Is Rick gonna be bearded again?
Okay so toward the end of season 5, Rick got a shave and a haircut.
And so far, the group has been in Alexandria for 2 months, according to an interview that Michonne's actress gave.
Anyway I've noticed that Rick's hair is starting to grow again, and that his stubble is getting thicker. So I have to wonder if Rick is gonna be bearded by the beginning of Season 7?
What do you think, will we see the rebirth of Rick's godlike beard, or will Rick continue to be rockin' his new look for a while longer?
In all honesty, I think Rick should've kept his beard. I think the beard on Rick has become kinda like what the Fedora is to Indiana Jones - if that makes any sense. If anything, I think Rick's beard could've used a bit of trimming, but that's it.
Incidentally, I created this thread because frankly I had nothing better to do.
I hope not. I like him with a little stubble but no more. Why cover up his face with a big, ugly beard?