Comic readers: How will the show follow the comics? (comic + S6 spoilers)
I was just kind of curious if the comic readers would give their thoughts on how the show will follow the comics for the rest of Season 6.
It seems tonight's episode will feature the first death of one of Rick's group, who in the comics was Abraham. Will it stay the same?
And with the finale, Negan will show up, finally. In the comics he kills Glenn. Will the show follow through?
There's still 3 episodes left, so yeah.
I don't know if they'll kill Abe, I would think do with all the hints, but I keep thinking Tara will be instead.
As for Lucille's meal, I think it's Glenn, especially because of those photos with the bashed heads. I'm no entirely certain though, as Daryl is a very popular choice it seems.
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Someone is definitely getting the arrow tonight. And if the arrow does happen, then that means Dwight shows back up, which I hope to god means the infamous crotch bite happens somehow
And if that's how tonight pans out, then that means they have little source material left to work with for episode 15. Episode 16's going to most likely be nearly shot-for-shot from issue 100 (maybe a bit of 99 as well). So that leaves episode 15, which is a bit of a wild card. There's not much left to adapt from Something To Fear at this point besides the grand finale, so there's a good chance it'll deviate once again from the source material, much like episodes 12 and 13. But there's a chance that some final scenes from the comic will make their way into 6x15, among those probably being the funeral for whoever gets the arrow. And they'll probably venture out to look for Dwight and end up killing even more saviors in the process, which would be a semi-adaptation of Rick trying to chase down Dwight after the Alexandria raid, and stumbling across Abe's body.
Also, on a somewhat-related note, it's pretty ridiculous how many saviors Rick and co have killed by now. In the comics, they killed like what, 10 at most before Negan showed up? Meanwhile, TV Rick and co have taken down around 40 of them. 40.
Abraham and Eugene look like they are on perimeter check, and that's got me worried. I don't want Abraham to die, because I feel like he hasn't been as developed and important as in the comics. Again, they could be setting up this plot-line so that we fear for them and then surprise us with somebody else receiving the arrow.
Episode 15 will have to deviate from the source material and make up some content, but I'm pretty sure that it will include Maggie and Glenn deciding to move to the Hilltop and Rick explaining at the church that the Saviors have already been dealt with. If only they knew…
As a side note, why did Tara and Heath go on a two week supply run, when they had a whole Savior outpost's worth of supplies? That's one big plot-hole right there.
I'm 99% certain Abraham's getting the arrow tonight. As soon as I saw the preview for the next episode last week and saw him and Eugene together, I was like "Abraham is a dead man." And with Dwight supposedly returning this episode, someone is definitely going to die, so I think that will be pretty accurate to what happened in the comics.
Episode 15 will most likely be filler because, as Deltino said, there's not much stuff left to cover, and if the season finale is going to be Negan's introduction/the end of Issue 100, then they have to fill up that time with something.
As for Negan, it has to be either Glenn or Daryl, and I really hope its Daryl. Killing off Glenn after what they did earlier in the season would just be terrible writing. I know that in the comics it's Glenn, but the reason why was because he was such a vital character, basically becoming Rick's right hand man (which was important since Rick didn't have a right hand), and was a fan favorite, the Glenn in the show isn't as popular. Daryl is the most popular character, killing him off would make Negan's introduction even better AND would give Dwight even more of a reason to join Rick's group later like he does in the comics. So while Negan's intro will be pretty similar, I feel that they will substitute Glenn with Daryl.
Tara's actress, Alanna Masterson, was heavily pregnant during the filming for 6x12 and I think she give birth during filming for 6x14 or 15, I can't remember. It's probably to avoid her getting involved with these next few episodes that will no doubt be action packed. The only reason I can think of Heath going with her is that Tara can't do a run on her own.
And to answer this thread, I think Denise will get the arrow, as we can see she's with Daryl and Rosita on a run in the trailer. This is purely based on her friendship with Daryl. Any character that develops a friendship with Daryl will ultimately die. Also Denise's death could be the catalyst for Tara to die like Holly in the comics, which I think would be a great end for her, albeit not wanting her to die...
Denise dying would also be quiet upsetting, especially with her promising to tell Tara she loves her when she returns.
Oh, that's right! I remember that Corey Hawkins was playing a main character on the new season of 24 while also sustaining the role of Heath, so that's why they were probably sent together to this two-week supply run—Alanna can have her baby and Corey can film the other TV series, and the two come back in Season 7.
