Marry, Date, Bang, or Kill??
((Girls/Guys)) Asher, Gryff, Ethan, and Rodrick ~ Who would you Marry, Who would you Date, Who Would You Bang, and Who Would You Kill??
((Girls/Guys)) Mira, Gwyn, Eleana, Talia, Beshka, Margarey, Cersei, Sera, etc.
Have to explain why . Creat Your Own Version If You'd Like
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Marry = Mira because I think having wife who is more cunning yet cares for her family might be an advantage in GoT, Date = Elaena because she is good looking and all but id only date her for the looks, she is too grim in my opinion, Bang = Elsera looks good but I don't think it good to stay with a witch who uses blood magic so id just bang her and leave as fast as fucking possible, Kill = Ethan, I didn't really like him after all he had to do was give whitehill some "fucking bread and salt"
I think he wanted you to choose the four characters
Hmm. Maybe I'll do my own version.
My apologies
Well id wouldn't do any of that except for kill Rodrik because I don't find it comfortable to say I would date, marry or bang a man because I am a man (not that the is anything wrong with that). so I decided to do my own version.
For men,I would...
Marry/Date: Ethan (When he was older) (He's sweet)
Bang: Asher (Had a dream about it already 0_0)
Kill: Gryff (He beat up the Maester and is in general a little bitch)
For Women:
Marry/Date: Beskha (My hot and interesting girl-crush)
Bang: Beskha again
Kill: Gwyn (Very unemphatic to the Forresters after Asher or Rodrik were killed)
Kill: Gryff (He's got great hair but that's all he's got going for him)
Marry: Mira (She's the bomb and has a refreshing kind of beauty)
Marry: Rodrik (C'mon, he's perfect! Why do I have to explain that? Funny, Tough, handsome, perfect husband material.)
Date: Arthur (Who wouldn't want to date Arthur? I can believe that he would be to be fun to date, plus he is cute as shit:)
Bang: Asher (Risky one, since Asher could have a disease from the whores, but I would still go with it.)
Kill: Ludd (He's still alive in my game, so yeah...)
Marry: Mira (She's already my waifu, but I would gladly marry her and become a Forrester.)
Date: Beskha (I would gladly drink with her and let her do whatever she wants.)
Bang: Elaena (Bless the Glenmore genes for creating such a beautiful woman(and her brother).)
Kill: Gwyn (Pretty, but a Whitehill. I wouldn't have any business with her in the end.)
Am I allowed to do all four of those to one person?
Wow, if you betray her by lying such that she loses her job she isn't nice to you? Tch, people sometimes, am I right?
That sarcasm, though :P
Marry: Rodrik
Date: Arthur
Bang: Asher
Kill: Ramsay
Marry: Margaery
Date: Elaena
Bang: Daenerys
Kill: Cersei
Yeah, those glenmore genetics (and Forrester genetics) are kind of amazing aren't they...
Kind of???
Heh, just kidding, of course they are!
lol, what the hell is wrong with you?
Well, Gryff and every Whitehill deserve that kind of fate.
So there's nothing wrong with Scrubbington.
I've been called mentally unstable multiple times, I'm also a Handsome Jack lover. Maybe that helps.
Marry: Asher
Date: Asher
Bang: Asher
Kill: Everyone else
Marry: Mira
Date: Mira
Bang: Mira and Beskha
Kill: Everyone else
Nah, it's too cruel for the Whitehills, they aren't THAT evil. Ramsay deserves that kind of fate.
Marry: Rodrik
Date: Asher
Bang: Asher and Arthur
Kill: Gryff
Marry: Mira
Date: Beskha and Gwyn
Bang: Gwyn
Kill: Elissa
Asher is Love, Asher is Life.
Okay, now I started to like you a little bit more.
Yep, now I like you even more.
Yea Beskha is hot af.
Marry: Asher - I get a hot blonde husband and I become a Forrester by marriage? Sign me the fuck up!
Date: Mira - Who doesn't want to get with Da Most Dengerous Haindmeden in all of Kin's Landin'?
Bang: Arthur - I'd like to see him "Quiver" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kill: Ludd - Iron from Ice, Bitch!
Of course. Lol
Really? I would have done the same to Gryff, Harys and Ludd but keep them alive and make them Reek 2.0 #1, 2, and 3.
You're not mentally unstable.
◦Marry: Margaery - I thought she was a little too defensive in the game, but I love her in the show.
◦Date: Mira - We could have some interesting conversations.
◦Bang: Is Daenerys on this list? No? Can Daenerys be on this list? My first choice would be Daenerys, but my second would be Elaena.
◦Kill: Sera - Sera is a worthless friend. Period. I hate that she's all settled with a fiancé and a position with Margaery while my head rolls off the block.
◦Marry: Rodrik - He's so kind and noble and he's the true lord of the house. I ain't kneeling before any Whitehill.
◦Date: Gared - Love him. Such a cutie.
◦Bang: Asher. Asher. Oh heavens, there can only be Asher.
◦Kill: Probably Ramsay.
Marry: Margaery
Date: Sera
Bang: Cersei
Kill: Gryff
Marry: Cotter Date: Gared Bang: Josera Kill: Frostfinger
game guys (relatively in order):
game girls (relatively in order):
show boys (can't do these in order - too hard to distinguish):
show girls (can't do these in order, too hard to distinguish):
@Wolfenus54 , come here doggie!