Season 6 First Half Ranking and Second Half Predictions

Now that the first half of Season 6 has concluded, why don't we take some time to reflect on it and discuss which episodes were the best and the worst. Feel free to leave your thoughts on what would happen next year in the second half of Season 6.


  • I rank Season 6 Part 1 8/10. (Not gonna explain why because I don't want to make a long post about this) As for the next half... Daryl, Glenn, Abraham, Carl's Right Eye, Spencer, Morgan and Carol will probably all bite the dust. Negan will fuck some shit up, and Rick will most likely be crazy.

    Haha, funny story. My friend and I wrote a short comic panel about "What Will Happen in the Season 6 Finale", and I had 2 strips that I loved a lot which were, A picture of Rick flailing him arms like a dingus with a gun in one of them and a machete in the other yelling "AHAHSAHAHAAAJHAJKWRABLGHODCLE!", and the other being Daryl killing a walker in a cool way, and then Maggie runs up and says, "Oh my god, Daryl! You're hot!" And Daryl closes his eyes, smiles, nods, and says "I know.". Carol then says "No, you're ON FIRE.", and Daryl continues nodding, says "I know", and dies.

    So long story short, now I really want that to happen.

  • Best To Worst Episodes

    • Here's Not Here (Well written, deep and meaningful)

    • First Time Again (Underrated, well directed and great opening to season)

    • Thank You (Shocking, Glenn's death scene was badly shot though)

    • JSS (cheesy action scenes but still okay)

    • Start To Finish (Good as penultimate episode, bad as mid season finale, cliffhanger pissed me off)

    • Now (pretty uneventful, but I enjoyed seeing more of Jessie and Aaron who's disappeared in last two episodes)

    • Heads Up (meh)

    • Always Unaccountable (Sasha was okay, Abraham was cringy and episode's only mostly a Negan teaser)

    • Season 6A gets a 7 - 7.5 out of 10 from me.

  • it was good. like a 6-7. if we count the shitfest that were the hospital/atlanta cops episodes as real episodes from the first half last year, last season's first half would be like a 5/10, but since i dont count them, that first half of last year was 8/10, solid. but that season only got better after the first half imo, so i hope this is the case this season too.

  • "First Time Again": Decent opener, but packed full of dumb writing (Ron apparently walking miles away from Alexandria according to Deanna; the entire plan being stupid from the get go; "we'll clear the tractor place later even though we're right in front of it right now... no reason, we just gotta artificially create some tension later in the episode through pure avoidable stupidity"; the horn, which to be fair, only became stupid as the episodes progressed), and a really annoying gimmick. 3/5

    "JSS": Largely very good episode and a good usage of the characters present. Creates a problem with the ending of the premiere, since we heard the horn, but not Spencer's gunshots for some reason, but that's more on "FTA" than this episode. 4/5

    "Thank You": Terrible direction in spades along with a healthy dose of bad writing. And the worst part? It was all so avoidable. Why did Michonne and company not use the walkers inside the pet store for guts camouflage? Poor writing. How to fix it? Instead of uselessly killing off that panicky Alexandrian at the beginning to prove Rick right again (in a badly directed fashion, no less), have him get bitten and despair over it while the others try to calm him down throughout the episode. Then he can't take it anymore and shoots himself in the pet shop. Instantly an understandable reason why they have to book it and no zombies inside to get them out of this. That took me five seconds to come up with, and already the episode makes more sense.

    Or, instead of putting the wounded in danger, why didn't the able-bodied people go out and clear the zombies blocking their way out of town while leaving the wounded behind to pick them up later so they don't actually abandon them? Again, poor writing for the sake of getting a "we don't leave people behind" theme across in a very clumsy way. And no, "teh dramaz" is not a good excuse for this. Of course, characters have been dumb before, but more often than not, they've tried to make things work out to the best of their ability and with the most they can offer, and it just goes unavoidably wrong. This is a case of perfectly viable solutions that should be apparent to everybody that they just fail to take into consideration, which only serves to make them look not only stupid, but inconsistent even just within the same season.

    And then not putting David out of his misery. Not a huge flaw, but this stuff sticks out to people for a reason and makes the characters once again look stupid, or at least callous. Don't know if the writing or the directing is to blame for this one. And then Daryl breaks off from the group for no reason at all. Complete time waster. And I've already gone into how bad the Nicholas and Glenn scene was from a directing standpoint, and it ends up being a heaping pile of bad writing on top of that because of Glenn's survival. The pivotal emotional moment of the episode... reduced to an absolute joke, on par with the Beth death of Season 5. sigh I know I'm being harsh. I'm harsher on episodes that should have been great but fell totally flat than episodes that were dead on arrival. 2/5

    "Here's Not Here": Fantastic episode. Eastman's death was all kinds of stupid, but clumsy ass staging can't bring down the rest of the episode. Great way to tell Morgan's story and tell the story of another really good character on top of that. Not much to say, as it's a simple story, and simplicity works like a charm sometimes. 4/5

    "Now": Decent setup and a couple revelations and changes in the characters, but painfully slow and meandering. We begin to see signs of the budgeting issues as the characters just sit and wait the herd out, a very dumb decision. 2/5

    "Always Accountable": More decent setup and Abraham and Sasha have some interesting development, but it's another slow burn. Daryl is a boring block of wood as always, though his story is made just a bit more interesting due to the fact that it's the debut of the Saviors and Dwight. Just a bit, though. Sadly, the negatives are only compounded by some embarrassingly bad directing throughout. 3/5

    "Heads Up": Solid character bits, great ending, and Glenn's stupid, stupid conclusion to his stupid, stupid "missing" arc. That arc was heavily panned in articles everywhere, and I don't blame them at all. 3/5

    "Start To Finish": A very "meh" setup episode for a mid-season finale. Sigh. Content-wise, it's not that bad, though there are still a few dumb moments, as usual (why isn't Glenn going for one of the cars?; Rick says they still have flares... why the fuck haven't you used them, Rick?!; why were the Tara trio not immediately trying to get through that available door in the garage instead of just waiting around long enough for Eugene to pick up a book and waste lighter fluid on when it's already brightly lit in there? Oh well, Tara calling Rosita "gorgeous" was cute). I'm a bit intrigued by the fact that the Wolf didn't just kill everybody, but I really have no faith in them going anywhere with it. It's most likely just another predictable "the moral guy's hopes are dashed" runaround. In the end, it's mostly just disappointing seeing the clock tick down and realizing that nothing much is going to happen for another few months. 3/5

    Welp... I feel a little disheartened now, but that's bound to happen at some point with any show. All in all, I feel this first half was very weak with only two standout episodes. I'm looking forward to the second half, though, because of all the new stuff it promises, unlike the first half, which only had one major plot point to go off of, which could have worked if they hadn't stretched it out so much. I'll be sure to temper my anticipation this time around, though.

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