Gwendis Blackmont slowly opened her eyes. She felt the comfortable bed under her, and she yawned. She could see that it was alrea… moredy past dawn, but since her chamber was on the west side of the tower, the sun couldn’t really be seen from the windows. She sat up and saw that the handmaidens had left a breakfast with fruits and bread to her table. Gwendis scrambled up from her bed lazily, and walked naked through the room to take a blood orange from the salver. She took a bite from the fruit, stroking back her long and dark brown hair that was messy from the sleeping.
Gwendis opened the doors to her balcony, and a magnificent sight to the valley beneath the Castle Blackmont opened below her. The Princess took a deep breath of the fresh air. From up here everything looks so beautiful. Suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis backed out from the balcony and grabbed her yellow dressing gown from the chair next to her bed.
“Who is it?… [view original content]
Yeah, I think you mentioned that it's Brimstone vassal, but it's good to know it's close to Hellholt Hellholt is fairly close to Hellgate Hall (the King's fort), so I assume that you are okay if I make Tidsmarch to be a town that is very close to Hellgate Hall.
Yeah, I think you mentioned that it's Brimstone vassal, but it's good to know it's close to Hellholt Hellholt is fairly close to Hellgate H… moreall (the King's fort), so I assume that you are okay if I make Tidsmarch to be a town that is very close to Hellgate Hall.
Gwendis is going to play it safe and agree with Benedict. Well, this was a clear one I didn't really expect such a clear consensus on this decision, but I definitely see the reasons why you voted this. It will be a hard choice for Gwendis to make because it's in her ideals to avoid war if it's possible.
The next part will introduce us to Starfall. I've started writing the part, but it will probably take a couple days before it's ready.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought that Starfall was the grandest and the most beautiful castle in the world – and visiting places like Blackmont or Sandstone certainly didn’t break that illusion. Only this past year and a half had truly opened his eyes, as he had seen places like Highgarden and Storm’s End. Starfall with its beautiful white stone and tall towers would always be home to Jamison, but it almost felt underwhelming now. The same concerned their kingdom – the Kingdom of Torrentine. Jamison couldn’t understand his father, they had the power to greatly expand their kingdom, but Vorian decided to stay passive and Jamison’s older brother Malcolm was guaranteed to do the same if he ever inherited the crown. ‘We have all we need on these lands’ they always said, claiming that trying to conquer would only bring trouble. Jamison disagreed, he saw that Dorne was theirs to take, and only the Yronwoods could possess any kind of threat to them.
Jamison walked to the courtyard, passing the armory and the forge, and when he arrived he saw the man who once taught him to swing a sword – Ser Laroy Ladybright. Sure, Vorian had been the one to give the first lessons to Jamison, but Ser Laroy was the man who had truly taught him to master the art of swordplay. Now the man was already on his early fifties, but still a strong and sturdy man.
“Jamison!” He shouted with his raspy voice as he saw him, a wide grin on his face. They hadn’t yet seen after Jamison’s return because Ser Laroy had been on a visit to High Hermitage. “It’s good to see you, old man.” Jamison said, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“You have been making yourself some name, boy.” Laroy put his hand on Jamison’s shoulder as he spoke. “I even heard you won a tournament at the Cider Hall.” Jamison let out a small laugh. “You should have seen the faces of those Reachmen.” He said with a joking tone.
“Aye, I’m sure it was a glorious sight.” Laroy replied and tapped Jamison on the back. “It’s hard to believe you were trained by me.”
“Well you weren’t the one who taught me to ride or joust.” Jamison remarked, making Laroy burst into a laugh. “True, true.” He replied. “True as always, you wise ass!” Jamison shrugged with a smile on his face. “Just saying it how it is, old man.” He said and Laroy gave him a playful punch on the arm. They started walking towards the main keep with grins on their faces.
“So, Ser Jamison.” Laroy said, now with a slightly more calm tone on his voice. “What’s your plan for the future? Are you going to continue traveling around Westeros?” Jamison let out a sigh, he wasn’t sure about this himself. “I would like to do something useful for my family.” He said quietly, as they opened the doors and walked to the entrance hall. “But what is there to do? Malcolm is the heir, what am I?” Ser Laroy now looked at him with calm and unrelenting stare. “You are the Sword of the Night, the greatest knight this house has.” He said, but Jamison wasn’t happy with that. “In other words I’ll just be a tool for my father and later for my brother, a soldier who does what the King commands.” As he said this the look on Ser Laroy’s face changed, clearly he resented Jamison’s attitude.
