Things to do while waiting for Season 2?



  • Kind of suck because no matter what you do, you get the same outcome everytime. Who the hell wrote this shitty plot!?

    Reminds me of one developer...

    Leluch123 posted: »

    extra hard quest that ends by your death... Kind of suck because no matter what you do, you get the same outcome everytime. Who the hell wrote this shitty plot!?

  • Cryo sleep needed

    Die because it's going to come out in 2869.

  • Hahaha

    Kind of suck because no matter what you do, you get the same outcome everytime. Who the hell wrote this shitty plot!? Reminds me of one developer...

  • Dreamfall Chapters, Life is Strange, Gone Home, Heavy Rain, replay some Telltale's games, Undertale, Beyond Two Souls, GTA..

    There are so so many TV shows you can start watching, animes, mangas, books, movies, music. You can survive.

  • Dream about season 2.

  • Wait til I get Handsome Collection. Play Pre-Sequel as Jack for hours and hours with friends.

  • While waiting for season 2, im planning on haveing a custom coffin built because ill probably be deas by time it's released...

  • Just thought I'd add Sales happening this weekend:

    BL1 Ultimate, TPS and BL2 are one sale on PSN and steam.

    Tales of Monkey Island $5 on steam: dork with a possessed arm saves the world from an evil ghost with his girlfriend and buddy, featuring voice work by Adam Harrington and Jared Emerson-Johnson.

    Analogue $6.69 on steam: two AIs of a ghost ship you are hacking to salvage give competing narratives of what happened and why using logs of the crew. There is a core programming sequence in this game that I wish we'd gotten something similar to in TFTBL.

  • This is exactly what I'm doing. Currently playing through TPS so I can see Athena's story, and I'm absolutely loving it!

    J-Master posted: »

    Possibly play ALOT of Borderlands. I might even do a Borderlands saga marathon starting from BL2.

  • i remember a gmod video called what to do while waiting for portal 2 maybe someone should make one for series 2

  • I play other games, that's for sure. I play other Telltale games and I'm waiting to get a PS4 from Christmas to play Until Dawn, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Edition, Infamous: Second Son etc.

  • There's gonna be a season 2?enter image description here

  • No, these people are just living in a dream.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    There's gonna be a season 2?

  • I want to watch Jessica Jones, and I've heard good things, but David Tennant nailing a charismatic psychopath role is something I need time to wrap my head around.

    Gaming Fallout 4: Currently 4 Days 1 Hour of gameplay. 49/50 Achievements. Borderlands: Play tales episodes every so often. I'm pl

  • Gone Home was fun. I loved the trope subversion and the 90s vibe (...that dresser entirely full of plaid shirts, omg.)

    How is dreamfall? I haven't played the previous entries, but I am curious.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Dreamfall Chapters, Life is Strange, Gone Home, Heavy Rain, replay some Telltale's games, Undertale, Beyond Two Souls, GTA.. There are so so many TV shows you can start watching, animes, mangas, books, movies, music. You can survive.

  • You know, if Sony would just release an unbundled PS4, or bundle it with something like the playstation TV, I think I would already have taken the plunge.

    I really don't like the idea that the price point is "justified" by a special edition that includes a game I wouldn't have bought otherwise.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I play other games, that's for sure. I play other Telltale games and I'm waiting to get a PS4 from Christmas to play Until Dawn, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Edition, Infamous: Second Son etc.

  • Have watched episode 1 & 2 so far im enjoying it and recommend you give it a try. Also adding more to MCU

    Linnet posted: »

    I want to watch Jessica Jones, and I've heard good things, but David Tennant nailing a charismatic psychopath role is something I need time to wrap my head around.

  • I'm not from wherever you live, you know. Or I dunno what should I say

    Linnet posted: »

    You know, if Sony would just release an unbundled PS4, or bundle it with something like the playstation TV, I think I would already have tak

  • Pretty complicated, at least it was for me, when playing it with no knowledge about the previous games. It is still interesting, a lot of puzzles, some even difficult ones, and choices do matter, having some nice consequences. 2 main characters in 2 different worlds, 2 different stories. It is a good game to kill the boredom. :)

    Linnet posted: »

    Gone Home was fun. I loved the trope subversion and the 90s vibe (...that dresser entirely full of plaid shirts, omg.) How is dreamfall? I haven't played the previous entries, but I am curious.

  • Tfw you have no friends....

    Wait til I get Handsome Collection. Play Pre-Sequel as Jack for hours and hours with friends.

  • So, you do know that there's not going to be another season?

    You must be the CEO from Gearbox! Nice to meet you.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    No, these people are just living in a dream.

  • edited November 2015
    Navoc posted: »

    So, you do know that there's not going to be another season? You must be the CEO from Gearbox! Nice to meet you.

  • A joke uses words within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh.

    Oh. Haha then, I guess.

    Brodester08 posted: »

  • Hope there won't be another this shit was to overrated and not very funny except thelast e

  • I want to thank you for your elaborate input to the discussion at hand. Everyone in this thread is now aware that the game is actually bad and therefore does not deserve a sequel. Rest assured that we will immediately discontinue hoping for another season.

    Hope there won't be another this shit was to overrated and not very funny except thelast e

  • Man, I probably should have jumped on that $6.75 Ultimate edition sale this weekend. Yeah, slow and empty was more or less the problem.

    @Linnet The first game is fine, but it's much more obvious a grind. I loved it to death before playing BL2, but then going back, it feels

  • Delete "read books" and it's perfect


    No, they read and responded to the post.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    No, these people are just living in a dream.

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