Sam & her brothers fate
I really liked Sam as character and have respect for her father, but felling they might die... summary is:
- Norma will assault them no matter you spare or kill Randall
- We know Michonne and Pete will get out of this safe and sound
- Sam never appear in comics and their survival without John is really low also Michonne probably wouldn't leave them unless they're dead (maybe they'll join other group, but)
Please discuss about how will they end up.
When John grabbed walkers hand
me: ok, throw it over fence
but he opened gate
me: omg just close it quickly
he makes it wide open for like 10 sec
me: gg we're fucked
boom! headshot
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They could come back on the boat, they could have just not been shown . But you never know .
I have a feeling that Sam's gonna either die or go somewhere else.
I have a good feeling that Sam, Alex, James and Paige will all survive. Maybe they find a safe place and Michonne feels like she can leave them with closure that they will be fine.
i hate Sam and her brothers,
Why her brothers?
Knowing Telltale's track record with new characters, they'll all die. Don't know about Berto and Oak, considering that they didn't show up in Give No Shelter.
As @zeke10 said, why her brothers? You can hate Sam and Greg but I don't see the point of hating on James and Alex, they seem fine.
Sam dies or disappears, I don't care for her. I did hate her so much in the previous episode but I still dislike her for using the shortwave, bringing Michonne and Pete into this.
I believe it is because they're not Clementine.
I am hoping that Sam, Paige, James and Alex go to Oceanside with The Companion's crew; that would allow Rick and Co. to interact with one of them when we see that community for the first time in the comics! To be honest, I wouldn't mind a finale without a dramatic death as long as the rest of the episode is decent. I don't think it'll turn out that way, though.
Ya got a point there. CuteClem just can't stop talking about her
Clem is the best little girl ever
I don't doubt that, believe me but you're talking too much
Neither of them are girls and they aren't even on her group, so they aren't taking supplies from her. Would you be open to the idea of accepting them without taking Clem into consideration before disliking them?
I dunno, they are clearly meant to represent her children and her saving them could provide a closing point to the story. Plus a reason to return with them
Do you hate every other child character other than Clemmy?
Nah ... i like Sarah and Gil
but Clem is cutest Child.
Why do you dislike the boys in michonne?
What's wrong with the brothers then
i think they ugly and they are secondary characters . I will not let them change Clementine as heroes or something like that
WTF?! That doesnt make any sense.
No she ain't IMO
I have a right, this is my opinion. sorry
STOP hurt me
If anything, I feel like Paige/Sam will die from a choice, maybe if Randall is killed or not. I think the boys will live.
Why is every child character that isn't Clementine ugly?
i said that Sarah is bit cute and Ben is fine ...
Most of Telltale death are canon, you can't truly save someone's life, they'll die soon before changing story. But since Sam, Paige and brothers never appear again after episode 3, i really wish that we could determine they die or not with our decisions. Maybe they captured by Norma and we didn't kill anyone at Monroy, not killing Randall, would make Norma spare them (Norma isn't that bad person assuming she did let Sam go after she stole) It could fit What we Deserve title. Also they are the people who gave Michonne reason to move forward and come back, they do deserve live and join Clem's or sth (determinant)
well clem got pretty ugly once season two came around like god how does someone become that ugly?! guess you better start hating her too now, who is gonna be your new favorite character?
you are not funny
Come on, mate. That doesn't make any sense. And they're actually pretty cute, especially the little one. Their roles in Michonne have nothing to do with Clementine's in the main seasons.
I'm thinking they'll live. I can't imagine how Michonne would handle even more dead children in her life, considering she seems o.k. when coming back to Rick in the comics.
Also. Maybe Norma will allow Sam and the kids to live at her community. We all expect bloodshe'd in the next ep., but maybe things can go down smoother. Im sure it'll be uneasy and awkward for this to happen, but then who's going to take care of these little guys?
Who said James and Alex are going to be sort of heroes?
Elaborate please.
Clem is cutest!
I don't deny that, but saying you don't like those characters just because they're ugly seems really stupid to me. No offense.
you know i meant clem is cutest in all season the same