“There is pride in serving the King.” He said with serious words. “Not if everything the King wants to do is to sit on his ass and be afraid of the world.” Jamison hit back and turned his eyes away from the old knight. Before Ser Laroy could answer anything they were interrupted by Prince Malcolm.
“Jamison, Ser Laroy, sorry to interrupt.” Jamison’s brother said from behind them, and they turned to face him. “If you don’t mind Ser Laroy, I would like to talk with my brother.” After quickly glancing at Jamison, Laroy bowed to his Prince and walked away.
“So, good morning, brother.” Malcolm said with his friendly and polite tone. Unlike Jamison, Malcolm had the silver hair of their father, and his clothing was also much more posh and extravagant. “What is it you want?” Jamison asked with little interest in his voice, making his brother chuckle. “Do I have to want something to say good morning to my brother?” Malcolm asked, raising his eyebrows, but Jamison only gave him a cold glare.
“You are a hard one to come along with, little brother.” Malcolm said, shaking his head subtly. “Well then, I’ll only say what I came here to say. Father wants to meet you – now, at his office.” This finally caught Jamison’s interest, but also made him slightly confused. “Why would he want to meet me there?” He asked, but his brother just shrugged. “Perhaps he wants to speak to you privately, on a calm place with no interruptions. Just my guess.” With these words Malcolm walked past him, leaving Jamison alone in the hall.
Jamison didn’t feel the need to knock, he walked straight into his father’s office. There he found King Vorian sitting behind his desk, reading a raven scroll.
“Good morning, Jamison.” He said with monotone words as he put down the scroll. Vorian was at his mid-thirties, but he had aged well and was still a handsome man – many said he looked ten years younger than he truly was. Jamison grabbed a chair and sat down opposed to his father.
“You invited me.” He stated bluntly, and a subtle smirk appeared on his father’s face. “Indeed I did.” Vorian replied. “I think we should talk about your future.”
“My future?” Jamison asked sarcastically. “You mean the one where I sit here as a glorified bodyguard for you and Malcolm?” Vorian let out a sigh for these words, taking a glance at the table, but quickly turning his eyes back to his son. “I know that you don’t agree with us on certain things…” Vorian started, but Jamison cut him off.
“No, I certainly don’t. We are meekly sitting here behind our borders when we could easily conquer.” He spoke with passionate words, but his father looked at him with neglecting eyes. “The Fowlers are weak, the Blackmonts are weak…” Jamison started, but now it was Vorian’s turn to cut him off.
“The heir of Blackmont is your cousin, Jamison!” The King shouted with anger in his eyes. “Son of my sister!” These words silenced the room as Jamison couldn’t come up with an answer. For a moment it looked as if Vorian was about to send him out, but finally he calmed down. “One day your brother will be the king, and yes, you will be a knight in his service, but you can earn yourself a role in the court that is more than just that.” Vorian looked his son to the eyes as he spoke. “And what is that role?” Jamison asked quietly, turning his eyes down.
“You can sit on his council, help him rule, advise him. And if a war ever comes, you can lead his armies to battlefield.” Vorian explained calmly. “But if that is something you want, you will have to earn it.” Jamison raised his eyes back to his father. “And how do I earn it?” He asked.
“By showing your skills on politics and diplomacy.” Vorian said like it was the obvious answer. “If you wish to prove yourself, I already have a mission for you.” For a moment they were quiet, until Vorian decided to ask something. “Have you heard of the alliance of the Sun and the Spear?”
“Sun and spear?” Jamison said with puzzled tone, and his father nodded. “The Martells and the Rhoynar.” He explained calmly. “They have declared to conquer all of Dorne. Undoubtedly most have simply ignored this declaration, as words of conquer hold little meaning – it’s the swords that need to do the talking.”
“So, you haven’t ignored it then?” Jamison asked, and his father smiled. “It’s true that Martells are perhaps biting more than they can swallow, but they should not be underestimated – the Rhoynar have truly made them strong.” Vorian said, but Jamison wasn’t convinced. “Do you really think this is our concern?” He asked with doubtful words. “No, not yet at least, but it would be best to make sure it never will be.” The King spoke with calm words. Jamison raised his eyebrow. “So how exactly are you doing that?” He asked.
