What Marvel Telltale Game Would be Equal to a Batman one?



  • Before I post my unpopular opinion, I´ll like to point out that over my life I have ruin myself buying comicbooks. Not just from DC and Marvel since where I live American comicbooks where not exported yet back in the 90s. And from DC I have almost all of the Vertigo comicbooks, the entire pre-new 52 and post-crisis Batman "chronology" and some other stuff from several characters, mainly Green Arrow (The real Green Arrow, not that homo erotic version kids this days know because of that terrible and painful soap opera show).

    That being said, i think Batman is starting to get tiresome. C´mon, we just got a 5 part saga on videogames if you count the 2.5 D platformed Arkham Blackgate, he just got a movie trilogy and now he´s about to get ANOTHER one while appearing in who knows how many tie in movies (suicide squad, Batman v Superman). And all of that without forgetting that he´s being the most published DC hero for more than 10 years in a row, every year there´s a new animated movie based on a popular Batman comic (this year is finally The Killing Joke).. How much Batman does DC needs to put down our throws while ignoring the rest of their heroes? Because it´s starting to feel like DC is relevant today because of Batman, and with him out of the picture they have not even confidence that any other hero could make that kind of money or generate as much interest.

    We got the announcement that Marvel, after years of neglecting us any videogame besides mobile crap, was making a deal with TellTale to make a game. Good, about time. Then suddenly DC has another TellTale game in the works, not only that but it will come before the Marvel one. Men, desperation is a powerful drug. DC already has the winning argument when it comes to videogames, do you need to do this?. To me at least sounds like DC went on a hurry to pay TellTale to make their game first, and from Batman of course, ´cause if history has proven something is that everytime Marvel seems to be getting more money we need to launch some fucking Batman in there and remind everyone who has the coolest hero.

    The game will most likely be awesome, I trust TellTale and I do like Batman (comicbook and animated Batman, fuck those weird versions of the movies that had nothing to do with the comics, specially realistic boring and overpraised Nolan´s version), but I doubt at this point the character can have interesting stories if they launch a new one so often, is this game gonna be cannon with the new cinematic universe to be built? or is it comic cannon? new 52 or post-.crisis? or is it in fact canon with the TV series universe that is short of connected but at the same time is not because it´s owned by different TV channels? The whole thing is a mess, and Marvel should take the advantage on this one, keep presenting a cohesive and connected universe, but instead of giving us something we already had or know, gives something new that can´t be done neither on Netflix or Disney movies, and that my friends is pure horror and gore.

    Netflix is bloddy and mature, but is not R rated, even Punisher we can feel will be toned down from his more upsetting comicbooks, and we don´t even need to discuss about Disney movies, they are PG-13 from now to forever, and that´s that. And TellTale themselves seems to be ok with violence and gore, but when presented as routine like in GoT it lost it´s shock value, Wolf Among Us violence felt more realistic and painful because those things where not suppose to happen.

    This is why I think both companies could gain from using a character is finally back to Marvel: Ghost Rider. He´s to weird and magical to be a part of the Netflix side of the MCU, and to obscure and gore for DIsney. Besides, TellTale have proven with Wolf Among Us that they can throw a few horror scenes from time to time, and they always write with the characters in mind, it´s about their journal over the course of the game, how they cope with whatever life or the plot throws at them, and how it affects them.

    I want you to think now in that short of narrative being put in favor of a story of a guy that made one mistake, he was cheated to have his body possessed by a demon, an ancient force that existed since the first crime was committed, lurking in the dark waiting to avenge it, not because of justice but because it was born to despite, chase and eradicate all forms of sins and crimes. Suddenly this stunt guy has to deal with that new voice in his head and the weird powers it provides him with yet has no control over them. He walk among people smelling every single sin and act of horror they committed, the blood of the innocent in the hands of a regular mechanic, the tears of all the rape victims of that weird taxi driver... whatever he goes, he can feel and see every pain humans cause the one to the other regardless of the motivations, and inside him is that new voice, demanding him to let go, to release him so he can punish those sinners. Suddenly the character has all this doubts and fears, does he agrees with the punishment the Ghost Rider dispatch or is he conflicted about it? Is he enjoying the path of destruction he´s leaving or does feel guilt? How does he cope with how his life has change to become an instrument of the devil, capable of avenging the victims but knowing the Ghost Rider cares nothing for them but rather just lives to cause pain to the guilty? He´s no hero, he´s monster, and once he understands he can´t run from it, will he try to cooperate with the Ghost to give him a better purpose or directions as to who he punishes and who he doesn´t or tries his best to outsmart both the devil and the ghost rider?

