New Suicide Squad Trailer
I really liked it. Great music choice, especially excited for Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Will Smith as Deadshot. Jai Courtney looks like he's going to fun in this movie. I'm likely Jared Leto's Joker the more I see him, can't wait to see how this turns out.
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It was certainly better than the first trailer. The first trailer felt awfully dark. This one clearly has humor and a clear identity.
I was a bit skeptical when I saw the first trailer, but now I'm pumped to see this movie. It's probably because of the perfect use of Queen.
Also, Jared Leto's Joker looks to be pretty good.
Looks amazing, this could be DC's Guardians of The Galaxy. This looks a lot more fresh and different then any comic book film in a long time.
I thought it was a good trailer, but what I didn't like was that I think the tone they're going for in the trailer isn't what we'd expect from a movie like this. The trailer itself makes it look like a really fun movie, almost kind of like a Marvel film, but since it's DC, I'm expecting a darker, more serious tone for the actual movie. Now I haven't seen the movie, so maybe they're trying to make this one a little more fun compared to movies like The Dark Knight or Man of Steel, but considering previous DC movies, it's just not something you'd expect from them. Also, I just really don't like the Joker's appearance in this, I'm sure Leto will do a great job, but there is something so off putting about how he looks to me.
What's this doing in the Batman section?
We cant say suicide on the fourms you must change the title to "New Canon Death Squad Trailer"
Im just kidding
When a subforum opens up, anything related to that game can be incorporated. You can have threads in the MC:SM subforum discussing the actual game, or the GoT subforum talking about the books.
I Ship It
Deadshot x Harley = Deadley
Look good!!!
Whole idea... is stupid. Why would crazed sociopaths work for goverment and not escape at the start?! Joker, Croc? Harley is funny in games and cartoons, but here... just silly. What the hell Will Smith is doing there?! I know, hype, huge fanbase etc. but I bet it'll be garbage. Freddie Mercury won't help.
I liked the trailer but i wasn't a fan of the song choice, in the comic con trailer they used the song "I started a joke" and i felt the version they used fitted well with the more serious and dark vibe of the first trailer, in this one they used Bohemian Rhapsody i felt set a completely different tone to the movie.
I am still interested in seeing it but i hope they actual movie is slightly more dark than what this trailer makes it out to be.
If they try to run they die
And I don't even like comic films, but the premise is super tantalizing.
It looks like they will do Harleys origin story I hope the New 52 version. I liked it more than the original but I don't like Harleys outfit, gets IGN discussion Harleys comic book sections flashbacks
Most of those villains are batman rogue gallery with the exception of Enchantress and Boomerang
After seeing this trailer, I'm pretty excited, because it looks like the movie will have a lighter tone. Lately all DC movies were srs bsns, so I'm glad they're changing it a little.
They have installed bombs inside their skull, so if someone tried to escape, they'd go kaboom.
And Joker is not part of Suicide squad team.
You've obviously never heard of the Suicide Squad then.
Every member of the Suicide Squad has a bomb implanted into their necks. If they try to run or go against orders, the bombs will detonate, but if they follow their orders and succeed in their mission then the government will shave time off their sentences.
He's playing Deadshot. He's probably the most competent person on the team aside from Rick Flag.
I really want it to be good, but I have a number of fears, the two biggest being A) the tone, hopefully they'll find a nice blend of dark comedy, but that can be tricky to pull off. And
the casting on Joker, Harley, and Deadshot. Joker I'm only iffy about because he has big shoes to fill and I'm concerned that they will throw in "shock-factor" moments that have more to do with pleasing expectations than character or story developments. Harley seems good so far, but is a difficult character to pull off, she's not just crazy, she's bubbly and impossible to hate (or should be, if done right). Deadshot is my main issue. Will Smith has a tendency to be a showboat, and I don't want a Deadshot movie, I want a Suicide Squad movie.
Actually, what exact is Suicide Squad?
A terrible comic from the old times that was rebooted once Harley Quin popularity raised up in the last years with the Arkham videogames series.
The old Suicide Squad was never very interesting, the new Suicide Squad is basically the Harley Quin and Deadshot show. It´s not the most popular comic, but it features one of the current most popular DC characters, specially since the new 52 turn Harley Quin in DC´s new Deadpool. The best Suicide Squad thing out there is the animated feature, it takes the best of the comics and gets ride of the worst. The only thing I think the movie may add that I´m not comfortable with is the fact that is clear from the trailer that they will create some form of antagonist, making the whole "movie about bad guys" stupid as fuck since eventually they will turn into the heroes.
All that being said, this feels like a DC movie that is finally close to the comics. Is amazing how much DC movies are out there yet the only one that resembles the comics is the first Superman movie,as if Warner Bros was scare to make Batman a Detective, Superman a boyscout and so on and on.
THIS. I think that I agree with you on every point that you mentioned.
Joker seems like FINALLY we´ll get a Joker that is actually laughing and having fun, as much good as Ledger made an amazing work as an actor, that wasn´t the Joker. But I agree that they are going with the shock factor, that look is just terrible, and it shows the same exact problem DC has with the character in the comics this days, they stop using comedy with him and made him the scary clown. If there´s not a little of Cesar Romero on your Joker is useless, besides people give to much fucks about Joker on the big screen, when Mark Hamill has being giving us the best version of the character for 20 years now.
