Any good Let's Players for this game?
I finished the game myself and I feel like watching someone else play it and see how they made their choices. I'm looking for someone who is interesting to watch but not too over the top with there reactions, as in "OMG OH OH OH!!!!!!! *jumps off chair" WHY WHY!!!" cause when they do doesn't feel like a real reaction. It just feels like they're playing it off for their channel.
I'm just looking for a good blind let's player for this game.
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Yogscast Hannah
Are the ones I can think of.
Cryaotic and Yogscast Hannah are the one I watched.
I thought Cryaotic's reactions deserves to be watched
Then I'll give him a lookies
I'll say Dave brought me here hehe :P
InfernoKun, he's a small Youtuber but he's rather entertaining.
It might be too late but:
Dekon (he gets right into it)
That's all I can think of.
Danz Newz is really good, he's very invested in the story and really cares about the characters, he also likes to explore and check everything out so you might see some dialogue that you may never have seen before.
Dekon is good, so passionate for the game.
Yogscast Rythian is very good. He gets very angry, it's quite funny.
For little lesser known let's player: HarshlyCritical. He has a dryer sense of humor and he wasn't extremely impressed with the game overall, but he still had interesting reactions and insight into the game.
Of the above I endorse cryotic and maybe infernokun. I myself like Two Best Friends Play (TheSw1tcher) but they can be a little loud with reactions and talk over a lot of the game.
I don't recommend video games awesome (farfromsubtle) since i personally find many of their playthroughs careless and harsh for harsh's sake, however if you're curious about how that kind of mentality works in the game it can be entertaining to watch in a sort of way.
In my opinion, those Youtubers have the best reactions in Game of Thrones ;P