GoT season two should be an Asher and Beskha origin story.

Yeah season two should be a flash back to four years ago when Asher was sent to Essos. We could see how Asher and Beskha met and fallow them as they adventure through Essos. With the season ending when they capture that guy they had in Yunkai at the start of Episode two of season one. I would play the living crap out of this.


  • How could you rightly call a prequel a Season 2? Sorry but no. I'd be open to it being a dlc though.

  • Nah, that could be included as DLC.

  • edited January 2016

    So, after a cliffhanger that makes the whole season feel like an unfinished con forcing my to play season 2 to end the story, now you want to ignore that story to focus on one that we only needed a few dialogue lines to describe? Terrible idea.

  • I would like to see this in DLC but not like the entire season 2.

  • edited January 2016

    I agree with everyone that shouldn't be season 2. But as a a dlc yh I would probably be up for playing it.

    They could probably format it the way they did 400 days with you picking which storyline you want to play and such. Having one for Asher being exiled and going to essos, Gregor maybe leading the house and maybe the story behind Elsera and Josera, Elissa with her old house being taken away from her, and maybe gared growing up with the Forrester children. It would tie in with season two directly but i guess it'd be fun to learn all their backstories.

  • Thats a terrible idea, just awful.

  • I love Asher and all, but that would be pretty bad Season 2 considering how many cliffhangers Season 1 ended up with.

  • That would work better as a dlc instead of a whole season

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