So what are all the "Final Titles"?

At the very end when there is a narrative showing how your characters are being talked about in the world, it presents you with a Final Title. I got "Fierce Passion". I'm curious what others there are. Share yours, here!


  • Cannonical playtrough: Fierce Passion

  • I had "Cunning"

  • Unwavering conviction

  • I got Fierce Passion as well.

  • edited November 2015

    They are:

    Instinct & Nobility

    Cunning Strategy (mine)

    Fierce Passion

    Unwavering Conviction

  • unwavering conviction was the one I got. I assume the answer is no, but is there ever a part where Cersei doesn't say "They shouldve been (x) instead of (X)" or does she always put you down in the end? Even a slight change in lines?

  • I doubt it. There truly is no pleasing some people.

    Ryman posted: »

    unwavering conviction was the one I got. I assume the answer is no, but is there ever a part where Cersei doesn't say "They shouldve been (x) instead of (X)" or does she always put you down in the end? Even a slight change in lines?

  • Instinct & Nobility

    That what is said or me. I was mostly loyal to friends (or at least those who pretended to be such). Generally trying to be too good, like "You want to kill this slave master, there is a whole army marching on us, but sure why not."

  • I got fierce passion as well

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