“There are many ways.” Vorian replied. “But the first step would be to offer our support for the Drylands. And as we help them, we will also get their gratitude, and form a strong alliance.” Jamison let out a sigh of frustration. “The Drylands are our enemies, father.” He said, but Vorian shook his head. “The last war between Daynes and Drylands was more than century ago.” He said dismissively.
“A war that we lost.” Jamison remarked. “A war that shrank our kingdom to almost half of what it was.” Now a smirk appeared on Vorian’s face. “And this could be a way to get some of those lands that we lost back.” He said with a sly tone. Jamison hadn’t thought about that, but perhaps it could work.
“I am sending an ambassador to Hellgate Hall.” King Vorian stated, still smirking. “Would you like to take that mission?” Jamison gulped, he wasn’t really a diplomat. At least I’m given a chance to do something for my kingdom.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
Another great part! It's interesting to see some Dayne's in the story, especially considering that I had almost written Gwendis and Naemon as Dayne's It seems Jamison has not much love for his cousins, though it was nice to see that Vorian has a different opinion. In any way, Jamison seems like an interesting character, I'm looking forward to read more about him.
[Take the mission]
On the one hand, staying in Starfall sounds like something that Jamison might be more qualified for. He said it himself, he's not really a diplomat. However, this can be a chance for him to challenge himself. His father wouldn't give him this mission if he would be terribly unsuited for it. Perhaps he's going to learn some useful skills and improves one of his weaknesses. Also, he might win his father's favour by succeeding at this mission. Also, story-wise this sounds like it has more opportunities for an interesting storyline for Jamison, even though I'd also like to see more from the rest of the Starfall cast.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
Jamison is in many ways like a mirror to Naemon. Well first of all they are both young, skilled and handsome knights. Naemon is the heir but doesn't want the crown, Jamison is not the heir but clearly wants to be. Naemon considers Daynes part of the family, Jamison would be ready to start a war with the Blackmonts
Another great part! It's interesting to see some Dayne's in the story, especially considering that I had almost written Gwendis and Naemon a… mores Dayne's It seems Jamison has not much love for his cousins, though it was nice to see that Vorian has a different opinion. In any way, Jamison seems like an interesting character, I'm looking forward to read more about him.
[Take the mission]
On the one hand, staying in Starfall sounds like something that Jamison might be more qualified for. He said it himself, he's not really a diplomat. However, this can be a chance for him to challenge himself. His father wouldn't give him this mission if he would be terribly unsuited for it. Perhaps he's going to learn some useful skills and improves one of his weaknesses. Also, he might win his father's favour by succeeding at this mission. Also, story-wise this sounds like it has more opportunities for an interesting storyline for Jamison, even though I'd also like to see more from the rest of the Starfall cast.
And btw I forgot to answer to your pm, but I'll say it here: amazing work again with the pictures! Regarding those characters, I haven't quite yet come to a decision on what kind of role will I give them, but I'll figure it out!
The next part will introduce us to Starfall. I've started writing the part, but it will probably take a couple days before it's ready.
… more
... said WildlingKing yesterday. :-DD So cool to see the part already today!
anyway: [Take the mission] because it is good i guess for character development and interactions!
Haha, yeah, inspiration struck me today
And btw I forgot to answer to your pm, but I'll say it here: amazing work again with the picture… mores! Regarding those characters, I haven't quite yet come to a decision on what kind of role will I give them, but I'll figure it out!
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
It is safe to say that was an excellent section!! You wrote Jamison and Malcolm perfectly! I really liked how you showed the determination that he has and that at his core he wants to put his kingdom where he feels it belongs at the top! This was a really tough choice for me but I've decided to strong text take this mission! This is a prime chance for Jamison to show he is more than a fighter and that he can be just as much of a diplomat as his brother plus there is a pretty good chance he could see his sister Nealia!
