The people on here sure seem like a fickle lot...



  • No loosing once in a while is good and very much needed. I hate it when the protagonist(s) win all the time

    But GoT went too far. It became silly. The Forresters were retarded all the time and the Whitehills apparently untouchable

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Or losing in general, it would seem.

  • They are both different style, it is like compare apples and oranges.

    Journey95 posted: »

    lol no. Tales was good and fun but never as great as TWD or TWAU (in terms of story, characters and atmosphere). And it didn't need too sin

  • I'm not the only one who actually almost loved every minute of the finale, right? Okay, it had its downs but none game is perfect.

    And I swear, many people wanted our choices to have an impact. Well, our choices have an impact in the finale but many people are still not pleased xd

    Although it's their opinion and I respect it. I seriously can't wait for the next season ^-^

  • I thought it was good. Not the best, but good and it definitely did it's job for me wanting more by the end/entertaining me.

  • I thought the finale was great, the only thing I didn't like was how it ended. It felt like the ending to a penultimate episode

  • Imagine TWD 1 ending with Episode 4, while the previous three eps are stretched into five episodes and 'No Time Left being' removed altogether. Would that feel good to you? I don't think so. That's what happened with GOT.

    Every recent TT game, while ending on a cliffhanger of sorts, was a complete story. With GOT, we've been given half a story. For example, I'm pissed, because eps 1-5 were all teasers for finale... But the finale turned out to be yet another teaser.

    And here I was thinking that Minecraft SM was a cash grab.

  • I think the 2nd point you made is a bit silly, sometimes the downs in a game/film are the most memorable part about it. But when your hit with defeat after defeat no matter what you do, it gets a bit annoying and people get frustrated. Also telltale games are built on the fact that the choices you make are supposed to change the outcome of the game, often they dont.

  • This! Watching all the L's take place on TV is one thing but to play a game that continually forces you to lose is boring and predictable. I killed griff (STFU) but the way ludd got away was so stupid. Cut across the face and an axe to his back and he just ran away looney tunes style.

    And people your choices didn't matter if the end result is unavoidable. Didn't matter if you kept the knife or not. You'll still go to jail. There are plenty more

    Journey95 posted: »

    No loosing once in a while is good and very much needed. I hate it when the protagonist(s) win all the time But GoT went too far. It became silly. The Forresters were retarded all the time and the Whitehills apparently untouchable

  • My whole gripe with this game is the fact that they spent too little time working on Gared and Mira's story compared to Asher/Rodrik (which from a development viewpoint makes sense, not from a writers viewpoint)

    We still don't know what the North Grove holds and the fact that Gared believes he can go back to Ironrath without getting himself and everyone killed by the nights watch is completely idiotic. Pretty much Gregor told us to find his bastard children and that's it? They shouldn't have made it determinant, we should have to stay if the north grove is actually important.

    Mira's story was done for from the beginning. And the fact that Cersei and Tyrion just magically disappeared in the last episode like they weren't the main focus the whole time is completely irresponsible of the writers. Her story arc was the most interesting (opinion) and yet the most undeveloped with the greatest potential.

    Even if you play the game of thrones correctly, you are marked as a loser by Cersei and Ramsay. Whether you do what a good lord should do or you are a compete rebel.

    When you play these game of thrones, you either lose or you lose.

    And those who say that ambiguity is a good thing, I agree. But this wasn't ambiguity... It was utter laziness and lack of an ending. The only actual endings we got were from the Asher/Rodrik story lines. Who is Toms boss? What power does the north grove hold? (just blood magic? I hope not). How are the Sera twins hateful towards Wildings when they live outside the god damn wall?!

    Even The Walking Dead Season Two had a better ending... THERE I SAID IT!!

  • This was the cash grabbiest of all cash grabs

    Imagine TWD 1 ending with Episode 4, while the previous three eps are stretched into five episodes and 'No Time Left being' removed altogeth

  • I've described myself as "the biggest Telltale Games fan ever"....but this was absolutely awful. For me, the game at first just didnt start. I got the update for it but still. I've had a few problems here and there with Tales from Borderlands and Game of Thrones, but I restarted this at least 5 times, and the ENTIRE final fight was unplayable. Basically everything from when Gryff first jumped over the table, until the narration at the end, all of it was horrendously glitched. Sound off, game freezing. Completely anticlimactic and the first time I've ever had the attitude "Fuck Tellttale Games".

