Michonne will visit Motor Inn. from Season One?!
Look guys what have I just found on the trailer!
This is exactly these same image, maybe more un-colored, beacause of the time, paint started to be invisible.
I really hope that this is these same image that Clementine drew in S01E02!
And remember, she took from the motel just Kenny's family image, We dont know what happend to that tiger/goat image
Sorry for the resolution, but I think that its visible.
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Neat. Michonne can learn of Lee and Clem. This looks like a HUB area room. Maybe Michonne can look at it and be an art critic.
Unless it's a re-used asset which would be silly in any case.
Lol yeah it would. And I can imagine her character doing something like that too.
Its just an photo, why would they be reusing just an photo and editing it to just change it to look old?
I think that they could do another image in 3 min ; p
Wasn't in the files something about Katjaa jacket, being separated. And if i remember i saw someone in s2 with Katjaa's jacket/coat.
Tavia got it
Reused models would be pretty ridiculous in this scene. It's hard to model people and walkers etc, so they reuse a lot of it, and that's understandable. But it can't be hard to scribble down some 'kid's drawing' that looks different from the one Clem drew. Yet sadly I doubt that Michonne goes all the way from Washington DC to Macon, Georgia, even if she goes by boat and over Savannah, and then stumbles across Clem's drawing. Maaaaaybe, but seems like a long stretch.
It could also be temporary art, since the game is still at least two months out. It's possible that they wanted a child's drawing for the scene, used the assets they already have for the trailer, and will use new art once the game assets have been finalized. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility, as an image of a child's drawing wouldn't really be a priority in the art department at this stage in production.
Doug and Carly were both shot in the head. No walkers to be had. In fact their rotting corpses were in the 400 Days DLC.
Maybe we will see the bandits, who invaded the camp, as walkers.
Oh gotcha. Good point. Never thought about that. I would love to put poor Carly out of her misery.
As others have said, it's probably a reused model or temporary art.
From a story point of view, Michonne would have to leave Alexandria with the boat and land in Georgia and then go all the way to inland Macon. That's not very plausible if you ask me.
It'd be interesting, but this game takes place after the "All out War" arc, yes? The motor inn is just outside of Macon, Georgia. Alexandria is around Washington DC, so unless Michonne took the biggest road trip ever alone and then somehow made it back to Alexandria in time for the next story involving her, there's no way she got to the Motor Inn.
Plus she'd have to abandon the boat. It took Magna and her group with horses and stuff like 7 months to reach Alexandria from Richmond which is a lot closer to Alexandria than Macon (I speak from experience). Granted they did have the big trailer, but still.
I agree with the whole placeholder argument, but I just thought of something.... what if we start in a certain city where we end up finding the remains of Lee. Man that'd be hard to see whether he's shot or a walker.
Michonne: Looks like shit.
Holy crap what if she runs into Lilly?!
Now that would be awesome.
Huh. Maybe Lilly kept the picture and left it there.
Maybe this was simply meant to be an easter egg/reference. It doesn't have to be them re-using assets or being lazy.
Hhm, might just be another 'Lilly's RV', like we thought in S2E4. Besides, Macon is quite a trek from Washington if this is after All Out War. 10/10 for observation though
Known by who?
I like to believe "anything" is possible.
Wait a minute why is Clementine's face red in the picture?
I think the pictures colors are just really over saturated.
She's mad because Lee criticized her glorious art.
Nice profile pic
Telltale said they would never show Lee dead in anyway
I hope so, it be cool to go back
WOW! it's so cool
Maybe it's the pre- prison time before she joined Rick?
It's not, it's between Issue #126 and Issue #139 which takes place between 2 to like 5 years into the ZA. That would be cool though, maybe a brief flashback scene would be nice.
That'd be neat but... why would she be back in Georgia when she's in Washington though (from what I remember)? Seems rather illogical to go back there.
I can understand that. It would be rather shocking, and I'm sure many people would see it as cheap.
We have to back.
We have to go baaaaaaaack!
Thanks. I like your profile pic as well, it seems all spooky.
Back to nostalgia land!
And suffer from a total feels trip!
walks through Motor Inn Shit, now I'm sad. ;-;
Well, technically they kind of did. I mean, the dead body in the Season Episode 5 title card looks suspiciously like him
Them kicks doh
Wait what that isn't the slide?