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
[Take the mission] Jamison has a smart mouth and I would like to see how he would represent the Dayne's in that fashion. Perhaps maybe we'll be given different approaches of how to speak during the mission if it comes to it. Anyways great part! This choice could introduce Jamison to many different characters in the future, so I'm with the majority.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
This was an excellent part, and I believe I'm just going to stand with the crowd and agree with the majority of the comments on Jamison and co. I am looking forward to seeing more of Starfall, but I'd like to see a challenge for Jamison and also like to see how he copes with trying to work things out diplomatically with the Drylands, whom he has thought of as his enemies for however long
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
I was considering rejecting Vorian's offer as Jamison seems to don't like Drylands too much, so he wouldn't be a good ambassador, but something got me. If Jamison goes to Hellgate Hall, he will have a chance to meet his sister Nealia - she's also going to Drylands with her sellswords company, and I really want this reunion to happen - well, maybe? The bad part of it will placing 2 POVs in the same place, but Jamison will not be staying there long I suppose, well, neither will Nealia, but we'll see.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved… more body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought… [view original content]
I hadn't even thought of this. The idea of a reunion happening would be awesome to see, though I wonder what Jamison's thoughts would be on the matter. I mean, the kid did want to set conquest against the Blackmont's, which are his cousins... Also, he doesn't hold much respect for his own brother, so I can only imagine what might be in tale for his bastard sister. Though who knows, perhaps they may share some ideals and similarities which bind them closer?
[Take the mission]
I was considering rejecting Vorian's offer as Jamison seems to don't like Drylands too much, so he wouldn't be a good … moreambassador, but something got me. If Jamison goes to Hellgate Hall, he will have a chance to meet his sister Nealia - she's also going to Drylands with her sellswords company, and I really want this reunion to happen - well, maybe? The bad part of it will placing 2 POVs in the same place, but Jamison will not be staying there long I suppose, well, neither will Nealia, but we'll see.
I've sent an assassin character along with someone from House Manwoody. I know I sent 6 characters in total and that's a lot, but I've been thinking quite a while about some Dornish characters. Also, this being such a huge prequel really helps with imagination.
Just checked them out and I like them! I'm actually just writing a part that is set to Kingsgrave, so at least one of your characters will have a cameo very soon. I had Albin's family written already but I hadn't really thought about his siblings so Alaric was a great addition to what I had came up with myself
I've sent an assassin character along with someone from House Manwoody. I know I sent 6 characters in total and that's a lot, but I've been … morethinking quite a while about some Dornish characters. Also, this being such a huge prequel really helps with imagination.
That is so good to hear, I'm very excited. Good luck with writing!
I actually thought of writing a PM to you if making a Manwoody is okay, but I figured if it wouldn't, then you would tell me so I'm relieved to hear that.
Just checked them out and I like them! I'm actually just writing a part that is set to Kingsgrave, so at least one of your characters will h… moreave a cameo very soon. I had Albin's family written already but I hadn't really thought about his siblings so Alaric was a great addition to what I had came up with myself
And of course Jamison will take the mission! This time I'm not really surprised that this option crushed the voting so clearly
The next part will take us to yet another court - Kingsgrave. However this time the perspective will be very different, and the part will be more... well, you'll see. It is almost ready, just needs some finishing touches - I'll post it later today.
Voting is closed!
And of course Jamison will take the mission! This time I'm not really surprised that this option crushed the voting so … moreclearly
The next part will take us to yet another court - Kingsgrave. However this time the perspective will be very different, and the part will be more... well, you'll see. It is almost ready, just needs some finishing touches - I'll post it later today.
Voting is closed!
And of course Jamison will take the mission! This time I'm not really surprised that this option crushed the voting so … moreclearly
The next part will take us to yet another court - Kingsgrave. However this time the perspective will be very different, and the part will be more... well, you'll see. It is almost ready, just needs some finishing touches - I'll post it later today.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making her way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and on his bald head was a golden crown. The Great King of the Red Mountains.
Next to the King sat Queen Sofina, the second wife of Albin. The expression on Sofina’s face was cold and stony, as if she was closing herself from the world. On the other side of the King stood the Crown Prince Arvin, who was son of Albin’s first wife Emely – who according to rumors he had beaten to death. Arvin had a grumpy look on his face, and next to him stood his betrothed Sanya Purell, looking slightly frightened. Both of Albin’s daughters, Teressa and Alana, had already been married off, but the two youngest of his children – Prince Brodin and Prince Jullon – stood next to their mother. Brodin was thirteen and Jullon was ten. Lastly next to the young princes stood their uncle – Albin’s younger brother – Alaric Manwoody, who had an ugly scar on his left cheek to remind him of his brother’s anger.
Finally the doors of the throne room were slammed open, and when the people saw what was brought in they gasped in shock. One of the King’s freaks, Tom the Animal, was dragging a naked man with a chain that was attached to a collar on the man’s neck. The naked man’s face and body were heavily bruised, but Missy still recognized him. He was – or at least had been – one of the King’s Guards, Ser Rud the Short. Ser Rud was a plain looking man on his late thirties with brown eyes and black hair. Tom pushed Ser Rud to his knees and the court watched in silence as the knight muttered something, perhaps he prayed. Gods won’t help you, Missy thought.