    I barely even know how it ends anyways. So Gared stays at the North Grove, don't know why, don't know what it is, now he seems to be on that Bran kind of story which makes no sense because why does Lord Forrester care about the Wights? Too much ambiguity there. I want a cliff hanger or something.

    For me, Mira agrees to marry...that guy. So, they kill that kid....and walk away. No ending, just walk away together. Okay...that's two without a cliffhanger.

    Asher, well I barely know what happened. He gets stabbed by Gwyn, goes outside, fights the guys (gets his head glitched inside out and looks like a clicker from Last of Us), is about to die, gets saved by Royland. Put on a we lost? I thought once we cut the head off their army we win? That all seemed a bit pointless.

    Overall, hate that I came out of this unhappy cause I loved every single chapter coming into it and the choice to kill Asher or Rodrick is one of the hardest I've ever had to do in a game.

  • And it's damn sad, man.

    We're here to enjoy the game, and what do we have ? A family we like getting wasted a bit more every single episode, with no relief at all.

    The whole game isn't even enjoyable if there's nothing positive :(

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well thats how GOT is. The Forresters suffer the same fate as all other nothern houses under the boltons.

  • But there is. The Forresters, despite all the horrible things that happen to them, keep hope. They draw strenght from one anothers love and care from one another and are united till death. They refuse to give up even when its all hopeless. And even when it all seems to be over there is still hope for them. Its very uplifting if you see it like that.

    FlyingPony posted: »

    And it's damn sad, man. We're here to enjoy the game, and what do we have ? A family we like getting wasted a bit more every single episode, with no relief at all. The whole game isn't even enjoyable if there's nothing positive

  • True, but the entire rationale of going after Ludd was to 'decapitate' the Whitehill army.

    Rodrik never said, let's make sure we kill Ludd AND Gryff AND Harys to 'decapitate' the Whitehill army.

    In fact, that is why they gave you a choice to kill Ludd or save Ryon (which ultimately wasn't a choice as Ryon survives in any case).

    Rodrik didn't even try and send any troops to kill Gryff in the initial ambush.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Because he has an insane son who can replace him immediately. The army wont leave until Both whitehills and they're commander (Harys) are dead.

    1. Yes nobody expected Gryff would be able to take over. Its called assuming hes an idiot. Aparently hes not hes just a complete egotistical asshole.

    2. look at 1

    3. The choice was a disguise to ( kill gryff) so it mattered a LOT.

    4. Who? All the others were sent to distract. The only one he could send was Beska who did it anyway.

    asanque posted: »

    True, but the entire rationale of going after Ludd was to 'decapitate' the Whitehill army. Rodrik never said, let's make sure we kill Lud

  • Minecraft Story Mode is still the biggest cash grab of them all, at least this game somewhat delivers. The fact that Telltale literally just rush MCSM out the door should give away how much they actually care about it. Episode 2 of MCSM was horrible, and Episode 3 will be too.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    This was the cash grabbiest of all cash grabs

  • Episode 2 was an experiment and how do you know Episode 3 will be bad despite having never played it?

    Minecraft Story Mode is still the biggest cash grab of them all, at least this game somewhat delivers. The fact that Telltale literally just

  • Because I do not like MCSM at all. The graphics, the story, the characters, the humor, none of it feels right to me. And I doubt Episode 3 will be something else entirely, so...I almost surely will not like it.

    J-Master posted: »

    Episode 2 was an experiment and how do you know Episode 3 will be bad despite having never played it?

  • edited November 2015

    I agree with you all the way. I have 4 friends who bought this game and 2 of them didn't even finish it because of these same things. It was just chapter after chapter of playing powerless characters and taking shit. I felt annoyed most of the time when I logged off playing as opposed to borderlands and wolf among us where I logged off with a smile on my face and wanting to talk to my buddies about it.

    Most of it didn't even make sense like having no army whatsoever despite the fact that you control ALL of the ironwood and are the only ones with competent crafters. Or how easy your most likely ironwood gate is smashed down in the end. Or how your only army you are ever in charge of (20 elite archers) vanishes before final battle where they could have picked off all the guys pushing the ram. Or how you force the 20 guys that come with Ramsey to wait outside your gates, but he walks in alone, kills the lord of the house then they all come freely strolling in.

