It's sad to see the difference ...

The difference between Clementine to Alex and James: Alex and James spoiled children seem happier, they grew up with a father and mother (Until they died) with older brothers have always been an authority figure. Even though they are suffering, but who are groomed and whiners. Clementine about their age, and she just does not act like them. She graduated from them, and she did not love as they get. I wonder to myself how such love for her missing. And sorry for her. Her parents have died, many of her friends ... some maturity and wisdom of this little girl has compared these two brothers. I want to be her father or older brother, I feel how much she needs it. Whenever someone flatters her, like Rebecca, "You're a good kid." She smiled, she felt really good. It is sad to see the difference. Now the parents of the brothers also died, but they still have older brothers and a lot of love. Kenny and Jane really not smothered her with such love ... I'm sorry. Kenny gave all the love and warmth for the baby, and not for the orphan girl she saw before her eyes the bodies of her parents's move. I sincerely hope that the end of Clementine be happy, someone actually adopt her. I thought that Kenny will serve as a father, he loved the baby and not her. He loved her like an old friend, without regard to the age and needs of the child. In conclusion, Alex and James, should be grateful that they are not completely orphaned, they have brothers and people who love them. Little Clementine, not older than them, roughly around the age (9-12) and she just different. she did not act like a little girl and that's what is sad. Sometimes she innocent when it comes to sex and sexual relations, or that it has a lot of concentration, seeing her reaction she a little girl, but she saw too much for whining.
it's too sad thank you all ... and don't hurt me.
what do you want? and why you hurt me? what the fuck wrong with you?!
and yes ... Kenny is a jerk for me
What the...
Look, some people are lucky some people are not, let alone Clementine wasn't kept away from what was going on, unlike Alex and James.
You know nothing about Alex or James. You don't know what they went through or what they're feeling, all you know is that most of they're family has been murdered by a crazy psychopath. Why do you call them spoiled? Why do you call them whiners, when you have to write: "This is just my opinion and don't hurt me pls..." after your every comment? You are obsessed with Clementine , you write sick comments on how you want AJ and every other kid who isn't Clementine to die and you play victim when anyone calls you out on your bullshit. Clementine is not a 9-12 year old girl, she's an ELEVEN years old girl who would be sickened by you.
What is the connection? You did not understand what I wrote
Clem is a little girl and she's 9-11 yr (In my opinion she's 9-10 season 2) and i love her and You did not tell me who to love and who is not, you're comparing these brothers to Clementine? LOL she a lot more of them. shame. she's a lot of levels, they are just minor characters and boring
I did, I just find it unfair that you compare Clementine - someone who we've known for two seasons and have seen what she's experienced from first hand - to two boys who we've just met and know nothing about.
You do not understand. According to the episode, I can see exactly who are these children compared with Clementine. Clementine mentally strong and I know only one season (S2), then you are not right.
Okay so now, I do not understand what you're trying to say.
and ... you are evil . I do not care that you do not like Clementine, she the star of The Walking Dead.
Sorry for my English. Overall I'm trying to say, I see from the episode, the brothers are spoiled whiners compared Clementine, which is about the same age.
CuteClem, im not trying to be mean to you, but did you convince yourself in some way,that you are actually Clementine, yourself?
Well let me put this clearly. Your opinion matters as much as the choice with Arvo in Amid The Ruins. Clem will die a little girl if you continue to treat her like one. You know who said that? Probably not, because it wasn't Clementine. But that sentence saved her life. Bah why am I trying to convince you, you'll just dismiss everything I say anyway. You're a troll. You don't really care about Clementine. Your goal is to make as many players as possible hate her. If you truly care about Clementine, you'll understand. In time. But this attitude of yours is going to get her killed. I hope you realize that. For everyone's sake.
At least talk to me all right, and do not swear like now. I'm really not a troll, not looking for fights, says only my opinion. Clementine little girl without saying so, that's a fact! And you do not really like her, otherwise you would understand why I felt sorry for her and compares it to the brothers.
Alright, but anyway keep making this topics they make my day, i really get a good laugh out of them
But you don't know that. The brothers are people you come across in episode 2, they are just well protected, not spoiled. Just because they are fortunate to have a home and people who was there to protect them does not mean they are "whiners".
It's like I said, Clementine is just unlucky, her parents was gone during the outbreak, she was forced to witness people be torn a part, killed and her farther figure dying. Meanwhile the brothers are lucky - aside from their mother and, now father, dying - to have a place to be protected.
thank you?
They have brothers and a lot of love, there is no comparison, Clementine suffered so much that it's terrible.
No, problem
I dont share most of your opinions, but you express them in a way that just brightens my day.
To me, the two boys look younger than Season 2 Clementine. James could be around 10 or 11 though, but Alex is definintely a small child. Season 2 Clementine has already lost most of the people she has considered family by the time she is 11, so of course she has developed the emotional maturity to deal with traumatic events. She still naturally wept and mourned for her parents and Lee back in Season 1.
