Things to do while waiting for Season 2?

What are you guys doing to ease the withdrawal from season 1?

Looks like this forum has some good artists and authors. Also looks (shockingly) like we have some fans playing the borderlands main series/coop.

Any books/games/shows/etc that are easing the hole in your heart where Loaderbot used to be?



  • Possibly play ALOT of Borderlands. I might even do a Borderlands saga marathon starting from BL2.

  • Play Borderlands over and over and over again, wait for Telltale's upcoming games like TWD S3, focus on school, and wait in agonizing anticipation for Season 2.

  • There is no season 2.

  • There is no season 2.

    If there was, we wouldn't wait for it.

    There is no season 2.

  • I'll replay the whole season of Telltale's Game of Thrones since I really love that series, play Borderlands 2 with some of my friends, focus on school for a while, focus on my drawing skills since I pretty much need to do lots of improvements on my drawing skills lol and I may just re-watch all the seasons of Game of Thrones.

  • There will not be a season 2 :( just like TWAU will not a season 2, telltale is not a AAA company so multi seasons just for mainstring names, it makes me sad, its such a great show... well hoping for the frist IP from them to be a bomb.

  • Play/Replay any borderlands game and get on with a thing called "real life"

  • I've tried that, it's too hard.

    jmm posted: »

    Play/Replay any borderlands game and get on with a thing called "real life"

  • "real life"

    never heard of that server.

    jmm posted: »

    Play/Replay any borderlands game and get on with a thing called "real life"

  • Play undertale....and stay determined.

  • Would you suggest starting with 2? I tried BL1 and was a little underwhelmed.

    J-Master posted: »

    Possibly play ALOT of Borderlands. I might even do a Borderlands saga marathon starting from BL2.

  • Would you have preferred a "How is your office like Hyperion?" thread instead?

    jmm posted: »

    Play/Replay any borderlands game and get on with a thing called "real life"

  • I've heard good things about Undertale.

    When I played the demo I found the idea that something died because I didn't speak to it the right way unnerving.

    buttstabber posted: »

    Play undertale....and stay determined.

  • I haven't played BL1 yet, but I'm constantly being told that the first one isn't that great. BL2 on the other hand is one of my favorite games ever. So I definitely recommend giving the second game a shot!

    Linnet posted: »

    Would you suggest starting with 2? I tried BL1 and was a little underwhelmed.

  • Thanks! Turns out its $5 on PSN this weekend, so I'm giving it a shot

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I haven't played BL1 yet, but I'm constantly being told that the first one isn't that great. BL2 on the other hand is one of my favorite games ever. So I definitely recommend giving the second game a shot!

  • Play the three other series Telltale have coming out next year. I have preferences but I'll take pretty much any Telltale fix. I'll take Telltale ripoff fixes.

  • edited November 2015

    They have written themselves into such a corner with world-changing events on Pandora that even if they want to do a second season they may not be able to do it until after Borderlands 3 is out.

    I'd like to think that they worked something more extended out with Gearbox but the total lack of publicity when it arrived-TFTB is the "I didn't even know that existed" Telltale game among casual gamers at least-makes me think that they were guessing that it would be just be a niche game for Borderlands fans and not much else.

    jackymasdar posted: »

    There will not be a season 2 just like TWAU will not a season 2, telltale is not a AAA company so multi seasons just for mainstring names, it makes me sad, its such a great show... well hoping for the frist IP from them to be a bomb.

  • Haha, and I actually just bought BL1 + all it's dlc during the same sale! Only costed me $6.75. I'm excited to jump in and finally play the original. It's the only one I haven't played yet! :D

    Linnet posted: »

    Thanks! Turns out its $5 on PSN this weekend, so I'm giving it a shot

  • @Linnet

    The first game is fine, but it's much more obvious a grind. I loved it to death before playing BL2, but then going back, it feels very slow and empty. In the defense of the first one, it was already kind of ground breaking to mix a Daiblo style loot hoarding mechanic with rpg and fps mechanics. I still highly recommend it but do it before the others, in my opinion.

    In truth the DLCs for the first are more fun than the actual story but doing this game does give you more appreciation for small things in both BL2, TPS, and Tales (like knowing Tannis' backstory or who Pierce is).

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I haven't played BL1 yet, but I'm constantly being told that the first one isn't that great. BL2 on the other hand is one of my favorite games ever. So I definitely recommend giving the second game a shot!

  • Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • I was actually kind of worried the amount of world changing that got approved for TFTBL. Either they are going to pull a Dragon Age, and start the next game at a new location (maybe the Eridians have indicated)...or they had a concerning lack of investment in the world state.

    TheRealBiz posted: »

    They have written themselves into such a corner with world-changing events on Pandora that even if they want to do a second season they may

  • We still don't have much info on the upcoming stuff, right? I am just hoping there is more with the TFTBL / Monkey Island type tone. I liked TWAU, but I'd like more flavors to choose from than grimdark.

    I've been beta-ing a VN called Solstice that is part of Steam Greenlight. No QTEs, but it has branching character narratives and two player characters who each have a different skill set.

    TheRealBiz posted: »

    Play the three other series Telltale have coming out next year. I have preferences but I'll take pretty much any Telltale fix. I'll take Telltale ripoff fixes.

