S6 Ending

So, who do you think Negan ki......err Lucille kissed?
- Rick
- Carl
- Michonne
- Daryl
- Glenn
- Maggie
- Abraham
- Sasha
- Rosita
- Eugene
- Aaron
- Cameraman?
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So, who do you think Negan ki......err Lucille kissed?
it was actually you the viewer that Negan bashed to a pulp
this was done to symbolize AMC absolutely fucking the whole fanbase
Since Daryl and Abraham are the only ones i can see taking bat to the head "like a champ" my bets on one of them.
What 'bout Rick?
I omitted Rick because they're obviously not going to kill him.
I think possibly Eugene. When he took off with the RV, it kinda felt like they're setting it up to where he gets the permanent headache.
Not Carl or Rick. Negan said 'If anybody moves, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father.'
Yeah, they can't really do that if Negan kills one of those two. I think it's Glenn or Daryl, maybe Abraham.
Edited the title a bit since not everyone has seen in episode in their country, so they don't know about the cliffhanger.
I'm thinking it was Daryl, Glenn, or Abraham. Just makes sense for those characters.
Yeah but the same thing was said in the comic.
I heard a rumour that it is going to be Aaron who gets killed because he is not a main character.
Why not add Michonne, Rosita, Eugene, Aaron and Sasha to the list?
We will find out on the show after an episode with carol and morgan, an episode back at Alexandria, an episode with tara and heath and several flashback episodes. Then right at the end of the mid-season rick comes back to the community and gets out to tell the group they've lost someone. Find out who in the mid season premiere.
Just kidding, we will find out its aaron when its leaked several months before the episode launches.
You idiot!!! You leaked AMC's plot for season 7. You spoiled EVERYTHING!!!
Does anyone think that it could be Rick? Just sayin'...
It's not Rick and not Carl, as confirmed by Negan himself before beating the other person.
It HAS to be a main character otherwise this is pointless.
I dont blame the company for that, its minor people who do it and consideing there is a fairly large group of people dedicated to spoiling the show its inevitable.
Its not just AMC, its everyone involved in this show. AMC, the writers, kirkman, the cast, the talk show host; everyone has been hyping this up for months and are still trying to justify that its good.
AMC's response to the comic book fans..
Fuck this, I'm out
drops mic
You know the more i think about it the more i feel like this was an executive desicion. Like they had the full versión in script and then some asshole said "This works better as a cliffhanger"
Everything was perfectly build up, every actor was good. JDM was amazing.
This is the ultimate sxrew comic fans moment. This was made for only Tv fans who don't know better.
If it was Aaron I would be more pissed off at that then the cliffhanger. Its gotta be a long time member.
And both Robert Kirkman and Scott Gimple have the gall to say that the fans don't know what good story telling is in response to the criticism. They're acting like their shitty ass cliffhanger was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
The fact that Robert Kirkman himself approves of the cliffhanger blows my fucking mind.
Why they don't harm you unless you seek them out
And a big fuck you to kirkman too for allowing this shit to fester
I'm telling you, hes being forced by executives. This is compleatly out of character. He's always LOVED his fans. Hell hes one of the few writters who is actually trying to save the comics industry.
This is the guy who wrote invincible, outcast, thief of theives and WALKING DEAD. There is no way he honestly believes this was good.
Oh come on, he came on the after show to endorse the ending thats just shit. If he was forced fine but dont smile while someone destroys something you created. To be honest I dont think he was.
I refuse to belive he did this out of his will. He would never damage his own work like this. Something happened, maybe he didn't have control of it and Gimple and some other sick greedy jerks took over.
The funny thing is that AMC actually managed to lock the Spoiling Dead Facebook page for 3 or 4 days before the finale when there was literally almost nothing to spoil because that crappy cliffhanger.
Wouldn't make much sense to kill Abraham. Negan plans on all of them doing work for him. Why kill the strongest guy there?
The spoiling dead is obviously going to get audio, video footage, pictures, or a detailed synopsis or what happens in the opening minutes of Season 7. You know the only way around that is if the person who dies stays on for like half the season or more as a hallucination to Rick. Maybe Rick sees whoever gets Lucille'd throughout the first half of the next season as a reminder of how he screwed up. I mean that's the only way around the spoiling dead. Even the final shot of season 6 was leaked online so what makes them think the opening shot of season 7 wont' be leaked before it airs?
EDIT: I don't even care anymore
I know I'm in the minority but I actually thought nothing of the ending. Plenty shows have done cliffhangers and in fact the season 4 finale was a cliffhanger as well. And I've read most of the comics so far. Telltale themselves were no strangers to the art of cliffhanging with how they ended season 1 of the game.
The greed of ensuring that the views will be quite high with the season 7 premier could of motivated that.. so from a TV business perspective that is rather brilliant.
The problem is that it was supposed to be an adaption of one of the, if not the most iconic scene in the comic. They got this amazing scene handed to them on a silver platter and they fucked it up. All tension has been lost.
They probably just care more for the viewers sticking around for the premier. Than iconic comic moments... Because if I'm not mistaken season 6's premier had dropped ratings in comparison to past seasons. Like the Glenn fake out deaths these are just tricky gimmicks they utilize to keep folks glued to the tube.
At this point I honestly think they themselves don't even know who gets Lucile'd yet, they may be deciding based on which character will give the least amount of drop in ratings.
So Aaron.
Someone made an alternate ending to the finale with Glenn getting the bat, and all they did was rearrange the scene a little.
How it should have ended
Wow you can really tell how much the show fucked up when im so happy to watch glenn get beaten to death
It has to be one of the more main characters given the ridiculous amount of build up or everyone will be even more pissed off, which really leaves you with Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Michonne or at a push Abraham. It's obviously not Rick because he's Rick and Negan's speech confirms it. It potentially could be Carl despite that speech although admittedly it's unlikely.Glenn's the main candidate for obvious reasons and his fake deaths were clearly an attempt to make him seem invincible. Maggie would arguably have the biggest shock factor cause she's pregnant but I can't see them going with that just now. Daryl would be a good shout if it wasn't for that fact AMC are never going to kill him off ever. Can't see it being Michonne so soon after her and Rick got together and it's more likely to be a man but you never know. Abraham seems to have just got his shit together which points to him being a dead man walking in that show but I don't know if he's important enough as a character for it to be him. My vote would be with Glenn but I'm really not sure.
Like everyone else i'm annoyed at the cheap stunt given the second half of season 6 was essentially filler in build up to the showdown with Negan. I really hope it doesn't end up being someone nobody gives two shits about like Eugene or Sasha.
Glenn. His emotions were making him shout and panic. And I still feel like it has to be him
Well TSDF themselves are nice but theres always 1 dickhead