    In this new version of the character the Ghost has a voice, he rarely speaks when he does Jhonny is allowed to see the world a little bit like him, instead of people he just see the flesh, the blood and all the possibilities that flesh and blood has to hurt other people. They are not friends, the Ghost is indifferent to Jhonny and could not care less for him, and Jhonny hates the Ghost for what he does when he can´t control him anymore. The more close to someone that needs his judgment the weaker Jhonny becomes, he can allow the Ghost to appear and can try to prevent it, but not fully, specially at night. Instead of the boring Penance Stare this version is more physical, he kills his victims in very gore and paintfull ways, much like a slasher film villain, then he harvest their souls and are send to his domains in hell, where they suffer for all eternity, and the game would even show us a little of that, a real hardcore scene pull out from the Hellraiser movies.

    The whole idea would be to have the plot advance in a very horror movie sense in the early chapters, with little info on what´s going on as we see Jhonny making his deal with the devil but the specifics are never discussed by Mefisto y Jhonny is unaware of the Ghost Rider at first, just slowly figuring out when waking up after passing out from the smell of burning flesh he felt coming from some guy in a bar and later find out a paper describing how the police found that men death, burned and impaled in the woods (or that kind of stuff, you know what kind of scenes I´m talking about, classic werewolf stuff). Then getting realization and conflict among the characters and eventually acceptance, either willing or unwilling depending on your actions and decisions. You can end the game with a enormous body count with Jhonny not only liking to have that kind of power but embracing it and leting all the crazy of the Ghost Rider to come out, or with fewer victims and Jhonny being able to show the Ghost Rider that some crimes are worth more and other less, and to ease on his need to avenge, specially since the spirit of vengance at the begging seems to consider all humans guilty of something and all worthy of his judgment.

    Horror, gore, mystery, a little bit of "magic" elements with Mefisto and whatnot, and a plot that goes from slasher film to buddy cops movie and ending in a "monsters can be heroes" can of feel depending on your choices. But most importantly, a different kind of thing both for Marvel and TellTale, something that can feel part of the MCU but providing a new look at that universe, one that we will never get on the other formats Marvel is using now.

    Sorry for the longest post ever written in the story of the forums, next time, i won´t smoke before answering.

    PD: Some people mentioned Deadpool, and I think that may kind of work, but only if we get THE REAL deadpool, not that stupid joke most people think the character is about. Fourth wall jokes are part of his character, not the entirety of it, and considering that not that many Deadpool stories or even writers got the character to be more than a joke I doubt videogames will do it right. I want the Deadpool that may or not be named Wade Wilson and killed both the original Wade Wilson and his wife because he was jealous and was demented, the one that discover that he killed his parent with no remorse whatsoever and the one that pick up puppies and lauch them to a certain death knowing both villains and heroes will try to save the puppy while he runs of to pick a truck and ram it against said villain or hero and looks like a fucking zombie. The deadpool that is all popular, gets all the girls, is friends with everyone, has a daughter and works for the Avengers and SHIELD...well, fuck that guy.

  • I would love for a new x-men game.


  • It would be great to play as Kamala.

    Linnet posted: »

    Ms. Marvel It has managed to tie in the Avengers, Inhumans, Shield and the X-Men while being less about powers and more about character interaction.

  • The game will most likely be awesome, I trust TellTale and I do like Batman (comicbook and animated Batman, fuck those weird versions of the movies that had nothing to do with the comics, specially realistic boring and overpraised Nolan´s version),

    Amen to that. I also don't think it unpopular to think that Batman is becoming overused/tiresome.I personally love the character and would love for some more Batman, but there are plenty of people that share the same feelings as you do.

    SpaceTales posted: »

    Before I post my unpopular opinion, I´ll like to point out that over my life I have ruin myself buying comicbooks. Not just from DC and Marv

  • X-men would be an awesome choice.

    Paracosm posted: »

    X-MEN X-MEN X-MEN X-MEN Did I say X-Men? Seriously though... GoT style X-Men game would seriously kill me. I love X-Men so much and it

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