Fiona or Rhys?

If you could only save one of the two POV's, who would it be?

Fiona or Rhys?

Here's a strawpoll, because.



  • Fiona, I like her more :p

  • it's gotta be fiona for me

  • Wish I could get Fiona & Rhys together over this rather forced Rhys & Sasha!

    I'm 50/50 on this: I completed the game last night and was just expecting to make the choice between one or the other... So it got me curious. In the end I think Fiona would just edge it for me because of Sasha, but I'm not certain.

    Green613 posted: »

    Fiona, I like her more

  • There's still an option for Rhys and Fiona if you didn't know ^-^

    Wish I could get Fiona & Rhys together over this rather forced Rhys & Sasha! I'm 50/50 on this: I completed the game last night a

  • WHERE? WAA..?

    Green613 posted: »

    There's still an option for Rhys and Fiona if you didn't know ^-^

  • Rhys. Fiona's okay, but Rhys is just more fun in a lot more aspects (gameplay, humor, character development) than Fiona in my opinion.

  • Did you give Sasha the flower? :p

    WHERE? WAA..?

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah :( I wanted to save it for Fiona but Sash quickly made doubt it was possible, so I went back because... Romance.

    Does it unlock Fiona as a romance option if you keep it?!?!! I swear I'll break my telltale code (of going back in save games) if it does :P

    I NEED THIS immediately plays tales of borderlands

    Green613 posted: »

    Did you give Sasha the flower?

  • I love Hat Lady, but she wasn't nearly as developed as Rhys. And her storyline was kinda, meh. Whereas Rhys had Jack and a clear cut goal from the beginning. Be the boss. Also he was hilarious, Fiona had her moments. But I could relate to Rhys more, he felt more nuanced. Plus, I loved his developed relationships with Vaughn, Sasha and Jack. So I gotta go with my fave, definately Rhysie.

  • This is too hard of a decision for me! So, I'm going to have to pick the third option and go with Rhys-quez.

  • Rhys. I like both, but I like to play as Rhys more.

    He has the funniest lines, especially when he is trying to look cool.

  • If you don't give it, at the end of the game when they're near the vault portal, you have to tell Rhys "stay away from my sister" then as Rhys you can pick the option "I'm interested in someone else".

    Yeah I wanted to save it for Fiona but Sash quickly made doubt it was possible, so I went back because... Romance. Does it unlock Fiona

  • It's trickier than that. You have to actively deny all Sasha shippage and then say you like someone else when Fiona asks.

    So a lot of work for one scene at the very end.

    Yeah I wanted to save it for Fiona but Sash quickly made doubt it was possible, so I went back because... Romance. Does it unlock Fiona

  • Wow! I'm very glad that telltale added that level of detail to the game...! I was genuinely considering to do all that but I really didn't think they had it in them, definitely going to fix my game with this in mind :)! Thank you :)

    Linnet posted: »

    It's trickier than that. You have to actively deny all Sasha shippage and then say you like someone else when Fiona asks. So a lot of work for one scene at the very end.

  • [Break down and cry]

    enter image description here

  • Ok, I'm going Fiona because she's a boss (con artist + concealed weapon), plus Sasha.

  • Hmmm, I'm not sure. While I prefer Rhys and found his parts more enjoyable, Fiona has a lot more potential as a character. Then again, Rhys and Sasha, so I'd probably save Rhys.

  • Rhys by far. Better developed, entertaining dynamic with multiple characters (Vaughn, Sasha, Loaderbot, Zero, Jack), the whole deal with having an AI made for some fun scenarios, Echo-eye/Jackapedia.

    I mean, Fiona's alright, but she's rather underwhelming in comparison. :P

  • edited November 2015

    Gameplay, totally Rhys. I would really have loved for the hacking to have been more of thing. (I was really disappointed that taking down the core entailed poking it with a stick.)

    Fiona had me at "I have the shiniest meat bicycle", though.

  • Agreed :)

    Linnet posted: »

    Gameplay, totally Rhys. I would really have loved for the hacking to have been more of thing. (I was really disappointed that taking down the core entailed poking it with a stick.) Fiona had me at "I have the shiniest meat bicycle", though.

  • edited November 2015

    Fiona or Rhys?

    Take away the "or", replace it with "and", and my answer is "yes".

  • Fiona all the way.

  • Fiona :P

  • edited November 2015

    Rhys. Sorry Fiona tho.

    Lol just look at him. So adorable.

    enter image description here

  • I wouldn't bother to finish the game tbh

  • edited November 2015

    Rhys is my favorite because when you play as him you get:



    Loader Bot



    All who I think are the funniest characters in the game with the exception of Scooter.

    (Also the finger gun fight is the best scene of the game so yeah)

  • Lol, he is such a cute little fanboy.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Rhys. Sorry Fiona tho. Lol just look at him. So adorable.

  • Fiona is my favorite because when you play with her you get:




    and Fiona!!!

    (Also the scenes with Fiona are the best scenes of the game so yeah) ;)

  • Straw poll now added :)

  • Voted for Fiona, simply because of the line: "No! No, I'm good cop!"

    Straw poll now added

  • Rhysie. He's so damn cute.

  • This is what I worried about for the entire of the season. I was almost certain they were going to make us pick between the two and I would of probably had a breakdown if I had to pick.

    Like, Rhys is a babe. He was so lovable because of how cool and amazing he thought he was, when in actual fact he was just a bit of a nerd and a big wuss. A lot of funny moments came from him. And to see him change and become braver throughout the series was the best.

    But then, Fiona was also a babe. She was just so bad-ass on every level. Her being this cool con artist chick and vault-hunter-to-be made her character so like-able. And I think because I'm also a girl with a little sister I look out for I maybe related to her a little bit more. I really loved playing that character.

    I think I fell in love with them both a bit too much. So I can't even hypothetically pick...

  • edited November 2015


    I was more invested in his character development and storyline and his POV includes a lot of elements I really liked about the game. Like the entertaining dynamic with characters like Loader Bot, Handsome Jack, Vaughn, Sasha etc. + Rhys himself had a lot of fun dialogue and moments. He just felt... more nuanced and it was easy for me to relate to him. I liked the whole premise of his story too. Comes from a company which has a very bad reputation, making him "one of the bad guys", and then gets thrown out of his element into a world where people don't trust him or outright hate him just because he's Hyperion. It was great to see him learning the ropes, growing as a person, building these relationships and learning what he truly wants. I had a pretty clear image of him from the start and thus I could roleplay him more effectively whereas with Fiona I sometimes felt like my dialogue choices were all over the place.

  • I am siding with Rhys. Fiona is fine, Fiona is awesome, Fiona is beautiful, but I just feel way more invested in Rhys' story than Fiona.

    I find him so relatable and the fact that he is relatively normal person but still does some badass things, are moments to behold. I also love the character development, I gave him. At the beginning, my Rhys was arrogant, smug and a bit cowardly. But he cares about his friends, which hints of his capability to be a good person. By the end of the story, my Rhys has become braver, kind and selfless. his positive traits ultimately outshines the bad within him. He realized that wealth and power are meaningless, friendships and companionship are the true gold in the galaxy.

  • edited November 2015

    That's exactly how I played Rhys as well :D

    I am siding with Rhys. Fiona is fine, Fiona is awesome, Fiona is beautiful, but I just feel way more invested in Rhys' story than Fiona.

  • Im gonna side with the good 'ol Hyperion Stooge

  • edited November 2015

    Rhys is my:

    enter image description here


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