I have a question...Why the hell haven't telltale released the soundtrack to the Walking Dead anywhere?! It is so good but I'm stuck with listening to it ripped from the game and stuck on youtube. Having an actual soundtrack on itunes and spotify would be great IMO. What do you think? Do you think they should release the soundtrack?
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Well put.
They did. It was available for download with the GOTY edition.
You can listen to it here on Bay Area Sound Soundcloud OR Both links lead to same music
Check this out, I made a thread a while ago with a link to download the Official Soundtrack for Season 1, straight from this site.
Well, I look like an idiot now. Thanks for the links, still, they should release season 2's soundtrack.
You aren't an idiot. They are very hard to find since there is no 'official release', the only 'official' one I could find was from the link I gave you. But even so I still can't find Season 2, which sucks
Jared Emerson-Johnson has started adding some more songs to "the vault" section on his website which you might be interested in, he recently added some 400 days songs so he might add season 2 in the future.
Thanks Ozzy. Legend.
Since it's related to the soundtrack, I just recently noticed that Anadel officially released/uploaded their remix of the Clementine theme about a month ago. A version of it came out some time last year, but it wasn't technically an official release from them, it came from one of their producers. Also for the TWAU fans, they also put up the track used in the accolades trailer for Smoke & Mirrors.