Info about Katjaa on video game timeline page

edited March 2016 in The Walking Dead

I recently read this info about Katjaa on wikia's walking dead video game timeline:

Katjaa worked as a veterinarian. She started working in a vet's office, and received her license a few years later. During the beginning of her training, she regularly practiced on farm animals. She started her veterinarian office and met Kenny when he brought in a sick octopus that needed help. She merrily told an anecdote once of how the Wildlife Rescue Center would regularly bring in injured alligators to be treated before their release back into the wild.

Obviously i know she was a vet but can anyone please tell me where the rest of this information was revealed in the game because this is news to me and I just found it interesting, thanks!?


  • most of that screams fan theory to me.

  • That's what i thought. Good imagination possibly?

    megamike15 posted: »

    most of that screams fan theory to me.

  • Sick octupus sounds like the removed sound files from episode 2. You can find them on Facebook.

  • Well, the octopus thing was in deleted sound files, so I guess we can assume that it happened. About the rest...who knows. Might also be sound files, or just speculation. But the wikia is usually very accurate and deletes fan theory stuff fast.

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