(which was important since Rick didn't have a right hand)
Rick didn't have a right hand
Well, someone is getting the arrow tonight. I honestly don't think it will be Abraham. It would be the obvious choice, and not a bad one either, but I think that Kirkman wants Abe to stay around for All Out War. I know this was a throwaway comment when he first said it, more like 'Oh well' than 'Shit, I should have kept him!', but I think that he'll live for now. Tara is the most likely to die tonight imo, what with all the 'I'm going to say I love you when I come back' thing. This also makes Denise a possibility. One of the two, and the other one will be heartbroken because they didn't tell them about their feelings.
So, my bet is on Tara or Denise to get the arrow, most likely Tara since Denise is mostly inside the gates and Tara is going on a supply run with Heath. As for Negan, I think they'll stick to the comics. I really hope that it will be Daryl, but I don't know if they'll do that.
Yeah, The Governor cut it off remember.
I was just highlighting your pun, LOL.
after denises death idk about abraham. he's probably S7 bound now.
who negan kills is out in the open now.
someone else
So it was Denise, you think Tara will be like Holly?
I don't think it'll be Heath. It probably wouldn't have as big as an effect as Glenn or Daryl would.
It can only be Daryl or Glenn if they want the level of impact like the comic. Personally I think its gonna be glenn, I can see Daryl just killing dwight and then jut filling that role after all out war however if Glenn lives that change a bunch for him and Maggie
Also it seems they are following the comics much more closely lately.
Abe I dunno, not sure what they'll do with him. But if they kill daryl he could actually be ricks right hand man like his comic self
Tara or Sasha is gonna get the holly fate of ramming the savior compound.
Do you think they'll do Denise's comic death on someone?
I'm curious to see where they go with Abe. Should be interesting.
Now that we know Denise got the Abraham treatment with the arrow through the eye, I'm thinking that Tara could actually take Holly's death and role. I don't think she would go as far as kneeing Rick on the crotch like Holly did, though. Maybe Rick asks her if she's sure, and she nods and she lifts her hand, prompting a final fist bump.
Denise's death is a hard one, but I have an idea that involves remixing. Heath and Tara have got to get attached during this two week supply run, right? Maybe Heath is the one who receives the zombified Tara when she walks in, and he is about to take the bag off her head, but she trips and falls on the ground. The bag gets out of her head on its own somehow—this needs elaboration—and a zombified Tara reaches to Heath's leg and bites him, tying in with his leg loss from the comics.
You all probably think that this is a shitty theory. You're not wrong.
Or, knowing the show, they'll have a third doctor step up to the plate, only to get comic Denise's death
This show's starting to go through more doctors than Doctor Who
Well, after Abraham wasn't killed last episode, but swapped with Denise, it makes me feel like they will shake up who Negan kills, also Glenn has barley been in season 6 so I dont really think they will kill him.
Also, Dwight doesnt have his own crossbow, so it looks like if they want Dwight to have one, it would mean Daryl would most likely die so Dwight could have it. But also, at the same time again, I feel like because Dwight and Daryl are so similar they might want to keep Daryl alive to have him as his nemesis.
Well, I am willing to bet Dr. Carson will get more screen time next season.
They might have to make a new character for Alexandria's doctor though.
They still have Rosita. She mentioned once that she learned medical skills from somebody on the Boston group; on a deleted scene on Season 5, it was also revealed that Rosita had been working alongside Pete on the infirmary; and you can see during Episode 14 that she was the one handling Eugene's injury.
I get what you're saying though. Caleb appeared out of nowhere back at the prison, conveniently just an episode before a sickness outbreak broke out. Then we have Denise, a week after the the previous doctor was killed, with the explanation that "Pete didn't want [her] here".
i just said Heath because the actor is going on a new show and he saw the crushed head pictures too
The show and series are really good, both are the same and different at the same time, Michionne became andrea in the show and I was expecting that, as for carol I think she is gonna be alive for some season more, I wasnt expecting the arrow scene though, for lucille I got my doubts, Glenn, daryl or Abraham are my bets, Enid became sofia, also I was thinking, holly was kidnaped by the saviours right? maybe carol has the same fate?
Maybe if they really change it and with the right character. In the comic the fact they fell for tha was pretty dumb, especially as it was just holly who know one cared about especially.
