Game of Thrones (tv series)
Hello! In Game of Thrones (tv series) who are your favorite character? Mine are Daenerys, and Ser Jorah.....and a little bit Sansa. Was Arya too, but now one.
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Hello! In Game of Thrones (tv series) who are your favorite character? Mine are Daenerys, and Ser Jorah.....and a little bit Sansa. Was Arya too, but now one.
You know I said the Tv series. Tv series=it's not a game
Hi! I also watch game of thrones and my favorite character is Daenerys but I also like Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark. I'm happy to see someone else that likes Daenerys, from what I've seen lately a lot of people hate her and I can't understand why!
The real mvp
Don't worry, Cleganebowl is gonna happen soon.
We didn't see him die though
My top 5:
Jaime Lannister is my right hand man.
I'm not really a pro-Dany, but I'd say that's pretty much the whole point of her story in the Slaver's Bay - to realize what being a ruler really is. And to see, as you said, that world isn't black and white. Jon's story as becoming the Lord Commander has some similar elements. Whereas Jon must "kill the boy and let the man be born", Dany is killing the girl and letting the woman/queen be born. Dany is just acting with so much bigger scale than Jon, her acts influence a huge amount of people in Slaver's Bay and so her mistakes while she is learning are very costly and can destroy many lifes. And that makes many people "hate" her, they see that she has power she does not deserve nor know how to handle - which kinda is true (I admit, I have said myself on internet that I hate her
). As it is now, I really don't feel like rooting for any of the contenders for the throne because I just don't think that's the idea of GoT or ASoIaF - it's a fictional story after all, not real life politics where you are expected to choose your favorite and vote
That was quite dank wasn't it?
I could watch this video so any times...
Sorry for my bad English !
Bronn, Tyrion, Jorah, Gendry, Ned and Podrick
Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Tywin, Sandor, Arya and Bronn.
Honorable mentions: Stannis the Mannis, Lil' finger and Daario Naharis.
tier 1 (I can't put an order to these because I adore them all)
tier 2 (very close behind tier 1 and can't order these either)