Alex and James have only known their mother's loss until this point, and they were told it was sickness. The emotional burden of suddenly losing a father and idolized brother to murder in one day would be overwhelming for anyone, let alone children. They are not "whiners" and the shouldn't have to be grateful for any of the bad that has happened to them, this is legitamate pain that they have to process just like Season 1 Clementine did. They might have been more sheltered than Clementine, but unlike the extreme sheltering Carlos gave to Sarah, they are stilll small children that their father needed to protect. Obviously Greg and Sam are less sheltered because they are older. I don't think it's unreasonable for a father to want to give his children a comfortable life in the apocolypse, even if it's the life Clementine and others didn't get to have.
They don't, those people are gone. They're mother died because she killed herself (or from illness), they're brother died from getting shot, then having to be put down by Michonne after reanimating and then they're father died from getting his face blown off. The only people they have left is Sam and (depending if they see her like a family) Paige.
Both Clementine and the brothers have suffered from losing people, just because they was sheltered and she was not does not make them whiners nor spoiled.
No. i ask one of the creators of Telltale. He said the 12-year-old James and Alex 8. Clementine is 11, then ages are very similar. James is older than Clementine, Alex younger than Clementine just a few years. It really is not a difference. And you really did not understand what I meant! Clementine suffered a lot, and there's no question at all, she a little girl remained strong and cry, are whiners, I'm very sorry, these kids are not strong mentally.
I understand their pain, but can not compare to the suffering of Clementine, you see them cry and think they are poor, Clementine much poor.
Clem is a very small child ... No matter how much you deny, the fact is that she a very small child.
Okay well I didn't know how old they were, I was just going off by looks. I did say that James could be close in age, but that's not really my point. I understand what you are saying but I disagree. You can't keep telling people who disagree with you that they just don't understand.
To accuse young children of "whining" when faced with the very real emotional burden of losing a father and brother is kind of heartless, in my opinion. I mean, I know they're fictional, but imagine if you had to deal with the death of two close family members in one day. It doesn't matter how strong you are mentally, anyone would be deeply personally affected by that. I probably would have taken the news even worse than they did at that age, or even now. Clementine had more hardships and her strength is admirable, but that shouldn't have to take away from what Alex and James are feeling. No one's pain is more or less valid than another's.
First, Alex is clearly bigger than Clementine also looks and James looks like Clementine's age season 1 (Age 8-9). Secondly, I understand their pain and it's not easy, I only said that Clementine has experienced more and more poor and miserable, no matter how it looks. This they cry, does not mean they are more miserable than she.
I never denied Clementine was a small child? I am not denying Clementine of anything, I even said in my last reply how much her strength is admirable. She's my favorite character. But that doesn't mean that other small children are whiners when they cry over the death of loved ones.
ok .. i am sorry
Like I said, what age Alex and James look like doesn't really contribute to my overall point. I agree, they don't really know the same misery that Clementine has had to face yet, and I'm glad you acknowledge their situation isn't easy either. I'm just saying it's unfair to blame children for being whiners in the face of loved ones' deaths. I apply this to both Alex and James and Sarah in Season 2. Alex and James don't know Clementine or what she has been through, so they have no idea what kind of misery is possible at their age or what they can be grateful for.
It's fine! I can see you are very protective of Clementine.
OK, I agree. Even their appearance is not the point here, I'm just saying how they look
And you're right, I just do not know what to say ... Clementine only 11! She has been more than an adult, this cruel and terrible. Reminds me of stories of World War II. 
No one can really be called spoiled in zombie apocalypse. These kids lost their dad, brother and watched their sister in agonising pain, all in a short space of time. It's not like they have had it easy.
Yes, very difficult for me to see a little girl without true love, I love children (like a big brother or father) and she's so sweet
I understand that and understand their pain, I just said that Clementine is about their ages, suffered more and is really strong mentally for 11
I hate this line of thinking
Let's apply this to real life for a minute:
"Oh, what's that, a close relative of yours just died? Just suck it up, you pansy! You think you deserve to be sad, you entitled bastard? What about those poor starving kids in Africa that never met their dad, and watched their mom die of malaria in front of them, and were forced to live off of small animals and whatever they could get their hands on, living day by day, scared and alone, huh?"
You did not understand ! Understand their pain, but who suffers more ? it's clementine in fact ... dude
omg this bashing of anyone that isn't clem or acts like clem is stupid. My brain hurt reading this.
You're all "don't hurt me" but you're always putting these strange views and opinions on MULTIPLE threads that make people go "WHAT THE FUCK" Such as @aManWhoLovesTelltale did.
Such as this, i'm really confused reading this....
I don't see how a thread such as this wouldn't create a arguement tbh