least we know what the colour scheme of the console is...

    I'm kinda wowed by the controller, and kinda weirded out by the change. It just looks so... Future Foundation-like.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The controller for PS5 is revealed. No more dualshocks, we are now going to have dualsenses.

  • There will probably be controller customizations you can order in the future. Unfortunatly, the console will probably ship with the base color versions. If playstation is smart they would have customizations availble to order before the console releases.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The controller for PS5 is revealed. No more dualshocks, we are now going to have dualsenses.

  • edited April 2020

    if i recall correctly, the coding they used when developing the first two games is now basically unusable on modern hardware, so just remastering the first two would be impossible, they'd have to do a complete remake from the ground up.

    as for the switch port, the developers probably didnt have enough confidence to put the remaster on switch due to it's slightly older hardware. yes the switch could probably run it, but not without a huge asterisk attached, similar to the witcher 3. so switch gets the re-release, everyone else gets the remaster.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Why is Saints Row 3 getting remastered? Didn't it just get released on the Switch? As someone who's played all the Saints Row games, I wonde

  • Damn that sucks. I always wondered what the first two games would look like with the enhanced graphics.

    as for the switch port, the developers probably didnt have enough confidence to put the remaster on switch due to it's slightly older hardware. yes the switch could probably run it, but not without a huge asterisk attached, similar to the witcher 3. so switch gets the re-release, everyone else gets the remaster.

    Yeah the switch could run it and it would probably have low fps like how Witcher 3 was on switch.

    if i recall correctly, the coding they used when developing the first two games is now basically unusable on modern hardware, so just remast

  • The regular, hourly associates have had a $2 extra per hour raise since about a month ago, along with a doubled rate for OT, unlimited time off, and paid 2 week sick leave. It was announced a couple of weeks ago that a one time bonus would be given to managers (like myself) for their April paycheck (as I get paid once a month). It's a lump sum of $2000, which, after taxes because I live in one of the highest taxed states in the country, will only be about a $1100 take home bonus.

    Did I just hear that Amazon is starting to give out pay raises for their employees? I thank you for your hard work through these times @Meta

  • It looks ugly.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The controller for PS5 is revealed. No more dualshocks, we are now going to have dualsenses.

  • Damn that sucks. I always wondered what the first two games would look like with the enhanced graphics.

    well they could always remake it later down the road. i know they're working on Saint's Row 5 right now but after that they probably wont be making a 6 for a while

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Damn that sucks. I always wondered what the first two games would look like with the enhanced graphics. as for the switch port, the de

  • Yeah, it felt a bit overwhelming to me too and I played the second game. It's because there are a lot of references to the book characters which haven't appeared in the previous games, but you should be fine if you read the character bios.

    Fortunately for you, the choices from the second game have minimal impact (too minimal if you ask me), maybe with the exception of Letho's fate, but that one isn't super important either.

    And yes, Gwent is great. It's pretty funny in hindsight because Geralt is supposed to be in hurry completing the main quests yet he wastes time by playing card games with merchants. Make sure to get as many spy cards as possible, card advantage is everything in this game.

    It's...okay. I'm still only at Level 5-6, not incredibly far into the game yet, just met Yennefer after searching for her. I will say I feel

  • edited April 2020

    I don't mind the overall design, though I do miss the coloured buttons. I think they should make a dark version too because the white plastic looks like it could discolour easily. Hopefully it isn't too much heavier than the DualShock 4 because my small, womanly hands struggle with that enough already.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The controller for PS5 is revealed. No more dualshocks, we are now going to have dualsenses.

  • Was there ever a beautiful controller?

    It looks ugly.

  • edited April 2020

    I went down a Twitter rabbit hole today, and through an artist's retweet of an artist's retweet of an artist's retweet, I found this adorable art piece of Isabelle and Tom Nook. At least, I'm pretty sure. I can't read anything on this person's profile.

  • edited April 2020

    i have to go now, my planet needs me.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Hi, UrbanRodrik! Good to see you again!

  • Because the virus is kinda forbidding me from doing anything truly productive, I decided to work on another "Telltale project." I dont think it will come out as well as the Poker Night 3 thing as what I have to work with is a bit more restrictive, but hopefully it does come out "pretty cool." Honestly after this if anyone has a suggestion of something I should try and "create/recrate" involving Telltale let me know. Don't really have anything else to do so might as well practice with this.

  • Hopefully dust can't get inside.

    hemfbg posted: »

    I don't mind the overall design, though I do miss the coloured buttons. I think they should make a dark version too because the white plast

  • It's almost funny what a crapshoot technology is sometimes.
    Didn't that happen to Kingdom Hearts as well?

    if i recall correctly, the coding they used when developing the first two games is now basically unusable on modern hardware, so just remast

  • Is it possible to gain negative brain cells from dealing with idiots?

    Because my dad is being a dickhead. As of late, my little sister has a bunch of overdue assignments. So our mother took away her phone privileges, as expected. And she can't get it back until she gets her assignments done, and holy fucking shit, that takes forever! So, she can't call my dad. Which he only calls her for some reason. And my little brother won't ever charge his phone. So, last night. my phone dies on me. And he calls me when my phone is dead. So, he bombs my fucking phone. And my phone is on 30% so I go on it. And I see fucking 20 damn notifications in 30 minutes from him. So, I call him. And he fucking says to me that I need to call him at 5:00 PM every day now. And I have no choice, and he got really hostile because I had to go eat dinner. So I sat there on the phone talking to him, for a whole hour, because god forbid I eat dinner. So, he then finally says that he needs to go.

