The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Giraffehat posted: »

    Believe me, poked, I have no expectations of you ever getting laid.

  • There was an alarm over my city right now, as I was on the forums, we had to run down to the safe zone, apparently terrorists had launched more missiles on my city....

    I'm gonna drink the terrorist's blood.

  • Become Batman! Protect your city!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There was an alarm over my city right now, as I was on the forums, we had to run down to the safe zone, apparently terrorists had launched more missiles on my city.... I'm gonna drink the terrorist's blood.

  • lol, I'm not gonna go murder muslims on the streets as of yet, I'll join an organized army and contribute just like my friends and family!

    Become Batman! Protect your city!

  • But Batman doesn't kill...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    lol, I'm not gonna go murder muslims on the streets as of yet, I'll join an organized army and contribute just like my friends and family!

    edited July 2014

    And how is that working out for him?

    But Batman doesn't kill...

  • Seems to be going alright...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    And how is that working out for him?

  • Do it.

    sardines posted: »

    my friend just bought me an xbox 360... considering buying gta for it too xD

  • I wonder just how sweaty Rachelle is right now.... And smelly.

  • Well the Joker seems to be escaping time after time, so I wouldn't say that.

    Seems to be going alright...

  • Because it annoys her. :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why are you wondering that?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Congratulations on being the 32 000th comment.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why are you wondering that?

  • Why are you wondering that?

    I wonder just how sweaty Rachelle is right now.... And smelly.

  • Why not just use your mobile webpage. gj on makin tt spend moar monie. gad

  • Heeeh, smh.

    I wonder just how sweaty Rachelle is right now.... And smelly.

  • IT'S OUT ;D

  • My cat looooooooves to do that. It's a daily ritual and source of great joy for him. I don't reciprocate his feelings, but he does as he wills regardless.

    The only reason I'm awake is because my cat thought it would be fun to BODY SLAM HERSELF ONTO MY CHEST at 6:00 AM to wake me up so we could cuddle. She's 17 pounds, 17 pounds of fat cat crushing my windpipe x_x


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    IT'S OUT ;D

  • Wtf it still says this

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    IT'S OUT ;D

  • The PS Store usually updates around 4 pm EST I've noticed, so we have a little while to go.

    Wtf it still says this

  • I had a weird ass dream last night.

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    pls :D

    Deceptio posted: »

    I had a weird ass dream last night.

  • Alt text


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    IT'S OUT ;D

  • Okay, so I was stranded in the middle of this really big lake, and I had 2 yearbooks, a pair of sunglasses. and two random dogs. We were stranded for 2 days until I found this big rock. I climbed on top of it and when I reached the top I saw a dock and a town with people. I swam over there with the stuff I had and these people helped me up and gave me water and food. We all had lunch together until all of a sudden the lake started to rise rapidly. The town quickly flooded and we were all able to get on an inflatable raft with my stuff, except the two dogs, were ended up drowning. However, after they drowned, I "respawned" and we were eating lunch again. I knew what was going to happen this time so we got on the inflatable raft and I managed to get all of my stuff including the dogs. We floated out of the town and I ended up at my high school where I ended up attending a summer art and tech class with my cousin and then I woke up. Dafuq.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Woe there ATR!

    I found...... Spongebob pajamas..... they're in my parents room..... Your parents room? What are they doing there? Oh I see....

  • Alt text

    Dat happy ending :'D ^

    I hate drowning dreams I had them before :'O the flashbacks but yeah cool story bro :D

    Deceptio posted: »

    Okay, so I was stranded in the middle of this really big lake, and I had 2 yearbooks, a pair of sunglasses. and two random dogs. We were str

  • Bump with random LOTR's thing

    Alt text

  • Well he's dead or either has his face ripped off.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well the Joker seems to be escaping time after time, so I wouldn't say that.

  • Because it annoys her.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why are you wondering that?

  • Alt text


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why are you wondering that?

  • I got it ;)

    Because it annoys her.

  • Episode 5...


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Episode 5... WOW.

  • I want to play it so bad.

    I even took a nap to make the time go by. But I woke up with excruciating pain in my right arm. Turns out I was sleeping on it the whole time.

    I shouldn't have took the nap.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Episode 5... WOW.

  • Isn't that the guy from Lost? :P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bump with random LOTR's thing

  • You know, it's impossible to die in a dream? :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Dat happy ending :'D ^ I hate drowning dreams I had them before :'O the flashbacks but yeah cool story bro

    edited July 2014


    You get an upvote for this hilarious Dale gif though.

  • Ouch, I hate that, the episode is worth the wait :P

    I want to play it so bad. I even took a nap to make the time go by. But I woke up with excruciating pain in my right arm. Turns out I was sleeping on it the whole time. I shouldn't have took the nap.

  • People are saying it took them 60min to finish it. *sigh *

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Ouch, I hate that, the episode is worth the wait :P

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