Look, I found this from the deepest depths of the photo album, please, Brodester, did you have a good time here?
Like I had a really good time here but the question is, did you?
Oh god, guys. I found this, that time we went to a shopping convention and, Wolfenus decided to cosplay, that, that was a weird day. I hated it, I absolutely hated this day, what about you guys?
Oh god, guys. I found this, that time we went to a shopping convention and, Wolfenus decided to cosplay, that, that was a weird day. I hated it, I absolutely hated this day, what about you guys?
Ahh another lovely day this one (at least I managed to get one with eight humans, finally it happened). Anyway, this was a good day for our family... I think.
Ahh another lovely day this one (at least I managed to get one with eight humans, finally it happened). Anyway, this was a good day for our family... I think.
Checks this out as a joke...realizes it has 14 pages of content...I love you guys! Keep doing what you're doing! Although I'm trying to remember which soldier this is. Is it the guy that says, "My lord we have to get you of here?" Am I right?
Checks this out as a joke...realizes it has 14 pages of content...I love you guys! Keep doing what you're doing! Although I'm trying to remember which soldier this is. Is it the guy that says, "My lord we have to get you of here?" Am I right?
I hated this day, a crab crawled in my anus. It will never feel the same again.
This fanart is like... so so so bad.... I honestly couldn't do anything to make it better ;_;
Oh my god, yes! This is the best!
I'm screaming! xD
But it looks really awesome, though
You have to put this on your Tumblr, Wolfenus!
Just kidding, I'm gonna put it soon enough, if @Megami_Kizukanai is okay with it.
This is amazing, you should be proud of it not saying it's bad.
It's perfectly fine.. :DD
It is done.
More people should ship it! ;-;
I have a tumblr account.
edit: damn, link not working.... but it's megdesu.tumblr.com
Oh... I didn't know that
Gonna edit that post right now. xP
I became a dog.
You're married with a dog.
RIP, chatzy link ;-;
He died young.
It's amazing.
Even IGN would rate this 10/10
Why is he specifically Soldier No 167?
LMAO I just noticed.
That's why Chatzy is fucking dead ;-;
Oh god, guys. I found this, that time we went to a shopping convention and, Wolfenus decided to cosplay, that, that was a weird day. I hated it, I absolutely hated this day, what about you guys?
Wolf's pose tho xD
"Look at what I've been shopping for...! No look at my hands you moron!"
The cleavage tho.
Best ship since Cotter X Potato!
Ahh another lovely day this one (at least I managed to get one with eight humans, finally it happened). Anyway, this was a good day for our family... I think.
After I have seen the original, I have come to the conclusion that the Asher x Random Forrester version is so much better!
Checks this out as a joke...realizes it has 14 pages of content...I love you guys! Keep doing what you're doing! Although I'm trying to remember which soldier this is. Is it the guy that says, "My lord we have to get you of here?" Am I right?
What happened...?
A shark ate his left foot's littlefinger...
Yes. It still hurts.
Hello guys, uhm.... WAKE UP PEOPLE!
I thought you and this thread were dead xD
Heroes never die, kiddo.
get this thread to a million views
it deserves it
And to 100 likes.
right?? how do people scroll past this thread and resist clicking that button?
it's outrageous
That's disrespectful.
Can't wait till this thread's going to be the Rhyiona thread 2.0
then i can post juvia here too