Favourite Season 6 Scene/Moment
Okay guys we all know how people feel about the cliffhanger... But now it's time to have a say in what your favourite moment is
My favourite moment this season was in the mid-season premiere. This was because of Carl losing his eye. In a result of Jessie and Sam getting killed causing Ron to point a gun resulting in Carls eye/part of skull loss. I'm was very very pleased with that scene. It was a pivotal point in that story line and Carl's character progression.
So, what was your favourite moment and why?
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Definitely Carl's screentime in the recent episode. I really can't wait to see his character adapt and to see his and Negan's interactions.
Shipping wise it was Rick and Michonne on the couch because you know
Yes! I can't wait to see TV Carl mold into the comic character I know and love
Favorite moment was When carol had to gun down those three guys while she teared up. It was honestly the most captivating and telling moment in her arc and shows she can't do the saving like she used to. It's not the same Carol, and out of all people that could be with her it's Morgan, the guy who's been to hell and back.
I can't wait to see their story continue. I predicted they'd hook up this season and maybe I'll get my wish next season
I know it comes as part of the cliffhanger but the whole Negan scene was one of my most favourite moments in season 6, i felt Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a great job and i am really looking forward to seeing how he plays his character in season 7.
It probably had to do with the show run time but I kinda wish he used the pause for dramatic effect a lil more. Like he was sinister but if he said a lil less words and paused a lil more it woulda been pee pants city for me.
Also wish he coulda said fuck. Maybe there will be an uncensored version in the dvd release
Yeah, DVD will have swearing, they did 2 shoots.
Carol wiping out the wolves and saying "LOL nope" to morgans bullshit in JSS
Either the whole walker massacre at the end of No Way Out, or the whole Negan scene in Last Day On Earth. I can't really say much about the walker massacre, except that it was awesome. JDM's portrayal of Negan was pretty much perfect, and I don't think my heart has ever beat so fast when playing or watching anything before. The music that kept coming in and out rose the tension perfectly as well. That scene would probably be my favorite scene of the entire series if it wasn't for the cliffhanger at the end. At the moment, it's my second favorite scene, only behind the scene with the Governor's "Liar".
The comic lines though! After his first line I was all "YESSSS! NEGAN IS HERE!" and he kept coming with the comic lines omg