  • Aww, c'mon man. It's not like I've never played a game that explicitly ended with "Look forward to the next one!" and was never continued.

    That's why I'm looking for recs, any type and media, really.

    Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • edited November 2015

    Michonne, Walking Dead S3 and Marvel something or other are confirmed. Other than that, I dunno.

    I just want them to keep the humor out of the grim games. I have to admit I was surprised that writers who write such incredibly bleak stuff could be so funny. TFTB is a laugh riot from beginning to end.

    Linnet posted: »

    We still don't have much info on the upcoming stuff, right? I am just hoping there is more with the TFTBL / Monkey Island type tone. I lik

  • The biggest concern if I was Gearbox would be that Telltale's version of their game is better than their actual games.

    Linnet posted: »

    I was actually kind of worried the amount of world changing that got approved for TFTBL. Either they are going to pull a Dragon Age, and st

  • Well if you do end up drawing something TFTBL, that would be awesome. There are enough fans on DA that I've gone back into my account for the first time in years.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'll replay the whole season of Telltale's Game of Thrones since I really love that series, play Borderlands 2 with some of my friends, focu

  • I genuinely don't know any games that are nearly as funny as Borderlands. It's the first really effective video game comedy.

    Linnet posted: »

    Aww, c'mon man. It's not like I've never played a game that explicitly ended with "Look forward to the next one!" and was never continued. That's why I'm looking for recs, any type and media, really.

  • Play future Telltale games (duh), a lot of Fallout 4, miscellaneous games.

    I've been watching a lot of shows, mostly Anime for some reason (probably because I never watched any so I'm watching all of the universally loved ones), which includes Fairy Tail, Baccano!, Jessica Jones, Spice And Wolf, Trigun, Soul Eater, The Devil Is A Part-timer, and many others I've already watched.

    I'm reading a lot of books.

    Also I'm going to watch something called Prison School to hold up my end of the bargain with @Xemnes (I said I'd watch that if he tried Tales from the Borderlands, from what I hear I feel like he got the better deal). I'm thinking of starting a thread and just giving live updates while I'm watching to prove I did it, seems like fun.

  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2015

    Of course you haven't heard of it... it is not a server, but a very long, extra hard quest that ends by your death...
    Still, it is cool and different for everybody

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "real life" never heard of that server.

  • edited November 2015

    Did you ever play Telltale's Sam and Max games? Those were pretty funny too. Plus the game that got me into Telltale in the first place was the Strong Bad one, but I can only really recommend it if you're a Homestar Runner fan. Actually, I kind of fell off of Telltale's stuff when they started getting the bigger licences and everything went darker. Tales is the first of their games I've played in years.

    TheRealBiz posted: »

    I genuinely don't know any games that are nearly as funny as Borderlands. It's the first really effective video game comedy.

  • We must replace Kevin Bruner with a robot who will push tales season 2 to the front of Telltales List.

    Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • edited November 2015

    I'm not sure. I need A LOT of practice to draw TFTBL characters or something that is about it.

    But maybe someday, I may upload a GoT or TFTBL fanart here in the forums once I get better with drawing :v

    Linnet posted: »

    Well if you do end up drawing something TFTBL, that would be awesome. There are enough fans on DA that I've gone back into my account for the first time in years.

  • 2869

    Is the pun intended? :P

    Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • Wasn't there a big shakeup in the writing and general creative staff in the Back to the Future/Jurassic Park timeframe? And since Sean Vanaman appears to have stepped back a bit, Pierre Shorette seems to handle the yeoman's work on writing these days and he didn't even get hired until TWD S1 was already coming out. I saw a panel with him on it.

    Did you ever play Telltale's Sam and Max games? Those were pretty funny too. Plus the game that got me into Telltale in the first place was

  • Oh man, I almost forgot about the Strong Bad game!

    I would recommend Tales of Monkey Island to people that liked TFTBL, and its $5 for the season pass on steam right now.

    Did you ever play Telltale's Sam and Max games? Those were pretty funny too. Plus the game that got me into Telltale in the first place was

  • I've been enjoying Noragami, season two is simulcasting on hulu.

    I adore Meryl from Trigun. I liked her better in the manga (liked the manga better in general) but I wouldn't have looked for it without the anime.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Play future Telltale games (duh), a lot of Fallout 4, miscellaneous games. I've been watching a lot of shows, mostly Anime for some reaso

  • extra hard quest that ends by your death...

    Kind of suck because no matter what you do, you get the same outcome everytime. Who the hell wrote this shitty plot!?

    jmm posted: »

    Of course you haven't heard of it... it is not a server, but a very long, extra hard quest that ends by your death... Still, it is cool and different for everybody

  • Heard that that was the Half Life 3 release date.

    Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • edited November 2015


    Fallout 4:
    Currently 4 Days 1 Hour of gameplay. 49/50 Achievements.

    Play tales episodes every so often.
    I'm playing Borderlands atm, since Xbox one BC has finally come! Mordecai play through.
    And waiting for my friend to get The Handsome Collection to play BL2. Already done a few characters but waiting for co-op

    Star Wars Battlefront: Play every so often.

    The walking dead, Jessica Jones (need to start watching that soon)

    Also working mon-fri 8am-5:30pm is a good time filler

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