Season 6 Best to Worst
Now that Season 6 is over, what would you say is the best and worst episodes.
Here's mine from Best to Worst:
1: Here's Not Here (Perfectly paced, perfectly acted, and perfectly written. This episode was a true gem that didn't get the appreciation it deserved)
2: No Way Out (A very exciting, dramatic, and even kinda heartbreaking rebound from a mostly lackluster first half of a season)
3: The Same Boat (Focuses less on action and gore and more on the character development of both our leads and our antagonists. And it is glorious.)
4: JSS (The action heavy episodes are usually very entertaining and this episode is no exception.)
5: Not Tomorrow Yet (Has a slow start, but ultimately pays off with tense buildup and an action packed payoff.)
6: The Next World (Introduces a new character in a solid way and is a refreshing change of pace for the season)
7: Always Accountable (A bit of a filler episode, but it has the excuse of having a solid plot and some good character interactions.)
8: Knots Untie (Slow at times, but in the end, it's solid foreshadowing for the upcoming conflict against the Saviors.)
9: Twice as Far (Its ending and death is infuriating, but is still a decent episode as a whole because it delves more into the character of Denise.)
10: Start to Finish (Sure. It's filler and it barely progresses the plot. But it was at least mildly enjoyable.)
11: Last Day on Earth (Yeah. Despite its bullshit cliffhanger, I actually don't think this is the worst episode like a lot of people.)
12: Thank You (Has its moments, but is mostly an overall meh episode with a fake out death that I think everyone in the world called bullshit on.)
13: Heads Up (Mostly just filler. That's all I can really say.)
14: First Time Again (A very weak start to a season with a meandering pace and the introduction of a very uninteresting story line.)
15: East (The Carol vs. Saviors scene was awesome, but as a whole, it just felt like they were separating members of the group just for the hell of it and they didn't do a very good job of disguising it.)
16: Now (Hands down one of the most boring hours of television I've ever seen. There was not a single moment of this episode where I was invested. People say Start to Finish and Last Day on Earth were the worst episodes and to them I say, "Dude. Did you even watch Now?")
16) Now- Slowest episode in the season, very little action, not to mention it fell right in the middle of the Glenn 'death' saga. This episode could have easily been cut out
15) Always Accountable - An ok episode, in hindsight, it was one of the more important ones, but at the time it felt like filler and again was in the middle of the Glenn 'death' saga.
14) Start To Finish - No finish in this one, just a cliffhanger which killed every comic reader going. Maybe a little harsh, but it wasn't the best for a mid-season finale. Should have been episode 7 and served as penultimate
13) Heads Up - Finally the Glenn reveal, although not much to reveal. Ends well, but most of the episode is just build up until the last scene
12) Thank You - Despite 'that' scene, it had a nice bit of action, but suffered from too many Z character deaths, and non-deaths at that
11) Last Day On Earth - The phrase "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" is best used here. Brilliant episode, last 20 seconds ruined it. A finale shouldn't anger viewers over how it was written, yet another cliffhanger, yet another wait x months/weeks for answers. Rant over before it's gets out of hand
10) First Time Again - Wasn't No Sanctuary, but it was an ok premiere. It had the black and white element to it, which lost some viewers and broke momentum for others. Seen better
9) Knots Untie - Was a solid episode and nice introduction. I actually don't have any bad things, over than I preferred the other 8
8) Here's Not Here - Okay, it's Morgan (my least favourite, at the time), ok it's a flashback episode (no story progression), ok it's filler (straight after Glenn's 'death). Despite this, is wasn't as bad as what I thought it was, Eastman was an interesting 1 episode character. Overall it was a solid episode, very good for a flashback, filler episode following a character I didn't care about
7) East - Had some nice action, it did end on a cliffhanger, but I didn't mind it, it was only a week's wait, not to mention it was about time a main character took some injuries (I apologise to Carol for the finale, I didn't mean that much damn). Overshadowed by the looming finale
