Walking Dead: Michonne - Older Episode 1 Waiting Thread updates from before/during E3 2015 Reveal

The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 1 of 3
Older News Updates from the Episode 1 Waiting Thread before/during the E3 2015 reveal
Hey guys! Before Episode 1 of Michonne releases, the waiting thread is going to be filled with more updates. The Episode 1 Waiting Thread had news updates from the reveal at E3 2015 and some hints/teases beforehand, but I am moving those older news updates to their own thread to prevent the Episode 1 Waiting Thread from getting super crowded.
June 16th 2015
- Tweet from Nicole Martinez: Excited I can finally tell people what I'm working on.
June 15th - E3 2015 Pre Show
Blog Post: Telltale and Skybound Announce 'The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Games Mini-Series'
Kevin Bruner announces Walking Dead: Michonne - 3 Episode Mini-series. More info coming at Comic Con.
June 12th:
Tweet from Job: .@.lauraperusco @.telltalegames and yes, something bigger than a single episode... Find out Monday at 9amPST on @.YouTube LIVE! /end teasing
Tweet from Job: .@.lauraperusco @.telltalegames and, no, this won't be centered on previous game characters. Expect something fresh. Something untold.
Tweet from Job: @.lauraperusco @.telltalegames I think we're close enough to say that fans of the game and especially the comic will be excited...
June 10th:
Blog Post: Big Announcement for 'The Walking Dead' Coming at E3
Tweet from Laura: Big #TheWalkingDead news from @.telltalegames at #E3 on Monday! What do YOU think it could be? https://www.telltalegames.com/blog/
June 2nd:
Tweet from Job Stauffer: That big news for #TheWalkingDead fans we promised? Look for it 9am PST 6/15 on the official @.YouTube LIVE Stream!
Tweet from Job Stauffer: And as we've said before, while it won't be about S3, it WILL be something major for TWD fans in 2015. See you at E3!
Tweet from Geoff Keighley: YouTube Live @ E3 begins Monday, 6/15 at 9 AM. Huge world exclusives, creators, special guests like Robert Kirkman/Telltale Games and more.
Forum Post from Job Stauffer (Page 56): "There WILL be a major announcement for The Walking Dead fans. 9am PST June 15th on Youtube Live at E3."
"Look for The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman and Telltale Games CEO Kevin Bruner with some news you won't want to miss...."
May 12th:
Forum post from Job (Page 44): "Really interested to see what they might announce. E3 is right around the corner... maybe something there?
Forum post from Job (Page 44): "400 Days was cool, but man... maybe they could do something even BIGGER this time before a full third season. Keep on that @.jobjstauffer guy. He seems like he's dropping a TON of clues...."
Forum post from Job (Page 44): "How's this for a tease: You WILL be playing more Walking Dead this year, probably more than you think, even if Season Three is a longer ways out of 2015."
April 21st:
Job Tweeted: "In one day I saw new robots, dragons, block people, zombies, and more sticky notes than you'd find in a 3M warehouse. Just marvelous!"
March 31st:
- Kevin Bruner Tweeted: "A very good day in the The Walking Dead writing room. Several tricky bits got sorted out. Go team!"
March 15th:
- During the "Telltale Games: Interactive Storytelling in 2015" Panel, Job Stauffer hints at the possibility of more Walking Dead content prior to Season 3... (Found here around the 40 minute mark:
March 14th 2015: