The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Left for Dead?!?

    You, sir, are awesome.

    Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 Skyrim Fallout 3 DayZ Dota 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Borderlands 2 Team Fortress 2 These are all games

  • edited July 2014

    You did?? wtf xD I didn't know that! I really didn't.

    Oh yeah, when he died It felt like a part of my childhood was ripped out of me. :/

    WHAT?!? Are you freaking kidding me???? I think I mentioned earlier in the Lounge that I was in love with Steve Irwin when I was little. When my mom broke the news about the stingray....I laid down and cried on my couch for about 5 hours.

  • Alt text

    If you don't mind me asking, how old are you fellas? x) I'm eighteen. [Alice Cooper song starts playing]

  • Dafuq...

    Alt text

    Damn, I missed a penis conversation? DLB stole my wobble comment too ;-;

  • @TWDFan86

    But that rain, though...

  • Lol, I know that feeling. I used to be so obsessed with Skyrim, that I would play for hours and then stand up and almost faint because I haven't moved around, haha.

    My elf married Farkas (I think), but I got bored of him so I killed him under the assumption that by doing so I would be able to marry someone else (I was wrong, lol). So now I'm a widow. BUT, I've heard that the wizard guy from the inn in Riften is a good guy to marry, because he's pretty strong and can protect you (he's like a sellsword or something, and you have to hire him once first before you can marry him). I wish there were Khajiits that you could marry. :( I'm on PS3 so I can't mod anything, which sucks.

    I really want to play Skyrim again, but it got to the point where I spent 12 hours a day playing it and forgetting to eat lol. I have a Khaj

  • That was my major complaint with the whole marriage system (besides the fact that you can't make kids of your own). It's so racist! Even the Argonians have people you can marry! And Farkas was one of the people I considered marrying. We went on a quest together, and you could say we had a real connection, him and I ;)

    Lol, I know that feeling. I used to be so obsessed with Skyrim, that I would play for hours and then stand up and almost faint because I hav

  • My friend Eliza found a way to mod Skyrim on her laptop...which i'm actually surprised that it works without any problems for her...

    I might try doing that...someday...maybe...perhaps...meh..

    Khajiits are the best !! :D

    J'zargo is awesome xD

    Lol, I know that feeling. I used to be so obsessed with Skyrim, that I would play for hours and then stand up and almost faint because I hav

    edited July 2014

    She always reminds me of Breakfast Club :D

  • I know! 16 Candles and the Breakfast Club are actually some of my favorite movies :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    She always reminds me of Breakfast Club

  • I love doing shit to people as a Khajiit.

    I really want to play Skyrim again, but it got to the point where I spent 12 hours a day playing it and forgetting to eat lol. I have a Khaj

  • I kind of feel bad for murdering him now. D: He was actually really sweet. Oh well. I'm a black widow, I guess, lol.

    That was my major complaint with the whole marriage system (besides the fact that you can't make kids of your own). It's so racist! Even the

    edited July 2014

    Why? They be jelly?

    Alt text Alt text

    Lol, story of my life.

  • I don't know. :c Lmao.

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why? They be jelly?

  • Alt text

    Is that a fact XD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Everyone's like that, no sane person actually thinks he's beautiful, if someone does I'm pretty sure it's an illness.

  • Their loss :P

    Alt text Alt text

    I don't know. :c Lmao.

  • It's all about taste, you tell me!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Is that a fact XD

  • edited July 2014

    Okay, I just started playing Skyrim again and I'm laughing so hard right now WHAT GROUP OF BANDITS LEAVES A FIRE BURNING OUTSIDE THEIR CAMP like I know you're there stupid, you're not really hiding, I can see the smoke from like a hundred miles away.

    smh -_-

  • I know, right? :p Haha, jk

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Their loss :P

  • Alt text

    Mindf**k EW WHAT WHO!! DAYUM I must unsee that shit :O

    Who knows what's really going on there ;> Maybe you're the dictator of Israel! And take this fucking odd gif... lol xD

  • I think I'll call it a day, we continue this tomorrow!

    Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

    I know, right? Haha, jk

  • It's great, makes you think about stuff in a different way.

    I played all of them except always sometimes monsters, looks interesting, I'll check it out!

  • Yes exactly but everyone here is a sexy beast in my opinion :D

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's all about taste, you tell me!

  • edited July 2014

    Why Did you think I was 18?

    When I first saw you, I thought you looked 18.

  • lol, what race are you?

    Okay, I just started playing Skyrim again and I'm laughing so hard right now WHAT GROUP OF BANDITS LEAVES A FIRE BURNING OUTSIDE THEIR CAMP

  • edited July 2014

    Now with all this skyrim talk I'm so tempted to start a fresh character and play through the whole thing again but my game takes a too long to load up cause I have so many mods installed :/ nothing ever beats the feeling of playing through your first playthrough

    Okay, I just started playing Skyrim again and I'm laughing so hard right now WHAT GROUP OF BANDITS LEAVES A FIRE BURNING OUTSIDE THEIR CAMP

  • Bosmer.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    lol, what race are you?

  • random question

    What is the worst game you have ever played?

    I would have to say infestation survivor stories (which used to be called warz) I only own it cause my friend loves it for some reason and he bought me a copy cause he knew if someone else bought it for me I would play it cause if I didn't well that would be kinda dog since someone else used their own money to buy it for me and not playing it would be a massive fuck you

  • Survival instinct.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    random question What is the worst game you have ever played? I would have to say infestation survivor stories (which used to be called

  • Watch your mouth ATR!

    Damn, I missed a penis conversation? DLB stole my wobble comment too ;-;

  • I think of the people here as the best of today's society.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes exactly but everyone here is a sexy beast in my opinion

  • I've never played Skyrim.

    I feel like I haven't played a lot of games that most players have. This list ranges from Uncharted to Far Cry to even fucking Zelda. I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED A ZELDA GAME BY NOW, WHY HAVEN'T I!?

    Okay, I just started playing Skyrim again and I'm laughing so hard right now WHAT GROUP OF BANDITS LEAVES A FIRE BURNING OUTSIDE THEIR CAMP

  • He's right. I'm jelly.

    ok, I can handle it!

    edited July 2014

    So you like to go long range, huh?


  • edited July 2014

    holy shit yea that was bad I beat it in one sitting which only took 4 hours I only bought it cause on steam only for australians it was $30 on the day it came out for some reason and I had a spare $30 so I thought why not it will be bad but it can't be as bad as everyone is saying I was so wrong in every way possible

    Survival instinct.

  • I saw you post a picture of yourself... honestly thought you were 18 xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I look 18?

  • Didn't play it because I heard it was too bad, I've seen it and it's really shitty...

    Survival instinct.

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