How will AMC advertise Season 7??
Since we don't know who gets lucilled thanks to that crappy cliffhanger, how will AMC advertise season 7?? I think AMC will advertise it like how Telltale did with the season finale of Season 2. AMC should only show Rick and the saviors when advertising Season 7 and if they do the trailer, it should be flashbacks and reveal some new locations like the Kingdom.
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Maybe they could learn how to write.
They might incorporate even more artsy shots from Alexandria and the Hilltop in the trailer—people seemed to like them, right? I don't know, it's just what I can't think of off the top of my head, given the situation that the cliffhanger settled.
A 7 second vine of Rick walking through some snow maybe
How about - "Hello fans, we here at AMC are assholes."
They could use scenes from All Out War, pretty much any scenes they've filmed, they don't exactly need to advertise the Negan scene.
Your kind of missing the point, they cant show any of the cast from the lineup during the trailer or they'll spoil it. So they'll be stuck with carol,morgan,tara,heath and alexandria randoms to try and make a coherent trailer
My guess is one slow trailer of rick talking and showing all the people in the lineup and one of random ass explosions and bullshit like that.
I don't know...Spoil the one who gets lucilled and have the trailer go on as normal?
They could also show all characters from the line up in the trailer to mess with us, they've kind of done it with the Season 5 Trailer which fooled some people about the plot although they could always even show all but one character from the line up and make us believe that character died. Idk there's several ways they could go about doing it - being misleading or being ambiguous are just two of those.
It's going to be very hard on thier part. Regarding trailers, on set photos, leaks.
Trailers: At this point I have no idea how they'll do this. Maybe the trailer will be the sections of season 6 finale and non spoliery season 7 premiere, with air shots of communities, idk. Showing Hilltop and new ones such a kingdom?
Set Photos: Every year photos are taken on set, this was how we found out about Jesus, and Glenn (Steven Yeun) was with him, at this point he was potentially dead with the dumspter sceen. So people just put two and two together.
Leaks: These happen every year, in December 2015 THIS ending was leaked and people saw and heard. (Said on YT Channels such as MAPP and articles, I saw but I avoided). Hence all the 'Cliffhanger' talk on youtube channels. I can't see how they're gunna keep it a secret till Season 7 Episode 1.
Overall it's a strange choice on thier path, but I am still looking forward to Season 7 none the less.
It may not be how we wanted but this is AMC's The Walking Dead, of course they're gunna do shit like this. At least I still got the comics
Which I prefer to the show, but that doesnt mean the show isn't amazing.
I think the shows creators totally fucked themselves over with the bullshit move they pulled at the end of the episode.
The trailer should just be some Negan quotes with a close up of Lucille dripping blood.
Also. Anyone else confused by the sudden competence of the Saviors?
Although it opens up a big discussion about who will die which could keep everyone busy until Season 7 and despite the emotional power of ambiguity, I feel that they practically disregarded how much they built this moment up, I'm not sure if I'll feel as sad seeing a character that hasn't had any development for 6 months die in the first episode of the Season, I think it would've worked best this Season to be honest, it would've ended showing fans that Negan is "Something to fear".
They were always meant to be competent .The show just dragged out there intro so long they began to appear incompetent
That would be the biggest we don't give a s**t moment. At least the cliffhanger could be explained as a marketing ploy. This would just be disrespecting the moment.
Yeah i'm not that worried about it. What i'm really worried about is how the hell they're going to build the tension back up for the death.
They can't. All the tension disappeared when it ended in a cliffhanger. The episode was literally an hour of buildup to an ending that doesn't exist. The best part is that whoever got the bat will be leaked within the coming months when filming for Season 7 starts.
No. F***K NO. That is not good news. I don't care about AMC getting what they deserve. The fans need to see the scene not read about it on some blog post.
There has to be a way to make it work again. They would'nt have done this if they though there wasn't.
Sadly that's not going to happen. The second someones caught wind of who died it'll be EVERYWHERE. AMC really shot themselves in the foot.
No. We can't let AMC's stupid choices ruin this. We have to try and stay away from social media when it leaks.
It's not gonna happen. People are already coming up with plans to fuck with AMC by boycotting the premiere and merchandise (Probably won't work but whatever) along with plans to make sure the identity of whoever died is spoilt everywhere.
Really? So they feel bad about the cliffhanger and their solution is to ruin it for everyone else?
That is one of the most selfish things i have ever heard.
Couldn't AMC simply release an 'extended' or 'uncut' version of the finale in the next week or two instead of just leaving the audience waiting until October?
The boycotting is what a majority of people are going for. I've only seen a very small minority saying that they should spoil it for others.
Thank God then. The fans have suffered to much for this bs.
Excuse me, we can't? I thought everyone was free to go into whatever website they want to. Not everyone wants to wait for six months avoiding spoilers at costs, you know?
Thats not the problem. The problem is that some assholes might ruin it for people who DON'T want to know which happens all the time.
Shots of vacant and crumbled buildings with Walkers growling in the distance. On top of that quotes from old episodes all echoe-y and shit playing over the clips. Maybe some crappy dubstep/Inception womps to create tension. Then that good old annoucer will say his usual shit about the show returning.
No one is saying that you can't.
The main problem is how all it takes is just one person on any Walking Dead related forum or sites that will choose to post a topic or comment that reads 'NEGAN KILLS XXXXX', catching as much attention and controversy as possible, and without any consideration that not everyone on the Internet have asked to be spoiled at this specific moment, and especially when they are not currently looking for footage of who Negan kills after the cliffhanger.
Could they? Probably, yeah. Should they? Hell yes. Will they? Fuck no.
@Lord_EEA explicitly said that we have to try to stay away from spoilers and social media. I never said that we should post spoilers on this forum. That's just being an asshole. I don't advocate for that, so what's the matter with what I said?
I didn't accuse you of saying that you should post spoilers, I was simply simply reaffirming Lord_EEA's point about why not everyone would be fine, nor feeling that they should be fine with keeping away from spoilers and social media. I'm not making accusations towards anyone, so there's no problem.
Exactly. Executive greed, though it's very annoying sometimes, isn't going to ruin anybody's amazing performances or the great writing. Especially not Andrew Lincoln's. That man is Rick Grimes.
Probably just showing the group lined up and Negan choosing which one's he's gonna kill but we'll all probably know who it is by October anyways...
A few years ago on this forum, someone made a chat titled "Well, Glenn's dead! (Comics)" and suddenly a lot of the impact for Issue 100 was ruined for me.
This is going to be a tough six months.
That's what I'm saying! If they did that, I think it would take away at least half of all the flak they're getting! It does seem unlikely though.
The way I see it, quietly reading spoilers to know what happens after a cliffhanger and actually posting them in order to get attention are two different matters. Maybe it's the way that the comment was worded that made me misunderstand the meaning of it.
It is like saying what would be right and wrong to do as a fan.
You're right, reading spoilers on your own is fine and I trust that you wouldn't post them to get attention. It's a shame that not everyone else thinks the same way, and by the time they pick up on a leaked footage or spoiler, they will do anything to let everyone know whether they want to know or not.
As fans, all we can do is try to not ruin everyone's fun and keep spoilers at a minimum. We certainly can't persuade AMC to make another episode and actually reveal the climatic moment of Negan's killing one of Rick's group.
Finally agreed. It would certainly help if we all flagged spoiler comments as soon as we've spotted them. I mean, if we—unfortunately—read them already, it doesn't make it worse for us, only better for others.
Comic ricks voice is Andrew Lincoln in my mind