Dear Telltale: You've made Clementine to be without true love.

I'm sorry, I promised that this last message this week ... Now, I really mean it.
Dear Telltale,
Season 1: Clementine has received a lot of love, especially Lee. He really loved her! No baby was not lousy draws attention to the eight year old girl. He loved her like her dad, and really feel the love between the two! The adults were much more responsible, smart and realize that Clementine is a little girl. And then ... Lee died. Clementine took her love! Her father! Leaving her alone.
Season 2: The situation became ridiculous! Clementine is still a little girl (10-11) live in a cruel world alone. without Lee. Until she meets Kenny - again, she does not really love. At first, it seemed that he loved her (not much) more old friend. All nice and beautiful. (Never mind that the rest of the adults barely react when Clementine in danger or she should not see things) Baby arrives, all problem Clementine's relationship and the property. Thanks to the baby (lucky he was born) Kenny proves that he can not neglect the Clementine, or rather that all of his attention will be baby (not that he was a helpless baby, why would he speak only baby blessings and embrace it, what with Clementine? Why is he so addicted AJ to this?) Mature girl Clementine, already used to not give her love! (Since that Lee died) is not jealous, is filled no one ever understood her. Kenny does not compare to Lee! And as the best friend of Lee, I would expect him to keep Clementine! Do not send it in dangerous missions! Man disappointing.
If Kenny was like two kids the same thing, so it was fine. But feel that he loves the child, the less! (Clementine) You tell me baby needs more attention, this is not true! Then the older girl does not need attitude, warmth and love? I'm talking about soft-spoken, reassuring hug, smile ... Kenny doing it only for the baby! With Clementine is talking about the technical stuff, without emotion at all. Little Clementine, also did not expect him to love, she knows it will not be. And to tell the truth? It seems that Kenny would start * really * love Clementine Season 3 ... that after she gave up on the Wellington to be with him, he really gave her love ... then maybe he started love her ..
Who surprised me, they Luke and Jane (the only ones they care little for Clementine), especially Luke. He cared more than anyone Clementine, he preferred to die than she closer to rescue him ... he gave his life for her. Although he did not like it as that, but he cared for her.
telltale, if you want to remain my faith in Kenny, then he had better begin to love Clementine than the baby, or the same, otherwise I'll hate Kenny. He a good character, but I will not allow that to neglect Clementine. If he dies, at least to die for her. OK? You make me cry mercy towards very young girl who receives love since Lee! And it hurts the heart! How Kenny can stand back and look at Troy (well killed) hit her! The head! Neck! While Clementine suffered a major blow when she tried to save him Carver! Do not you agree with me ??
If Lee does not come back, I expected Kenny (best friend of Lee) behave accordingly, and to really love.
And you are on the site, all the time making fun of me ... but think about it for a minute ... telltale, please think about the good of Clementine, deserve better than Kenny.
Sorry for the English
Clementine does receive love lol. Jane obviously cares for her, Christa stayed with her for 16 MONTHS, Rebecca said she was family, Luke sacrifices himself for her, Pete liked her, Kenny was willing to sacrifice himself for BOTH Clementine and A.J. It's the apocalypse, nobody is going to stop and hug her. I agree with you that the adults send her on dangerous missions. That was ridiculous.
Is Rebecca cared! She was shouting, "It's just a little girl!" When Carver picked her up and pointed a gun to her head! Luke had to worry about when Troy hit her and she fell to the ground ... No one came to her! This fucking a girl of 10-11! Adults stupid, only care about their ass. What about this blood down her cheek? Someone bothered to clean her? Take care of it? Ask how she ?! It's shocking ... Kenny disappointed me, he loves Clementine less than AJ and this I hate him.
I sort of excused Rebecca because she was pregnant. But she did care for Clementine. There's no evidence that Kenny loves that baby more than Clementine. He loved them both EQUALLY. He sacrificed himself for BOTH of them. He had to beg Clementine to stay in Wellington. That baby was a couple of days old, it needed attention and care. And besides, Clementine didn't seem to care about Kenny's attachment to the child. There's no evidence that at any point during Amid The Ruins and No Going Back that Clementine was jealous.
Clementine is not jealous, because she did not expect to love anyone, is a mature child. If Jane would say to Kenny Clementine died (not AJ) he would react the same or worse?
WORSE! He obviously cares for her. And I'm not even a fan of Kenny.
So According to you, Kenny Clementine care than the care of AJ. The problem, there is a distance between them since the death of Sarita ...
According to you, Kenny only cares about the baby and basically neglects Clementine, which isn't true. Kenny apologizes to Clementine anyways.
He still remains indifferent. So you think kenny love Clementine than baby?
How does he remain indifferent? I believe he loves them both equally.
uhh we all know you're just obsessed with clementine so much.. probably you're not paying attention/ or had enough to understand to them ...
you are
Clementine doesnt deserve love, everyone she meets dies. Nobody wants to go near her.
Besides everyone in the group shows her some affection, though in season 2 they knew each other for about a week so thats going to be weird if they did much more. Oh and clementine isnt the most responsive she just glares and bitches at the group the whole time
you rekt him, mate.
Ooooooooooooh shit! You sure shut me up. What a come back.
He's "addicted" to AJ because he doesn't want another Duck situation.
What? It's true everyone she meets dies. Look at the cabin group. Fine for two years then boom the clem effect
lmao that's called shitty writing
Sure fine. My point is that people this season did in fact care for her.
But you said Kenny will respond worse for Clementine
I can't stop laughing lmao.
He has a special bond with her. Of course he'll kill Jane on the spot.
i hope ...this was fact ... but it's not
Kenny cares about both Clem and AJ. And AJ is a baby, of course he demands more attention. The Wellington ending pretty much confirms how Kenny loves Clem in my opinion.
Stop thinking Kenny cares for A.J more than Clem. He cares for both of them.
Rick at least has a nice core group
Lee is dead, Omid is dead, Christa is probably dead, Luke is dead, Jane can be alive but will probably die anyways, Kenny can be alive but will probably die anyways, Rebecca is dead, AJ is a baby so he'll probably die, Bonnie can die, Lily is probably dead, Ben is dead, and others are dead! I believe you are right.
GTFO here George.
So, is the frozen lake like a big metaphor then for purging Telltale's horrible ideas into? Because suddenly that illogical crossing makes a whole lot of logical sense.
CuteClem , you are full of shit.
I don't like Kenny much either , but he cares about Clementine. Yes , he was wrong to be so cruel to her after Sarita died , but it is my personal belief that Kenny's mental state has been drastically affected by the loss of Katjaa, Duck , and Sarita. He is not coping with his losses well , but that does not mean he doesn't still care about Clementine.
And the whole 'true love' thing ... Clementine has lost a lot of people. EVERYONE still surviving the Walker Apocalypse has lost people. And even if the apocalypse wasn't happening , she would still lose the people she loved. Everyone dies eventually.
And also , the way you phrase the 'true love' thing sounds a bit creepy. True love is generally associated with romantic love.
Please stop with the Clem spamming. When the people who are Clementine fans also are ticked , it's time to stop.
I do not mean romantic love! Love of a parent. Kenny does not really relate to the Clementine! What's this have to do that people will die at the end? So ended the feelings in the world? I just want it to behave more warmth and love ... it's cold it's rude. He was not protecting her and did not keep it. She also needed it at times.
Clem can protect herself.
Against Tory? No! Against a large number of zombie? No! She was still a little girl, she needs to responsible adults. Kenny did not worry about her enough!