Episode 3 Achievments "What We Deserve"
Chapter 1: Fun On The Shore
Chapter 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 3: Charred Memories
Chapter 4: Dark Sacrifice
Chapter 5: A Storm Is Brewing
Chapter 6: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 7: Farewell
What you you guys think these achievements mean? And write your theories!
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"Fun On The Shore"
Episode begins with Sam burying her dad, the group talk about what's to come.
"Unexpected Guests"
As the title says, probably Norma arrives and tries to negotiate with Michonne (even if Randall is dead, she doesn't know)
"Charred Memories"
I think it will be something about Michonne and her daughters, another flashback, probably some closure for Michonne with her daughters.
"Dark Sacrifice"
I think it's obvious, someone dies sacrificing themselves. Maybe Paige. Or maybe it's a metaphor and it's something symbolic.
"A Storm Is Brewing"
The Companion crew return and join the group. Norma finds out Randall died, or Randall gets free, and hell breaks loose.
"Hell Hath No Fury"
All-out war between Michonne's group and Norma's group. Many die, including Norma and Randall. Possibly Sam, Berto and Oak, too.
Michonne, Pete and Siddiq bid their farewells to Alex and James, and anyone who's survived and is left in charge of them, and they leave on their boat. They arrive to Alexandria in the end.
Just a theory. XD
Fun On The Shore - Honestly, I'm drawing blanks on this one.
Unexpected Guests - Could be a few different things. Could be Norma's group, could be walkers, or it could be completely new characters. It's most likely Norma or walkers, though.
Charred Memory - I'm all but certain is going to be another Michonne hallucination, as well as the house catching on fire as per the teaser. This is one of the most on-the-nose achievements from the game, going off the name.
Dark Sacrifice - If this achievement is as obvious as some of the others are, someone's gonna die.
A Storm Is Brewing - The build-up of the impending fight between Norma and Michonne, and I am willing to bet $10 that it quite literally means that a storm is brewing.
Hell Hath No Fury - The big climactic battle/action sequence of the episode, and going with the previous one, I have a feeling a storm's going to be involved.
Farewell - On top of being the end of the game, it is probably some form of resolution to the story-line regarding Michonne's daughters and personal demons, managing to come to terms with them, or at least managing to get them under control for the time being. So the 'farewell' in this context is absolution, rather than a literal farewell. Or maybe it's both.
just a theory....a game theory.
yes I went there