This is why, if you wanted to know

Some of you are afraid of me and wonder why I always mention that Clementine it's a little girl. I do not want to scare anyone of you, I am not a pedophile, God forbid. I have a logical reason and true to everything I say about Clementine. This thread is important, because I want that you stop hurting me, this is my opinion after all. Clementine is 11 (I disagree on this and said that she even 9-10 in season 2) And I think if she will be 14+ in season 3, this will reduce any peculiarities of this game. : adults and youth are often heroes video games. Aged 14-40 +, which was really special game of "The Walking Dead" this heroine is little girl between the ages of 8-11. get inside the head of little girl, it's very special and does it almost any horror game (Maybe 2-3 horror games) and that it. If I'm an adult, youth (I'm 16) I do not want to get into the heads have been known. I want to go back to childhood, I want to feel how it is to survive in a smaller age, it's so special. as long as Clementine remain in the range of 11-13 in season 3, it will be fine, it's still a small age ... But, if she will 17, for example, it is very go bad and it would not be nice to me (in terms Hero).
I'm sorry, maybe you hate me, but this is my opinion and many others. Clementine should remain between the ages of 11-13, or the game will lose its uniqueness. Time difference of 5-3+ years, it's too much, it's also terrible: Clementine underwent a big change in season 1 to season 2 - appearance and behavior. I do not want another such change, enough is enough, to keep the brand, keep 'em all now know Clementine. She will go bad more and more, and it will be the end of her character. I know what I'm saying, I'm very concerned about that. People want to see her growing, evolving and changing - that was enough for me, Not good characters change all the time, then the connection may be lost.
thank you ...
I love this tribute
thank you
Nobody hates you. I want her to stay that age range too. Don't worry lol, she won't be older than 14 XD But some advice, try not to let it bother you too much, if others say something you don't like about Clementine, just...try to ignore them.
I understood why you wanted her to stay a child from the very first time you shared your opinion without explaination. Don't worry, you're a good member, keeping things alive is a positive traid on these forums nowadays.
I remember someone with Clementine avatar talking to me through PMs, was it you by any chance?
i think so
14 it's teen ... i think 12-13 it's good
ahhh so now I remember you
sorry if i was rude
it's fine
I clearly doubt that she will be over 13. Game should stay in the same time with the comics
i think she will be 13
CuteClem we love you. I for example am just teasing you. :P
umm ... ok?
what? hah ...
Think what you want about Clementines age .I think some people Just get a bit tired/weirded out of you bringing it up so much
i think she's amazing as now
People age that's just science. She's going to get older and there's nothing that anyone can do about it
I was not talking about science, talked about the story. The story can move forward while not much, after all it ends at the end and then I will not care who grows his own age and who is not, what matters is now.
get it?
thank you everyone!
You are a great member of the community, CuteClem.