6) The Same Boat - Character episode, extremely good at keeping suspense and had a nice finish. Not bad, not bad
5) Twice As Far - As a comic reader it wasn't an easy watch, I liked the Abraham+Eugene scenes, and nice to see characters like Rosita and Denise get a frontseat. I didn't mind it wasn't a main character that took an arrow to the knee (...). Still had an effect and surprised me, despite waiting for it the entire episode
4) The Next World - A surprising one, not at all an action-packed blockbuster of an episode. It was best described as a "'fun" episode. I loved the Rick/Daryl comedy (bit of the S1+2 Daryl returned). Jesus was a good addition. Fun episode, enjoyable watch
3) JSS - Wasn't expected and top-heavy action was entertaining. Seeing badass Carol in action is always entertaining. The Morgan perspective was frustrating to see but I guess it's nice to see all views on a matter being represented
2) Not Tomorrow Yet - Similar reasons to above, the assault on the compound was an adrenaline rush and overall a really good episode. Got the character/story balance just right
1) No Way Out - Should have been the MS Finale, but the episode itself was brilliant. The whole of Alexandria teaming up was great to see and entertaining to watch. Carl losing his eye scene was brilliantly filmed and executed nicely.
In short, 6B was far more entertaining and better written than 6A.
The brilliant: "No Way Out", "Here's Not Here", "JSS", "Not Tomorrow Yet".
The good: "Knots Untie", "The Same Boat", "Twice As Far", "Last Day On Earth".
The meh: "Heads Up", "Start To Finish", "Always Accountable", "East", "The Next World", "First Time Again".
The crap: "Thank You", "Now".
My Personal Favorites:
No Way Out: Amazing episode, scenes taken almost exactly from the comic, badass moments, the first Saviors were awesome, well written, the cinematography was fan-fucking-tastic, and although I saw the death of the Andersons coming from a mile away, it was still very emotional.
Here's Not Here: I honestly though I was going to hate this episode, but it was fantastic. Well written the whole way through, had a number of badass moments, and it was just sweet. I started loving Morgan again because of that episode.
The Next World: Richonne and Jesus. I could literally go on about all the amazing shit in this episode, but it can all be boiled down to Richonne and Jesus.
Last Day On Earth: They spent a lot of time building up the finale, building up Negan, and I got exactly what I hoped for. Sure I didn't get to see Daryl's brains bashed in, but Jefferey Dean Morgan portrayed an amazing (and might I say sinfully attractive) Negan, Carol became such a likable character, Morgan showed more of his badass, the Saviors and their blockades were fucking awesome and ominous as fuck, the writing was fantastic, the acting was just way too good, Eugene's bravery showed and was once again kickass, and it was just a fan-fucking-fuckity-fuck-tastic episode.
Episodes that were okay, but still felt meh to me:
First Time Again: It was a good way to open up Season 6, but it failed to keep me reeled in. The gorge scene was sweet though.
Start To Finish: Honestly, with the cash AMC has been making from The Walking Dead, Fear and Better Call Saul, I see no earthly reason that they didn't just make a super long episode and have Start to Finish fuse with No Way Out and make a super long episode. Other than Into the Badlands fucking all Walking Dead fans over because the creators are attention whores, plus we could even get an extra episode out of it. But either way, it was still a super solid episode, and Deanna showed me that Hershel isn't the only example of a perfectly written character with a good moral compass.
Every episode I haven't mentioned except for Thank You and Heads Up were pretty okay and entertaining to watch, but still kind of bland.
The Worst:
Thank You and Heads Up have to be some of the worst Walking Dead episodes I have ever watched. Glenn should be dead, the show literally bends to Rick's will and kills off Alexandrians like they're redshirts, Enid is a huge factor in Heads Up for some reason because... I don't know... uh, she's a secondary character with an emotional attachment to more than one protagonist? Gee... sounds eerily familiar... (Rest in Peace, Denise. You deserved life more than Enid.) They're just so bad. Ugh.