    And, I already hate my father. Which, I know, it is a strong connotation to say you hate your father. But, to be honest, I don't give a shit anymore.

  • "are you really wasting your time in quarantine making "What if" Telltale concepts?"

    "Why yes I will be posting cringe tomorrow, how could you tell?"

  • uh, yeah dude. obviously.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Was there ever a beautiful controller?

  • hey i get you're dealing with some troubling times right now, and i fully sympathize with you and get it being somebody with my own father issues, but if i could make a suggestion, probably refrain from using the word "retard" in a hateful sense. it doesnt bother me too much personally, but i know it does bother some people and i'd prefer it if the very nice people on these forums had a welcoming environment they could come and chat in where they arent faced with offensive language. not telling you how to post obviously, just asking kindly for you to be a bit more mindful.

    Is it possible to gain negative brain cells from dealing with idiots? Because my dad is being a dickhead. As of late, my little sister ha

  • not sure but i think it also happened to demon's souls, so it definitely seems like a common problem

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's almost funny what a crapshoot technology is sometimes. Didn't that happen to Kingdom Hearts as well?

  • Bro

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "are you really wasting your time in quarantine making "What if" Telltale concepts?" "Why yes I will be posting cringe tomorrow, how could you tell?"

  • When I was a kid there was a video game store that had this on display for years. I thought it was the coolest looking controller ever.

    But now I'm like what on Earth were the designers thinking of when they made this. How is this comfortable to hold in any way?

    uh, yeah dude. obviously.

  • Ah, okay.

    I was just mad at the time, lol. I won't say it... unless something dumb happens. lol

    hey i get you're dealing with some troubling times right now, and i fully sympathize with you and get it being somebody with my own father i

  • It's April 2020 and I still haven't seen Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. I dunno if I want to because I learned the major spoilers that were basically the leaks before this movie even came out. I'm just afraid that I'm just gonna talk shit about it after I see it.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    As someone who saw it, it's really not worth it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's April 2020 and I still haven't seen Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. I dunno if I want to because I learned the major spoilers that were ba

  • It's better than The Last Jedi, but that wasn't exactly a high bar. Supposedly it makes more sense if you also read the novelization, but you probably don't want to invest that much into it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's April 2020 and I still haven't seen Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. I dunno if I want to because I learned the major spoilers that were ba

  • Not that I'm against reading, I love it, but I shouldn't have to read a novelization in order to understand the movie.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's better than The Last Jedi, but that wasn't exactly a high bar. Supposedly it makes more sense if you also read the novelization, but you probably don't want to invest that much into it.

  • now I am goin to lose subscribe

    Ghetsis posted: »


  • coolio. like i said, i'm not tryin to police your posts or anything, you're a free man. i just wanted to offer a suggestion.

    Ah, okay. I was just mad at the time, lol. I won't say it... unless something dumb happens. lol

  • edited April 2020

    if you hated the last jedi as much as you always say, avoid rise of skywalker. because while it is a movie that shits all over everything the last jedi set up, it is also a movie that is 10 times less coherent than the last jedi and is 10 times more anti-star wars than (the general perception of) the last jedi. it stinks and i dont like it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's April 2020 and I still haven't seen Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. I dunno if I want to because I learned the major spoilers that were ba

  • edited April 2020

    i've held it in my hands and i think the only way it could possibly be effective is as a torture device.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    When I was a kid there was a video game store that had this on display for years. I thought it was the coolest looking controller ever. B

  • edited April 2020

    In hell this is the controller they make you play with.

    Also the N64 controller.

    i've held it in my hands and i think the only way it could possibly be effective is as a torture device.

  • not just the n64 controller, like a neon green translucent wildcatz n64 controller.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    In hell this is the controller they make you play with. Also the N64 controller.

  • I mean, it was WAYYYYY better than TLJ. But, I really wouldn't watch the movie by itself. There are some details left out, for some odd reason. I would read the novelization first, as it gives more background on things that weren't explained in the film. Which, is stupid if you ask me. You shouldn't have to invest so much time into reading a book about a move you are about to watch, just to get a small bit of information.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's April 2020 and I still haven't seen Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. I dunno if I want to because I learned the major spoilers that were ba

  • edited April 2020

    Wow, those controllers are... butt ugly. Pure evil. I like it.

    not just the n64 controller, like a neon green translucent wildcatz n64 controller.

  • edited April 2020

    Got to say, I am really not digging The Witcher 3. Like I legitimately am not having a good time with it, and I’m trying to keep pushing through in the hope that it’ll start to click, but I’m not enjoying myself at all.

    The game just keeps throwing lore at you, expecting you to know it, the story just feels like it’s constantly getting side tracked, and the gameplay is incredibly frustrating. Not even in a Dark Souls way in that it’s frustratingly challenging, it’s just frustratingly frustrating. When I have to spend 30 seconds trying to get in just the right spot to get on my horse, or I’m getting blocked by a small and weak tree/wall that the horse should have no problem charging through/jumping over, it just gets to you after a while. I’m ready to put the game down and go back to Horizon Zero Dawn, it’s pretty similar but at least I have fun with that game. When the most fun I’m having is with the Gwent card games and not the actual game, I think it’s time I move on.

  • I agree. Ive tried getting into Witcher 3 three times now and just cant. Its a bit too time consuming for the wrong reasons and feels like more like a chore imo

    Got to say, I am really not digging The Witcher 3. Like I legitimately am not having a good time with it, and I’m trying to keep pushing thr

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