Hollywood film about the game of The Walking Dead

Recently started dating Hollywood movies on the popular video games: Warcraft, assassin's creed ... they should come out in 2016. I have a personal feeling that the game of The Walking Dead, is going to be one of them. I'm not sure ... but there's always a possibility. Do not think TV series, maybe a series of films.
It may sound crazy, do not be angry with me as always, and cursing at me ... I just, I have a great feeling not too distant future, there will be something. Maybe it's just me. What do you think?
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Do you know what happens to video game-based movies?
It's gonna be shitty.
WHY? It will be more popular
The films are going to get out of warcraft really beautiful.
I beg to differ.
Putting the idea of video games turning into movies aside. Have you ever watched any movie that's adapted from a famous book?
They alter plot and most of time, it confuses those who did read the books. An example of this is the Percy Jackson series.
I don't see the need for a movie based on Telltale's The Walking Dead series since the games themselves are considered as an interactive movie.
Because they could never make it better than the game. I don't want to see some actor try to be Lee. Dave Fennoy is Lee. Melissa Hutchison is Clementine, Gavin Hammon is Kenny.
you know? i agree with you ...
Point taken and noted.
More likely a SpinOff from the original series - just a few episodes or seasons. But after the games are over.
But it's not a must and no movie - I mean when I play games I automatically about could they work as series? (SpinOff or in the original series) And I think about the cast: TellTaleGames cast for series
I also think that a few games (like The Last of Us, Mass Effect,...) would more as a series (HBO, Netflix,...) than as a movie.
About the game, no, I think it's fine as it is right now, but long ago I read something about a twd movie, it must have been some fake notice though, but I think the game is fine as it is. But maybe a movie with new characters or something would be nice in the future wo knows?
I would love to see a movie based on the game but they would have to do it right. I believe that the story is good enough to make a good or at least decent movie.
The only good video game based film was Wreck-it Ralph, and it was an original idea.
Even with The Last of Us movie on its way, I have my doubts that it'll be just as good as the game, unless the original writers on board are very much in control with the directing, acting, visual design, and so on.
More of a interactive TV show honestly.
Making a film based on a game that's already rooted in being an interactive movie or TV show just seems pointless to me. An Uncharted movie and Last of Us movie do not need to exist if they're simply going by the video game's storyline. Video game films like Angry Birds, Borderlands, and World of Warcraft I can somewhat understand since they're not "cinematic" games and aren't trying to be films.
Did someone say video game movies
I was wondering if I was the only one who went straight to thinking about that guy. Not a very nice guy though. But the way you linked it made me laugh.
If I ever am the director of this movie I would rather have Andy Serkis motion capture as Clementine rather than hire a child actor
A Hollywood adaptation of the Telltale Walking Dead game? Queue the white Lee and White Clementine
Seeing Hollywood and The Walking Dead in the same sentence makes my eyes bleed.
Not Hollywood. They ruin almost everything they touch. Maybe as an indie film though.
Webseries? :O
Finally, someone else says this. I see no point to make movies about games that more or less already are interactive movies.
Why bother when there's the TV show?