    There were so many characters like Oberyn in the GOT world that didn't spend a single second let alone every waking second kissing someones ass and bending a knee. When giving us 5 different characters to play it would be nice if 2-3 of them actually got respect from npcs so you didn't feel like you were just being talked down to and having to take it for 15hrs.

    FlyingPony posted: »

    And it's damn sad, man. We're here to enjoy the game, and what do we have ? A family we like getting wasted a bit more every single episode, with no relief at all. The whole game isn't even enjoyable if there's nothing positive

  • You had an army... before the Twins.

    Imnuktam posted: »

    I agree with you all the way. I have 4 friends who bought this game and 2 of them didn't even finish it because of these same things. It was

  • Okay, but if you don't like it, that's very different than it being a cash grab. I mean, I didn't like E2 either, but that's not a cash grab. That's just not us liking something. And I'm sure people were or are saying the same things about TWD or GoT because those are popular. But you know what? They all visibly, clearly, obviously have had a lot of work behind them. A cash grab is using a licensed title to pump out garbage, like the freemium crap on mobile games or most movie related games. None of that applies to Telltales body of work, which reeks of earnest effort. You can not like it. I'm not a huge fan of Minecraft either. But it's not a cash grab.

    Because I do not like MCSM at all. The graphics, the story, the characters, the humor, none of it feels right to me. And I doubt Episode 3 will be something else entirely, so...I almost surely will not like it.

  • The "consensus" of others does not represent the audience as a whole or have any merit, bearing, or influence on how I feel.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I think this may be the only place where some are actually liking GoT S1. Everywhere else people are shitting on the game and rightfully so

  • I feel like we've already seen what will happen to this forum, TWD forum is our future. The hate threads have already started, in fact more than that they have almost evolved from the hate threads for episode 5. Anyone that had to struggle with TWD forums last year that was arguing against the hate threads would know it became unbearable. I do not want to see that same fate come for this forum.

    But it will and we can't stop it, we can try but it looks like now the majority of the forum hates episode 6 and now they won't buy next season if there is one blah blah blah I've heard it all before. I really thought it would be different this time but still this forum will become toxic if it hasn't already.

  • Disagree completely sorry but. We are looking at 2 diffrent stories. Can't compare the 2.

    Journey95 posted: »

    lol no. Tales was good and fun but never as great as TWD or TWAU (in terms of story, characters and atmosphere). And it didn't need too sin

  • I can just ask one question to everyone.... ok yes I have defended this game saying It was good. But I also think there where issues with it as well.. but my question to EVERYONE we are telltale fans right? Hence why we are on here... so the important question is.... did we have fun playing the game? I mean that's why we bought it right? For enjoyment? I for one will say yes there are problems.. gerads story.. i hated it. Felt it was pointless.. BUT! Regardless I loved feeling like I was part of the story.. regardless if my actions mattered or not.. because it felt like I was apart of a show. I had fun! And thars the important thing when PLAYING A GAME :) my 2 cents.

  • So every to series that ends on a cliffhanger between seasons fails to tell a story?
    This is a common story telling device. It is very rare that any episodic story wraps up by seasons end, unless it is a single season event. It is a story telling device to get you to return next season. And if you're annoyed at telltale for using the same method, just look at TWD, TWAU, TTFB, even JP. Not one of these is resolved by the end of the game. Their stories are left we may return!
    And if they don't return, it leaves it open to interpretation. Again, a common method of storytelling in television and movies. Just look at the ending of Gone Girl, or A History of Violence. 2 films that will never, ever have a sequel, yet the endings left us on a cliff hanger and were extremely ambiguous. But they were great films.

    Imagine TWD 1 ending with Episode 4, while the previous three eps are stretched into five episodes and 'No Time Left being' removed altogeth

  • I do, in fact, share the terribly controversial opinion of enjoying this game.

    I can just ask one question to everyone.... ok yes I have defended this game saying It was good. But I also think there where issues with it

  • edited November 2015

    The funny thing is, they are such a minority. They fill this forum with negativity while sales for S2 and other projects will continue to be fine because most people aren't so nit-picky and just want to have some fun. Sigh... I know what you're talking about.