King Albin stood up from his throne, and all the eyes turned to him. He walked towards the man with rage in his eyes. The King walked past Ser Rud, to Tom the Animal. “Give me the whip.” He growled, and Tom gave it to him with a twisted grin on his face.
“SON OF A WHORE!” Albin screamed from the bottom of his lungs as he whipped the knight in the back. Ser Rud let out loud scream of agony and Missy could see people turning their eyes away. Missy didn’t turn away, she looked with fascination how Albin whipped the man, again and again. She saw how blood was flowing down Ser Rud’s back, as he was lying on his stomach, trying to crawl away from the King. Albin put his foot on Rud’s back, stopping his squirming. Missy glanced towards the throne, and she saw that the only one smiling from the Manwoody family was Prince Arvin – everyone else looked either frightened or disinterested.
“This man is a traitor!” King Albin shouted, pointing at Rud and eyeing the silent crowd. For a second the eyes of Missy and Albin met, and Missy’s heart started pounding. But the moment was quickly gone as Albin turned his eyes to Ser Rud again. “This bastard served me for six years… and all that time, he has been a spy… for the FUCKING BLACKMONTS!” These words caused a cacophony of noise in the hall and it only ended when the King raised his hand. As the hall was silent again, Albin lowered his hand to grab Ser Rud from the hair and raised him up. The knight had no more strength left to resist, or even scream. “Animal!” The King yelled, and Tom looked at him like a dog looks at its master. “Dagger to the eye.” Albin said coldly, and with enthusiasm shining from his eyes Tom the Animal took his dagger and walked to Ser Rudin.
“Bye, bye, traitor!” He shouted with a disturbingly playful tone and shoved the dagger to Ser Rudin’s left eye, as Albin held the knight still. For a brief moment Ser Rudin screamed again, but then his scream died out and his body went limp, and finally King Albin let him fall. The whole court watched as the naked knight bled out on the floor of the throne room. One must never betray the Great King, Missy thought.
Missy sat on her bed in the darkness and silence, only one candle on the table was bringing light to the room. On her mind she went through what she just saw at the throne room. The man was a traitor, he deserved it. Missy was nervous, she knew the King would come soon. She admired the King, she loved his power, but at the same time she knew he would always be a dangerous man. She had served him well, she knew it, and she hoped that the King acknowledged it as well. Whenever the King wanted advice, comfort or love, Missy gave it to him – no matter how hard it was. The creaking sound of the door being opened woke up Missy from her thoughts, and she raised her gaze towards the door. It was the King.
There Albin Manwoody stood, passion and madness in his deep set green eyes. Albin was an old man, on his early fifties, but his presence was still oozing strength and determination. Silently he walked closer to Missy and sat right next to her in the bed. Missy took a deep breath and turned her eyes to Albin. They looked at each other’s eyes for a moment that felt agonizingly long. Missy was simultaneously full of fear and excitement.
“Your eyes are beautiful as always, Missy.” The King muttered with his deep voice and moved his right hand on Missy’s soft cheek. Missy knew that the King would want to talk about what happened in the throne room, so she would let him talk. “Do you agree with what I did to Ser Rud?” Albin asked, a small touch of weakness in his voice. Missy gulped subtly, but she nodded. “Yes, of course. He was a spy, a traitor.” She said gently, as the King had move his hand to her neck.
“He was found writing a letter about my plans.” He explained quietly. “It took long to break him, but he finally revealed that he worked for the Blackmonts.” Missy could see the anger in her King’s eyes again. “He is killed now, we don’t have to worry about it anymore.” Missy spoke softly and the King looked her to the eyes again. Albin’s eyes were full of emotion and lust, and his hand now moved to Missy’s breasts.
“I am going to kill everyone who goes against me.” Albin muttered quietly, and Missy’s heart was beating faster and faster. “I will rule the Red Mountains, and no fucker will stop me.” With these words the King squeezed Missy’s breast, which made her let out a quiet whimper. “I am the King, I am the King.” Albin muttered obsessively, and Missy felt heat raising to her cheeks as the King shoved his hand inside her dress and pinched her nipple. Her breathing accelerated, and goosebumps ran up her arm. Stay calm, Missy, stay calm. Albin moved closer, staring her to the eyes. He came so close that Missy could feel his breathing on her cheeks, smell the odor of ale from it. “Missy, do you love me?” The King asked quietly, with a luster in his eyes.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
Wow, excellent part. It wasn't that big a part which I was a little disenchanted about, though it certainly started showing the madness of Missy. I do look forward to seeing more of her, and I apologise for making her difficult. Though hey, difficult can be fun once it's mastered! As for this vote.
