The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Good night!

    Crap, I just remembered that I have stuff to do later today. UGH NO WHY Oh well. Goodnight I guess

  • NOOOOOO ~grabs Daniel's arms~ DON'T FIGHT

    Just let Jaden take care of this. He will smite down the nonbelievers.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodburry HOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL SLAP A MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jadenism.

  • Night.

    lmao, just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'll be able to sleep. You must be new here. Ugh fine. I'll try. -________- my head hurts too from crying FUUUUUUUUUUU Night Manny

  • edited July 2014

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    Based off a basic fact of psychology perceptive is reality so by stating this you truly believe it no matter the logic

    Azlyn everyone feels like that at your age you just need life experience and hit that turning point like I did with tv shows and magazine constantly painting a perfect image of life you will always feel like a let down or not perfect it's normal.

    We are all born different we are not robots don't you understand it's the differences what makes you unique and special not the similarity's I'm like no one here and no one is like me that's why the lounge work so well it's so much fun and inspiring seeing everyone's different talents and personality's I don't want anyone exactly like me that would be boring and pointless :/

    Azlyn you can only do your best for your family your heart is in the right place that's all that counts the way your showing such compassion and empathy for your family is beautiful and shows your a great person. Your so young Azlyn your powerless stop putting so much pressure on yourself your best is more then good enough haters going hate don't let criticism tear you down but motivate your fires within to succeed I faced so much criticism in my life I actually get more inspired by hate now.

    As for you I known you a while Azlyn and you want the honest truth my only frustration is you still don't see how unique and special you are your random comments and spam your high energy comments just brightens up the place so much and can't tell you how much the forum missed you ever ask yourself why so many people count on you so much that is pure belief in you everyone can see it except you your one of my favourite people here.

    Personally I never wanted to be normal or perfect how boring and awful that would be that's what makes the world such a beautiful and random place. A few of my heroes Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Galileo and mourinho etc do you know what they have in common they dared to be different they refused to be part of the system and thought outside the box no matter all the hate and abuse they got.

    Talk on steam later I could write a book on this issue don't want to bore you it's really hurt me reading this AHHHH and DLB is good at this stuff she will know

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Edited all the miserable horsecrap because people shouldn't read it.

  • Come at me bruh

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    Jewfreeus posted: »

    1v1 rust m8?!?!?!?! I wil quikscopz u til u dead kk? gud ORGELORD

  • edited July 2014

    1v1 rust m8?!?!?!?! I wil quikscopz u til u dead kk? gud


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodburry HOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL SLAP A MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jadenism.

  • Yeah you're right... I'll just... Eat a potato...

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    NOOOOOO ~grabs Daniel's arms~ DON'T FIGHT Just let Jaden take care of this. He will smite down the nonbelievers.

  • No. XD

    Doesn't Shrek's flirty face charm you? xD

  • edited July 2014

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    My mam and dad got divorced a couple of years ago to I know the feel and this comment I feel so bad for you rachelle I'm so sorry to hear that to many feels within me now I can't handle the feels as for stronger bit I can relate :'(

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    I honestly cried reading this. I'm crying right now. Legit. Everything you just said described perfectly my ENTIRE life a few years ago.

  • edited July 2014

    Shrek roars a mighty roar as he fills the kid's butt with his love.

  • Even though I only talked to you one time. And you don't consider me as your friend. But let me give you some friendly advice. These people here care about you. When I came here to this thread ALOT of people were saying "where's azlyn? We miss her" these people care about you more than you think. Life is like an arrow, it can only be shot by dragging it backwards, so when life drags you back with difficulties it means that it's gonna launch you into something great. If there's one thing I learned in life, it's to fight. Fight for what's right. Fight for what you believe in, what's important to you. But most importantly, fight for the ones you love.

    Azlyn posted: »

    AND ADD THAT TO THE THINGS I HATE! I hate how i am so pointless and don't bring anything to the lounge, i don't contribute crap here, and

  • Try me.

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    Jewfreeus posted: »

    1v1 rust m8?!?!?!?! I wil quikscopz u til u dead kk? gud ORGELORD

  • edited July 2014

    you can already hear us marching for our orgelord singing our song to preach the lord and savior


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Try me.

  • edited July 2014

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    The feels on this thread since I came back dayum to much!! D':

  • That kid is like kryptonite for me. <3

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Shrek roars a mighty roar as he fills the kid's butt with his love.

  • You have insomnia? So do i. -__-||

    I caaaaan't. Just shoot me. Please?

  • Steam not working. That's why i ranted here.

    And, Leonardo Da Vinci is my FAVORITE artist. Like, ever.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Based off a basic fact of psychology perceptive is reality so by stating this you truly believe it no matter the logic Azlyn everyone fee

  • I guess I just don't share it with many, and thanks :P

    Why did I not know your name before? I just found out now. That's a really pretty name.

  • I didn't sleep at all. -__-||



    He kills me. He really does. I swear to God.

  • Rowan Atkinson de best. Mr. Bean is a nice guy too. x)

    Azlyn posted: » He kills me. He really does. I swear to God.

  • how can jaden be real if will smith isn't real

  • edited July 2014

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    Fucking Jaden.

    how can jaden be real if will smith isn't real

  • I was here until 5 AM. Then I went to bed and watched funny videos on YouTube till 9 AM. I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I just kept doing random stuff on the internet. Now it's 3:30 PM and I still didn't sleep. Waiting for TWD trailer.

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    Azlyn posted: »

    I didn't sleep at all. -__-|| Sup.

  • That arrow metaphore is quite inspiring...

    Even though I only talked to you one time. And you don't consider me as your friend. But let me give you some friendly advice. These people

  • i wonder how much money i would get if i sold all of his gold jewelry

    Azlyn posted: »

    Fucking Jaden.

  • BUSTED?!?

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Cluke_is_Dumb @Welcome_to_Woodbury @Dont_Look_Back Shit's gone out of control, but meh, I'll post it, it's still hilariously idiotic:

  • If Patrick were real, i would marry him.

    I was here until 5 AM. Then I went to bed and watched funny videos on YouTube till 9 AM. I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I just kept doing random stuff on the internet. Now it's 3:30 PM and I still didn't sleep. Waiting for TWD trailer.

  • Ikr? My dad said it to me.

    Azlyn posted: »

    That arrow metaphore is quite inspiring...

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    Imma join in on your jadenism.

    i wonder how much money i would get if i sold all of his gold jewelry

  • O)_(O

    Twistee posted: »


  • Patrick was and always will be my favorite cartoon character.

    Azlyn posted: »

    If Patrick were real, i would marry him.

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    Maybe i should step on my no-spam rule and jaden-up this place.

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  • lol gurl ya gotta ask Daniel. he still needs to help me write the holy jadenism vows.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Imma join in on your jadenism.

  • #Jadenism

    Azlyn posted: »


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    Twistee posted: »


  • When Rachelle takes her cat face pictures:

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