    Kateis posted: »

    I feel like we've already seen what will happen to this forum, TWD forum is our future. The hate threads have already started, in fact more

  • They are the minority of all the fans but the majority on the forums. I know they won't effect sales but we will have to put up with constant complaining.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    The funny thing is, they are such a minority. They fill this forum with negativity while sales for S2 and other projects will continue to b

  • Oh, I'm not happy with that either.

    Kateis posted: »

    They are the minority of all the fans but the majority on the forums. I know they won't effect sales but we will have to put up with constant complaining.

  • edited November 2015

    The amusing thing is people point to the forums as evidence of the majority being unhappy when many people don't post and people are more likely to post if they have a complaint (I must say, however, that I'm surprised that the Borderlands forum seems at least decent? Haven't been there for ages though.). They act like it's a fact stuff is bad too. I learned something a while ago: . Especially annoying when people who like things they don't are called idiots when they're the ones being the idiots (and my favorite, fanboys, despite possibly having their own criticisms). Anyhow, I knew about the false-consensus effect, but just never knew what it was called.

    And because they seem to have this belief, it makes it hard to talk about things.

    (To satisfy my curiosity as well, particularly because I do write, why are people so quick to mention TTG's laziness when criticising? It feels like if someone doesn't like something, it's down to laziness on TTG's part or bad writing, rather than just being something that the particular individual didn't enjoy, which doesn't make it bad. Of course, there is the odd not so subjective thing, but those are quite few and nothing's perfect.)

    Demarcoa posted: »

    The funny thing is, they are such a minority. They fill this forum with negativity while sales for S2 and other projects will continue to b

  • The Borderlands and Minecraft forums (Other than the trolls for MC) are the most friendly it seems :p

    I mean, even the few criticism threads for Borderlands are still filled with people who loved the game.

    Rob_K posted: »

    The amusing thing is people point to the forums as evidence of the majority being unhappy when many people don't post and people are more li

  • I really don't want this forum to become toxic.

    This is like the only place that I can share the love I have with Game of Thrones, how much I loved the storyline, the characters, the art direction. And now, I fear about sharing my love with that game in this forum cause of how toxic will become (maybe) sooner or later. Ugh... Looks like Telltale couldn't please anyone with the finale. It's actually a big shame the fact they took a lot of time to do some improvements to the finale yet people many people didn't enjoy it. Not only the majority of the GoT forum but also the GoT fans outside the forum and the Telltale website in general.

    Kateis posted: »

    I feel like we've already seen what will happen to this forum, TWD forum is our future. The hate threads have already started, in fact more

  • edited November 2015

    I loved it too.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm not the only one who actually almost loved every minute of the finale, right? Okay, it had its downs but none game is perfect. And I

  • Well you can still discuss with us.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I really don't want this forum to become toxic. This is like the only place that I can share the love I have with Game of Thrones, how mu

  • Maybe this is the only place of the forum that I can discuss about what I love with the game...

    I just hope I won't see anymore hate threads. They already break my heart :(

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well you can still discuss with us.

  • edited November 2015

    We have to do something. A lot of fans already feel like the are oppressed and are leaving. The walking edad forum took a whole year and several other games to be brought back from its poison. I don't think GOT fans will last that long.

  • Yes, I loved it, I understand it has flaws but some people say it's just a money grab, which I really think isn't true.

    I can just ask one question to everyone.... ok yes I have defended this game saying It was good. But I also think there where issues with it

  • Don't worry we can make other threads to disscus if you'd like.

    And don't worry. People LOVE this game. Its just a VERY vocal minority that doesn't. And most have fled due to they're complains. But you'll always find people that love it even when they don't say it outloud.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Maybe this is the only place of the forum that I can discuss about what I love with the game... I just hope I won't see anymore hate threads. They already break my heart

  • Yeah, at least I'm glad that there are still people that love the series like I do.

    But for me, it seems like the majority didn't like the series because of the finale. They say that the series feel unfinished because of the ending and that it makes it an obvious set up for a second season, if you know what I mean, at least from what I've seen.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Don't worry we can make other threads to disscus if you'd like. And don't worry. People LOVE this game. Its just a VERY vocal minority th

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