The Forresters - Are they Starks or are they Lannisters?
Doing a replay of GoT, it's interesting to note you can basically choose to play the Forresters in different ways depending on how you choose to do things. I tried to play the Forresters as proud, honorable, and Northern folk with Mira and Asher being the odd ducks out but it occurred to me you could do it entirely one way or the other. Mira being the stalwartly noble and true to her Northern roots woman who resisted the game at every opportunity, Rodrik as the Noble Forrester Lord who never breaks an oath no matter how painful, and so on. You could also play the Forresters as conniving, scheming, and duplicitous intriguers who are always plotting against the Whitehills and may well pretend to obedience while working to undermine them at any opportunity.
Which do you think is more interesting?
Then there's the Asher ending where you can break guest-right in a fairly spectacular fashion and make the Forresters into a more justified version of House Frey.
Because while I saw them as stand-ins for the Starks, you can really take them in an entirely different direction.
Neither. They are Forresters.
also you misspelled Rodrik
Yes, yes I did.
They're Forresters.
Misspelt Rodrik, slit your throat you rebel scum.
Misspelled misspelled, the joke's on you!
They're smarter than the Starks , amd more honorable than the Lannisters
That kind of depends on your choices.
I think that is a British spelling... or British influenced spelling. Like, I learnt yesterday (instead of learned) that ....
Yeah, the idea is how you played them and which you think is the better way to play.
That is true but if that was a joke you really need to work on your comedy.