Gared leaned on a smallish tree trunk, he watched as ‘warriors’ were burning more wrights. Josera approached him with a look of 'I know exactly what I'm going to say'.
Josera: You were brave out there today.
Gared: I always am.
Josera: You took some risks I didn’t expect for a crow to take.
Gared: I could fight before Castle Black. Lord Gregor had promoted me to Knight, I’m a good fighter.
Josera: Sorry, if I judged you harshly.
Gared: I’m used to it.
Josera: How close were you to Gregor?
Gared: Close. I was close to the family as well, they treated me- Like I was a Forrester.
Josera: Gregor must have really trusted you… I was born around the time Elissa was pregnant with Rodrik, how did he turn out?
Gared: He’s brave, smart, he is a true lord. To my knowledge he survived the Twins but I don’t know if he’s still alive.
Josera: I know he had more children what are they like?
Gared: Asher is impulsive but he’s got a good sense of humour. Mira is kind, she cares about the people around her. Talia is a sweet girl and she has a beautiful singing voice. Ethan was smart, he always cared more about books and playing his lute, sadly he’s dead... And Ryon, he’s only young but he is a great craftsmen. Huh, I remember once when I was ten years old, I was allowed to play in the grove with Rodrik, Asher, Talia, Ethan and Mira… Rodrik was a lot older than us but it didn’t stop him from playing hide-and-seek with us all. Asher climbed up a small tree and I tried to copy him.
Gared laughed and shook his head.
He helped me climb up the tree he was in and we hid there for a long time while Mira was seeking us out. She found Talia and Ethan first, they were hiding behind the same tree. And then she found Rodrik hiding by a rock. It must have took them hours to find us… I miss those days.
Josera: They sound like good people.
Gared: They are.
Josera: Are you ok? You seem upset.
Gared: I just miss it. I don't know if they're alive, I'll never know.
Josera: You just have to hope they are ok.
Gared: I'm hoping, I really am.
Josera patted Gared on the back and smiled at him.
Josera: Gared... You look weird in a dress, I don't like it.
Gared: Well I like it and you can't stop me now.
Josera: You couldn't have just wore the suit, could you? -.-
Gared: No, I sold too many pigs for this dress. I was going to wear it either way. Now just pose for the picture.
And therefore Josera was in such a mood that he posed with a 'done' face. Gared made sure that the picture was taken 20 more times so that at least one would have Josera smiling in it... This is one of the most common pictures.
@Wolfenus54 you know what must be done...
No! I must choose... plus I'm not a fan of this ship
I forgive you, sweet prince.
What are they looking at? XD
You traitor you swore your vows to the Assoldier Thread!
Words are wind my dear. I broke them last week actually when I joined Rhyiona.
I still ship Assoldier tho! please accept me as your son again ;_;
It's okay... Mama Winter still loves you.
That's a relief thanks
, but the million dollar question....
Do you ship it?
I ship it! 100%
Dat ass tho. Love me some fanart! thanks
Anyone remember back when there was only 2 legit shipping threads across the entire Telltale forum?
Ugh... fine >.>
Just gimme a sec, okay?
Edit: It is done but I feel that I'm going to get some hate...
Here you go
I wonder what those marvelous threads were.
Yeah, and now there are way too many legit shipping threads across the entire Telltale forum.
Hey, at least there isn't some shitty war between those threads. LMAO
But wait, who's that in the background?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
3 words:
Rhysha and Rhyiona.
I was just kidding around man, you didn't have to if you didn't want to.
No such thing.
Actually, I was going to make that thread anyways since I was planning to... xD
I mean, cause of me Brodester made the Gared x Josera thread x)
Destiny... Whatever that may be.
Gared: "Huh?
Josera: "What's the matter?"
Gared: "What is that thing over there?"
Josera: "I think it's destiny"
Gared: "I hate that fucking game"
Why do you post so much here if you don't ship it? you sure you don't ship it?
Absolutely perfect!
XD I don't. I'm just discussing stuff and joining in on the fun.
Gared leaned on a smallish tree trunk, he watched as ‘warriors’ were burning more wrights. Josera approached him with a look of 'I know exactly what I'm going to say'.
Josera: You were brave out there today.
Gared: I always am.
Josera: You took some risks I didn’t expect for a crow to take.
Gared: I could fight before Castle Black. Lord Gregor had promoted me to Knight, I’m a good fighter.
Josera: Sorry, if I judged you harshly.
Gared: I’m used to it.
Josera: How close were you to Gregor?
Gared: Close. I was close to the family as well, they treated me- Like I was a Forrester.
Josera: Gregor must have really trusted you… I was born around the time Elissa was pregnant with Rodrik, how did he turn out?
Gared: He’s brave, smart, he is a true lord. To my knowledge he survived the Twins but I don’t know if he’s still alive.
Josera: I know he had more children what are they like?
Gared: Asher is impulsive but he’s got a good sense of humour. Mira is kind, she cares about the people around her. Talia is a sweet girl and she has a beautiful singing voice. Ethan was smart, he always cared more about books and playing his lute, sadly he’s dead... And Ryon, he’s only young but he is a great craftsmen. Huh, I remember once when I was ten years old, I was allowed to play in the grove with Rodrik, Asher, Talia, Ethan and Mira… Rodrik was a lot older than us but it didn’t stop him from playing hide-and-seek with us all. Asher climbed up a small tree and I tried to copy him.
Gared laughed and shook his head.
He helped me climb up the tree he was in and we hid there for a long time while Mira was seeking us out. She found Talia and Ethan first, they were hiding behind the same tree. And then she found Rodrik hiding by a rock. It must have took them hours to find us… I miss those days.
Josera: They sound like good people.
Gared: They are.
Josera: Are you ok? You seem upset.
Gared: I just miss it. I don't know if they're alive, I'll never know.
Josera: You just have to hope they are ok.
Gared: I'm hoping, I really am.
Josera patted Gared on the back and smiled at him.
Josera: You'll be fine.
Gared: I know I will...
Fixed it... It's perfect now!
XD Dat Shadow cameo.
Their wedding day ;_; I cri evertiem.
Josera seems angry...
We'll never know why
unless @Kateis gives us the story behind the picture.
I dont know, I think they look too much alike. They both have those square jaws.
Ok well, you asked for it and I will supply it.
Josera: I told you not to wear the dress...
Gared: But I look cute in it. ^.^
Josera: Gared... You look weird in a dress, I don't like it.
Gared: Well I like it and you can't stop me now.
Josera: You couldn't have just wore the suit, could you? -.-
Gared: No, I sold too many pigs for this dress. I was going to wear it either way. Now just pose for the picture.
And therefore Josera was in such a mood that he posed with a 'done' face. Gared made sure that the picture was taken 20 more times so that at least one would have Josera smiling in it... This is one of the most common pictures.
Does that mean I have to make fanart for this too???
Oh my god YES!
Can you do something like this but replace the horse with Shadow?
That'd be the best xD
Shadow, you mean the character from Sonic?
He's/She's talking about Josera's bear.