The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oops, what I feared of most happened.

    Keep your head up Kai, you're great.

    Um, I am thank you very much. I'm actually quite offended by his ignorance. The fact that he stated an opinion and had nothing to support it

  • Lol, thanks. :3

    ...."It's true!"

  • Well I'm not homosexual, but I'm bisexual. Anyway my reaction was pretty much "I don't care". At least no one said anything like "I hate gays".

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    At least someone who is gay did not see it.

  • Seemed like you are, Mis. "It's raining tacos" ;0

    I'm not doing drugs ^-^

  • They still mean something even though they're dead. It's just one of those inspirational moments that predict something bad...

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Uhh I meant what does it have to do with TWD and if it's foreshadowing anything lol

  • Here you go, ATR. Just watch this. B^]

    When the wild ATR reads up on what she missed in the Lounge while at work, and finds comments condoning homophobia: THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MY HAPPY PLACE

  • No, I started it and took 100% responsibility, I'm proud of it, anyone who wants to point fingers can point them at me.

    I started it x_x I should have never mentioned anythingggg

  • Magic. I'm magical. Wizards don't need to sleep.

    Obviously... I mean what? How are you even still up? B]

  • OMFG SERIOUSLY??! That's awesome!! ^-^ I thought I was the only one!

    Alt text


  • Lmao, those two cats should team up together! B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD WAT? yes meowmeow and I thought my cats were bad? facepalm NOREGRETS

  • I never saw your real picture :p

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Both hmm whatever kool

  • What's mean?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dislike trolls? /l、 (゚、 。 7  l、 ~ヽ  じしf_, )ノ That's mean. But i hope the troops get things under control!

  • Yes <3 His name is Midnight.

    Not very original, I know, lol.

    you have a black cat??! ugh lucky. I've always wanted a black cat. v_v

  • edited July 2014

    Dislike trolls?


    (゚、 。 7

     l、 ~ヽ

     じしf_, )ノ

    That's mean. But i hope the troops get things under control!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    YES! GROUND TROOPS ARE INFILTRATING GAZA! This horror story is going to end, at long last We are going to fuck them up. This might be

  • Lol, she just wants to catify everyone!

    Alt text

    lmao is it national cat day or something? Idek.

  • Alt text

    XD would buy seriously I would must definitely buy :O

    Lmao, those two cats should team up together! B]

  • I would marry this guy.

    Lmao, this guy knows how to be romantic.

  • That song kills me. Every damn time.

  • I know what you look like, but I don't have a picture of you ;-;

    gimme pls

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I never saw yours I show my true colours

  • Huskies!! I love huskies! Ima grab one of those and RUN

    Here you go, ATR. Just watch this. B^]

  • Dat love :3 Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Oops, what I feared of most happened. Keep your head up Kai, you're great.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    XD I never saw yours I show my true colours :p

    Azlyn posted: »

    I never saw your real picture

  • Yeah well don't be sayin' stupid homophobic shit and it should be all good

    I'm sorry, Shiina. I didn't know it would upset you so much. v_v I'm the one who started this whole thing, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make anyone mad at me ;-;

  • No, I mentioned that Noncy said I was "homophobic". I started it. It's my fault. And I'm sorry about it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    No, I started it and took 100% responsibility, I'm proud of it, anyone who wants to point fingers can point them at me.

    edited July 2014

    Rachelle, I started it, I said it as well as Ohyoupokedme, but Kai has been my friend for a long time, and it's good that he got to see this, because Homophobia is worse than a disease, and people need to be aware it's far from dying.

    I'm sorry, Shiina. I didn't know it would upset you so much. v_v I'm the one who started this whole thing, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make anyone mad at me ;-;

  • freaking yes i've been needing this in my life.

    Azlyn posted: »

  • I won't, I promise! I would never say anything like that, ever!

    Yeah well don't be sayin' stupid homophobic shit and it should be all good

  • OOHHHH!! He's going to put a ring pop on it!

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    I would marry this guy.


    OOHHHH!! He's going to put a ring pop on it!

  • Alt text

    Yeah... you've lost it...

    Magic. I'm magical. Wizards don't need to sleep.

  • Great. I don't like getting mad at people :D

    I won't, I promise! I would never say anything like that, ever!

  • I'm not gonna start something on who started something xD

    You may have caused him to comment, but I escalated it, and I do not regret it, not even a little.

    No, I mentioned that Noncy said I was "homophobic". I started it. It's my fault. And I'm sorry about it.

  • Feels oddly nice.

    Azlyn posted: »

  • Phew, good. I don't like it when people are mad at me, lol. ^//^

    Great. I don't like getting mad at people

  • Holy shit, Mark! Let's make a game with cats as batman characters!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD would buy seriously I would must definitely buy :O

  • She never said anything homophobic Kai, it's ok.

    Yeah well don't be sayin' stupid homophobic shit and it should be all good

  • Can't find your comment but I'll upload it again and pm I'll be 5 minutes :p

    Lol, want me to use your real picture, or just the Joker?

  • Lol, stupid forums -______- making my comments vanish into thin air

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Can't find your comment but I'll upload it again and pm I'll be 5 minutes

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