Although I admit even if it is a cameo I'll still jump for joy on hearing his demonic chattering! lol. - thats a point - will it be Murray as we know him? or a different voice actor?
Same actor. Denny Delk is reprising the role. In fact it seems he's the one who spilled the beans by mentioning it on his Twitter page.
Without being too damp and squibby, I wish Telltale could have kept this secret, as it kind of ruins the surprise of Murray reappearing in a future episode - now I'll be looking everywhere for him, instead of focussing on piratey puzzles!
(No, he's not under my chair, I've just checked, but I'll check again in 10 minutes, just in case.)
Without being too damp and squibby, I wish Telltale could have kept this secret, as it kind of ruins the surprise of Murray reappearing in a future episode - now I'll be looking everywhere for him, instead of focussing on piratey puzzles!
(No, he's not under my chair, I've just checked, but I'll check again in 10 minutes, just in case.)
Denny Delk gave it away on Twitter (the other Murray thread already revealed it), and enough people were asking that at this point we might as well say "yes Murray's in there somewhere." We played coy about Trogdor in Strong Bad for ages and at the end of the day it might have just meant that somewhere someone didn't buy it because we wouldn't tell him if Trogdor was in the game. Who knows. Maybe we really have Denny Delk in the studio to voice Hoagie in a top secret DOTT project, and this whole Murray business is just a smoke screen.
Maybe Telltale's secretly making a Space Quest game, and he's reprising his role as Commander Kielbasa. Or maybe he'll be playing the Kushman brothers in Sam and Max: Season 3.
Maybe we really have Denny Delk in the studio to voice Hoagie in a top secret DOTT project, and this whole Murray business is just a smoke screen.
I just hope that Tales of Monkey Island sells well enough to warrant a Day of the Tentacle/Maniac Mansion project. Telltale Games is redefining the word "awesome."
I just hope that Tales of Monkey Island sells well enough to warrant a Day of the Tentacle/Maniac Mansion project. Telltale Games is redefining the word "awesome."
Hopefully to be more similar to Maniac Mansion than to Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle. Multiple characters, lots of choices and various different possibilities of finishing the game rocked.
Who knows. Maybe we really have Denny Delk in the studio to voice Hoagie in a top secret DOTT project, and this whole Murray business is just a smoke screen.
I can't believe you just said that! Hahaha So how long till the gaming sites pick up on this and run with it
I'm really really sorry that I did. Murray, everyone!
This is disappointing to see. I knew it was a joke and instantly thought it was extremely funny. The day that Telltale must vet all posts to be sure they fit some official corporate image and no longer can joke around with the fanbase will be the day my faith in the company as a whole drops a peg or two.
...or Jake legitimately felt bad for crushing a DoTT fan's expectations?
Honestly this forum is pretty unique in the sense that people who work on the games actually post here. It's crazy in comparison to the Wizards of the Coast forums for DND and Magic.
Honestly this forum is pretty unique in the sense that people who work on the games actually post here.
Well they go on here to steal ideas and while they're searching they can't help but post. It's addictive, like Twitter. I mean, that's why I come on here :rolleyes:
...or Jake legitimately felt bad for crushing a DoTT fan's expectations?
Haha, I suppose that's reasonable. It's just that people shouldn't be raising expectations on non-committal language, even if they don't get it to be a joke. =p
...or Jake legitimately felt bad for crushing a DoTT fan's expectations?
That would be an insane way to try to legitimately raise the hopes of DOTT fans. We're maybe crazy but not in that way. It was just a joke.
Honestly this forum is pretty unique in the sense that people who work on the games actually post here. It's crazy in comparison to the Wizards of the Coast forums for DND and Magic.
Well they go on here to steal ideas and while they're searching they can't help but post. It's addictive, like Twitter. I mean, that's why I come on here :rolleyes:
That's true. We most recently stole the "characters should snap their fingers less often" idea from the forums, and will be implementing this new cutting edge feature without crediting you guys at all. Muahaha.
That would be an insane way to try to legitimately raise the hopes of DOTT fans. We're maybe crazy but not in that way. It was just a joke.
Well, kind of. I meant it more like you didn't do it on purpose while at the same time it wasn't your fault in anyway. More like you felt bad in the sense of just feeling bad in response to an unreasonable reaction.
I have to agree. Any place where you can make a thread like "Hey Dave Grossman" with a question regarding a question he already replied to about MI2 which came out in the early 1990s and then he actually shows up to post is amazing. Of course the staff isn't like a magic lamp you can rub to summon but it's just always fun to see the people behind famous games actually interact with their fans.
Midway through writing this post I forgot who I was replying to and just totally missed some irony.
Same actor. Denny Delk is reprising the role. In fact it seems he's the one who spilled the beans by mentioning it on his Twitter page.
Or Steve Henel who would be the superior choice (Monkey Island Speech Project)
(No, he's not under my chair, I've just checked, but I'll check again in 10 minutes, just in case.)
Denny Delk gave it away on Twitter (the other Murray thread already revealed it), and enough people were asking that at this point we might as well say "yes Murray's in there somewhere." We played coy about Trogdor in Strong Bad for ages and at the end of the day it might have just meant that somewhere someone didn't buy it because we wouldn't tell him if Trogdor was in the game. Who knows. Maybe we really have Denny Delk in the studio to voice Hoagie in a top secret DOTT project, and this whole Murray business is just a smoke screen.
Jake + 1.
Christ on a penny farthing. Was that another hint???
Seriously?! Really people. Jokes exist.
You're a game developer posting on a's your curse.
You can't kid with us about things like that. Seriously.
Any reason he can't do both? At the same time? (like this: )
Hopefully to be more similar to Maniac Mansion than to Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle. Multiple characters, lots of choices and various different possibilities of finishing the game rocked.
But having the house blow up for what seemed like no reason didn't!
Man, that day cows will fly i tell you!
Better not messing up with the self-destruct mechanism of the house then!
I'm really really sorry that I did. Murray, everyone!
Now just bring back Largo and you're set for life!
Hey! Don't cop out now! That joke was hilarious!
It would've almost been realistic if Denny hadn't already spilled the beans on playing Largo LeGrande in episode 4 just a few minutes ago.
Also, you went and changed your post.
Hey, what happened to Full Throttle?
Shame on you!
I was only joking. I guess I should have used one of those new fangled remoteiconthingimigiggies to illustrate.
I can't believe you just said that! Hahaha So how long till the gaming sites pick up on this and run with it
Honestly this forum is pretty unique in the sense that people who work on the games actually post here. It's crazy in comparison to the Wizards of the Coast forums for DND and Magic.
Well they go on here to steal ideas and while they're searching they can't help but post. It's addictive, like Twitter. I mean, that's why I come on here :rolleyes:
Yeah we're awesome! That's true. We most recently stole the "characters should snap their fingers less often" idea from the forums, and will be implementing this new cutting edge feature without crediting you guys at all. Muahaha.
Midway through writing this post I forgot who I was replying to and just totally missed some irony.