The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What, you can't sleep? :?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's one of those nights again. Just like last night -.-

  • Hey guys, how are you today?

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2014

    hanging folks for littering.

    It's actually more like paid leave for pooping in our living room.

  • Shit, you reminded me that I have homework to do on vacation. I'll just ignore it and copy my friends' answers, fuck it. And you know, I didn't come up with this username based on ravioli, but people still think of ravioli. I've never eaten ravioli, to be honest.

    And sorry for the late reply, yo, I had to go to sleep earlier because my father was angry as fuck.

    Deceptio posted: »

    FuckHomework But seriously, why do we have to do work at home when we do enough at school. Plus, an additional backstab to my summer, I h

  • I want to spend all day playing DOTAAAAAAAAAAA

    I'm fine, thanks.

    Hey guys, how are you today?

  • I knew someone was gonna say that!

    Azlyn posted: »

    Workin' girl |:3 (:3 ( ( ( ) ) ) ):3 |:3 Good night! ^^

  • Really? I've only heard that from people who don't know the concept of "alpha".

    Otherwise I've heard nothing really horrible about it.

    sardines posted: »

    DayZ is bad I've heard. But I'm considering buying 7 Days to Die instead...? Do you have that?

  • Haiz. I'z here'z 2 tak ovr da worldz!

  • Whaz are'z you'z? Some'z kinds'z of'z Nazi'z-

    Haiz. I'z here'z 2 tak ovr da worldz!

  • :O

    Daz inzultinz!

    Whaz are'z you'z? Some'z kinds'z of'z Nazi'z-

  • What'z with'z da z'z? You'z trying'z some'z ghetto talk'z?

    Haiz. I'z here'z 2 tak ovr da worldz!

  • xD

    I'm sorry, i couldn't help it!

    I am going to go into that corner and giggle maniacally now.

    *huehuehuehue *

    I knew someone was gonna say that!

  • Tha'z isn'z tru'z

    :O Daz inzultinz!

  • I know the eyes seem a bit odd but after looking again I think I see a few things.

    The second's shoulder on the right looks a little longer than the other. Plus the left ear is lower than the other.

    And the part between the neck and shoulder on #3 looks a little odd, looks a little masculine. Perhaps a lower slope would suffice.

    Azlyn posted: »

    My drawings: ^^ Alright, i know i messed up their eyes, i'm trying over here. So, anything you guys have to point out? :? I need to know what's wrong with them.

  • edited June 2014


    Didn't think you would continue The Walking Urban! :D

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'll leave this preview here for awhile.

  • Perhaps I could make a GTA Thread? Would make things slightly easier.

    I agree, i'm getting tired of waking up to see I missed some drama or the lounge getting's been two times already... -_- That

  • @Azlyn, has your account been accessed by someone else?

  • Once, it was hacked a while ago, but i talked to the hacker and now i'm okay. Why're you asking? :?

    Syracuse posted: »

    @Azlyn, has your account been accessed by someone else?

  • There was dino-bots in the original cartoon series. They were special Transformers that can turn into dinosaurs.

    TMNT. No. Don't even mention. Nope. Nope. Megan Fox as April? Nope nope nope. I don't want to ruin my childhood memories. And really, the latest Transformer has dinosaurs in it. Dino_fucking_saurs. Just... really?

  • How am I going to function today? u_u

    Alt text

  • There was certainly something evil in that mountain.

    Alt text

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    SLEEPOVER The calm before the storm.(sorry for the helicopter lol) Kinda reminds me of Moonstar Lodge There was certainly something evil in that mountain.

  • edited June 2014

    So I went into the kitchen and I saw my rabbit family fooling around.

    Alt text


    I know I said I would visit less I just came to update my thread and thought I should stay for a bit. I love you guys too much.

  • Love is simply a bug in the human neural circuit. You can dump all the useless feelings over there--->

    Alt text

    So I went into the kitchen and I saw my rabbit family fooling around. DAMN IT STOP THAT! A DRILL IS NOT A TOY! I know I said I would visit less I just came to update my thread and thought I should stay for a bit. I love you guys too much.

  • Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Love is simply a bug in the human neural circuit. You can dump all the useless feelings over there--->

  • Are they severe? I move a lot though

    Azlyn posted: »

    Perhaps they are varices? A varix is an abnormally dilated vessel with a tortuous course. They're caused by hypertension, or lack of movemen

  • You talked to your hacker?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Once, it was hacked a while ago, but i talked to the hacker and now i'm okay. Why're you asking? :?

  • Dunz pizz mez offz.

    Tha'z isn'z tru'z

  • Iz don'tz knowz. Helpz meez.

    Azlyn posted: »

    What'z with'z da z'z? You'z trying'z some'z ghetto talk'z?

  • Nah, was just bored and depressed :c

    Azlyn posted: »

    What, you can't sleep? :?

  • Ah, I'm finally back home. My feet are killing me.

  • Eh idk, I've heard that in general, the game mechanics themselves are bad. That's something that being an alpha has nothing to do with. Like, if the concept's bad, then the game is not salvageable or whatever.

    From what I've heard, it's basically a game where you grab all the shit you possibly can (while avoiding fast zombies, I think?) and then the next minute someone else on the server will kill you just to steal said shit.

    But I haven't played it so maybe I've been misinformed?

    Really? I've only heard that from people who don't know the concept of "alpha". Otherwise I've heard nothing really horrible about it.

  • So @PasswordSuck will there be a GTAO session tonight? I'll finally be able to join.

  • You can read, can't you? Yeah, i have.

    You talked to your hacker?

  • Okay, fine, that was cute.

    Rabbids <3

  • I was depressed last night, too, and i couldn't sleep. :C

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nah, was just bored and depressed :c

  • edited June 2014

    It'd be no fun if you couldn't die.

    Downside of the game: you can die. Oh noes.

    Besides, isn't that essentially what every zombie survival online game is like?

    I dunno, I just don't really like the looks of 7 days. I guess that's just me.

    In DayZ, you can handcuff people, force feed rotten tomatoes, and steal their trousers. That to me is an insta buy.

    Plus, helicopters. I wuv helicopters.

    sardines posted: »

    Eh idk, I've heard that in general, the game mechanics themselves are bad. That's something that being an alpha has nothing to do with. Like

  • Well, they CAN burst, and that would present a problem. But i don't think they can burst for you. Maybe they're not even varices, i'm not a doctor. They just look like it. But, as i previously stated, they should normally be located on the lower limbs. So, yeah, might not be varices. You should go check 'em out, though. At a doc.

    Are they severe? I move a lot though

  • :(

    I just didn't think the hacker would talk to the person he is hacking. I dunno. Sorry.

    Azlyn posted: »

    You can read, can't you? Yeah, i have.

  • edited June 2014

    On school trips, i wake up my roomies by singing this song. Then they get pissed off and kick me out.

    But then there's this, which i was singing whenever they were changing. That is, i was singing while locked in the bathroom, on safe ground.

    Why so quiet?

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