My problem with Harley is more simple, is new 52 Harley, not in mad love with the Joker but a sex figurine that will likely had some form of romance with Deadshot, and her current "crazy" personality is just too much Deadpool, I like Paul DIni´s Harley, every other version not that much, and this one is gonna be the latest version of the comic, the one mainstream audiences believes in.
And yes, Will Smith is not something we need in this movie. It´s Will Smith, He´ll have tons of scream time, a romantic triangle with Joker and Harley like in the comics (she´s a woman and this is DC comics, so yeah, she fucks anything that moves) and most likelly will be the "badass" of the movie. Funny how they said he´ll wear the MAsk yet in the trailer it seems like he only wears it for a few minutes. Plus, let´s be honest, Deadshot is not an interesting character, there´s a reason why he was forgotten for years, a reason why most people don´t know the character, he´s just boring, started as a hero before DC didn´t knew what to do with him and then turn it into a regular villain in several comics. Prior to Suicide Squad reboot with the new 52 he was already a regular member of the team and the occasional Batman villain, but I think Batman Arkham City represented the character perfectly, he´s a side annoyance in the big scheme, he´ll shot very well to unnamed characters, when when it comes to the heroes he always miss, proving that he´s not a real menace. On DC part Deathstroke is waaaaay better and makes the exact same role but more cool, will never understand why Deadshot in this movie rather than the awesomeness of Deadstroke.
And the tone, yeah... When DC said "we are not Marvel, we don´t make jokes" I didin´t think how to feel, this movies are suppose to be funny, but at the same time if they do what Marvel do superhero movies will die sooner, now is clear that is not true, that backfired and finally they decide to make some jokes, but still keep comitted to the "edgy and dark". So, we have a PG-13 movie that is trying to say "we are hardcore", villains that will eventually turn into heroes because it seems Enchantress will be some form of antagonist and a plot that will be constantly put aside in favor of screen time for Joker, Harley and Deadshot...soooo no clear focus. Also, the movie is trying to say "look at us, we are so edgy and violent, crazy people killing you never seeing that right?" but in a world that is closer to the first rated R superhero with Deadpool and has mature superhero content like Netflix Daredevil and Jessica Jones their attempt to shock everyone may be pointless at this point.
I loved the trailer, and I love some of the characters in the comics, but I can´t launch myself into the hype as everyone else because, well, I know this characters, I have read the comics, my contact with Suicide Squad is real, rather than all the hyped kids that know about Harley because of hot cosplays and Joker becuase of Nolan´s trilogy. I want the movie to be good, I want DC to get their shit together and being able to make something different than Marvel that is good and worthy of the comics, sadly, Warner Bros has proven over decades how little faith they have in comicbook adaptations, ever since the first movie they do not get involved with DC directly and they always run away from tons of the original concepts of this characters to make them more acceptable to mainstream audiences, and once Marvel prove how wrong they were they launched themselves to try and get some piece of the cake. And that´s the problem, they haven´t show anything that proves they should.
Well said
Long story short, watch "Assault On Arkham". It's a pretty good animated movie but it includes some characters that aren't in the movie and vice versa.
Well read if you manage to do so XDXDXD Gotta learn to control myself when writing on forums.
We will, plot will demand this, not sure but I think it will be similar to Assault on Arkham due to the similarity, Will Smith will kick Joker ass for sure...
Will Smith, is the edge that we need, is a good actor and may be a good view of Deadshot, sure that Deathstroke may be way more cooler but Deadshot is a intrigue character.
Spoiler ahead:
We actually know very little about him, plus Deathstroke is a better solo type.
Haha it's a fantasy movie where people have magical powers why are you trying to apply logic.
The first trailer was an accidental release as I've heard, and was released not very far into the filming process. The new trailer is most likely going to reflect the tone of the finished product of the movie. Probably still going to be pretty dark just with more chaos. At least that's what I interpreted the music choice as.
I don´t see that, sorry, but Will Smith is NOT going to do that version of the character.
Ima gonna spoil it for you now: Will Smith´s Deadshot is gonna be a good guy that sadly the only skill he has is good aiming, so that´s what he does, but then he has a daughter and tries to become a better person, there´s when the government gets him. There´s no way, NO WAY, that Will Smith will play a straight up villain. In fact, I doubt anyone in here but the Joker plays a truly villain, I´m almost positive that the movie eventually will launch another antagonist in the mix and the Suicide Squad will defeat it, turning in plot terms in the good guys of the movie.
And the fact that Superman isn´t even bright enough or a hero to most of us (I mean, that guy killed half metropolis that day, that´s just it, even Zack Snyder has said that over 500 people die that day or something like that on an interview with Kevin Smith.) and Batman is suppose to be a crazed vigilante that marks people with Bat marks like a maniac is even more scary, because in a superhero/villains world where the heroes aren´t heroes at all and the villains aren´t villains at all, WTF do you have?
I'm more excited to see this than Batman vs. Superman. Even though, this still has the possibility of sucking, from the looks of it, it's at least its own self contained story. Batman vs. Superman seems more like "How many characters can we cram into one film?"