After he survived the arrow, I'm starting to think that Abraham might be Lucille's meal. He's honestly been present much more (at least in 6B) than Glenn has been, and after Glenn's fakeout his death probably wouldn't have as much effect on the general viewer as it did in the comics. Or who knows, Rick's group could meet up with Tara and Heath on the way to the Hilltop with Maggie and Glenn, so that Heath could be present like he was in the comics, and then Tara could be Negan's choice. Tara's been decently important since Season 4, so I feel it could have close to the same effect. Only problem is that Tara's actress was heavily pregnant, so I guess she's safe. So many options
Holly wasn't precisely kidnapped. She ran a truck over one of the Sactuary's fence and crashed a wall accidentally, and that's how they got to her. But it does seen like it would fit with the Carol leaving Alexandria plot point. The only problem would be how much time passes since since Glenn is killed to the use of the Trojan horse, and they wouldn't be able to show Negan killing Carol's possible rapist without revealing that she was caught.
Any thoughts about Carl & Negans relationship?
Do you think Carl will 'sneak' so to speak, into negans place like in the comics. And have a sweet Negan and Carl eye moment haha! (Except less crying as I don't think TV Carl would cry) And see that side of Negan etc
I think a Rick v Negan & Daryl v Dwight would be two good nemesis'
We know Kirkman has written the finale so anything could happen or he had to wright it to get the correct impact for Glenn's fate. We can only wait.
I think Sasha will take Holly's role, they might have Negan kidnap her because he only saw Rick and Michonne together from far away, and immideatley assumed that Sasha is Rick's girlfriend. Their skintones are pretty different though, so I could see them dropping that altogether or giving the role to Tara in a modified way to avoid backlash and people claiming they're racist.
Yeah I didn't remember that, well maybe if it's not Carol what about sasha? I think one of them are going to smash the fence, sasha because Abe will die because of negan or saviours and Carol in an atempt to stop war, as for Glenn I don't really know but I have a feeling that the season is gonna end in that scene :x
Well......two things:
1) Most fan analysers (Including MAPP) say that all the Glenn fake outs were intentional to make the tv fanbase think hes too popular to die (which has worked).
2) Daryl getting the bat would be a mistake. Why you ask? Because NEARLY HALF of the tv fanbase WAN'TS him dead. The death is supposed to cause sadness and pain from fans, not enjoyment.
Yep, he 100% could. He could still do Glenn though.
Yeah but Heath is way too new and hes probably not coming back from the supply run till next Season.
Well i didn't see them carrying any supplies out. Maybe there werent any? It was just an outpost after all.
Yeah i think that Part will be mostly intact
Changing it would only damage it.
Good to meet you by the way.
Maybe, but fans would be pissed off. It would be a huge troll from the show.
"Oh what, you want Abe to survive his death? Ok then, will just give him the most violent death in the series two episodes later"
There must have been enough to feed and take care of over forty people, which is more than can fit in the truck that Heath and Tara took. It's probably just an oversight on the writer's part.
Probably. But for the storys sake i'll pretend there wasn't.
There are so many characters alive at this point that I have no idea what's going to happen.
I'm still calling that Negan is going to eliminate at least two people instead of just one. The Savior death toll is so high that it's gotta be more than one to even things out, right?
I think this last Season has been upbringing a gamblers fallacy (the reppetition of the same outcome to convince someone the outcome will always be the same.) for the finale.
As we know Negan will execute a main character in what may end up being the most violent scene in modern television. Now lets look as what has happened so far:
1). A group known as the Wolves attacks. While they kill several Alexandrians they are all killed with the exeption of inviduals that Morgan spared. There was no negative concequences to sparing ANY of them and they were killed with incredible ease.
2) . Gleen survives 2 near death situations agaist all odds with no harm physically. As do the rest of the main characters.
3). A small group of Saviors is killed by Daryl instantly.
4). About 20-30 Saviors are massacred by the group.
5). 4-5 Saviors are executed by Carol and Maggie. 4 more are burned by them later. All of this with no consecuence.
See a pattern here? This has all been an attempt at making the group feel invincible towards the audience (a succesfull one). So that when an army of Saviors comes up, the group is totured and humiliated and Negan smashes a fan favorite's head with a bat people will lose it.
With that out i have a few theorys ill share in a bit but i have to eat now so ill type them later.
I had noticed that many times the group got out of those situations unharmed, but I hadn't made a connection with the Gambler's Fallacy (and I didn't know what it was either, so thanks!). It definitely seems now like they are doing it to shock the views during the finale.
By the way, you forgot to add that Daryl, Rosita, Eugene and Abraham—one of them tied down—managed to kill five out of ten armed men, and made the rest run away.
Bon appetit!