Michonne action scenes change screen resolution

Ok so with the new Michonne series there have been changes to action scenes. 2 things caught my eye the new quick times - which I can get use to, and 2 the changing the screen resolution when a action scene happen. number 2 MUST NOT become a thing - I honestly hate that. So basically when you start attacking walkers it wide screen it with black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. Seriously why? what is the point? its distracting, almost when tell tale created this episode when action happen they change the view so you get a close up of Michonne. Look I realise she is a fan fav. I watch the show, I totally get it she is a badass. Makes sense you want to put more quick times to make her look more of a badass that's fine, but changing the view when its helpful to see all around the character just zoom in closer to a view of Michonne body makes not sense at all. This is off putting. why did this happen? Look if you already program this factor for the rest of the series then fine BUT PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE IT FOR THIS SERIES ONLY

dose this bother anyone else?

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