[Say that you love him]
Missy adores King Albin, she has been taught to in a cruel manner that even now she believes. I think if she wants a stronger relation with the King, saying she loves him certainly won't hurt. Although, I can see him taking it a different way, though I think 9 times out of 10 he would like to hear that she loves him. So yeah, give him what he wants I reckon. Though gee, this part sent some shivers down my spine. I knew she was mistress to the King, though it never occurred to me that such a mad man with cruel ambitions could be married. That adds a whole scheme of complications, as I think there is perhaps some shame for King Albin, though perhaps not.
Anyhow, great part! Looking forward to seeing more of Missy!
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
This was a great part, if at the same time delightfully twisted! Albin is so insane, it's genuinely entertaining for me. In general, the kings we saw so far all had highly distinctive characteristics and I'm loving it. As for this choice, my reasoning for choosing this option is roughly similar to my reasoning for choosing to agree with Benedict in Gwendis' part. While Benedict is unpredictable because he is so damn enigmatic, Albin is unpredictable because he is clearly a deranged psychopath. Saying that she loves him might be the safe option. At least it has better chances to be the safe option than just staying quiet. And with people like Albin, I think the safe option is almost always the better one. Missy is clearly in a horrible position and she absolutely has to play it safe. Then again, considering that he seems utterly unpredictable, there's no saying how Albin is going to react to either option. With a sane person, the first option is clearly better, but with Albin? I don't know... I only know that I'm hooked to yet another great storyline.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
Wow, excellent part. It wasn't that big a part which I was a little disenchanted about, though it certainly started showing the madness of Missy.
As I was writing the part I noticed that it wouldn't be as long as the earlier ones, so I thought about adding a scene to make it longer, but ultimately I felt like it would have been just filler. Missy will get to interact with the rest of the Kingsgrave cast in the future, but in this part I wanted to concentrate just on her and Albin. Anyway I'm glad that you liked it!
Wow, excellent part. It wasn't that big a part which I was a little disenchanted about, though it certainly started showing the madness of M… moreissy. I do look forward to seeing more of her, and I apologise for making her difficult. Though hey, difficult can be fun once it's mastered! As for this vote.
[Say that you love him]
Missy adores King Albin, she has been taught to in a cruel manner that even now she believes. I think if she wants a stronger relation with the King, saying she loves him certainly won't hurt. Although, I can see him taking it a different way, though I think 9 times out of 10 he would like to hear that she loves him. So yeah, give him what he wants I reckon. Though gee, this part sent some shivers down my spine. I knew she was mistress to the King, though it never occurred to me that such a mad man with cruel ambitions could be married. That adds a whole scheme of complications, as I think there is perhaps some shame f… [view original content]
[Say that you love him]
This was a great part, if at the same time delightfully twisted! Albin is so insane, it's genuinely entertaining … morefor me. In general, the kings we saw so far all had highly distinctive characteristics and I'm loving it. As for this choice, my reasoning for choosing this option is roughly similar to my reasoning for choosing to agree with Benedict in Gwendis' part. While Benedict is unpredictable because he is so damn enigmatic, Albin is unpredictable because he is clearly a deranged psychopath. Saying that she loves him might be the safe option. At least it has better chances to be the safe option than just staying quiet. And with people like Albin, I think the safe option is almost always the better one. Missy is clearly in a horrible position and she absolutely has to play it safe. Then again, considering that he seems utterly unpredictable, there's no saying how Albin is going to react to either option. With a san… [view original content]
Wow, excellent part. It wasn't that big a part which I was a little disenchanted about, though it certainly started showing the madness of M… moreissy.
As I was writing the part I noticed that it wouldn't be as long as the earlier ones, so I thought about adding a scene to make it longer, but ultimately I felt like it would have been just filler. Missy will get to interact with the rest of the Kingsgrave cast in the future, but in this part I wanted to concentrate just on her and Albin. Anyway I'm glad that you liked it!
No point in resistance, Missy should just be submissive here. BTW - nice new POV we have here - seemingly irrelevant girl, fully loyal to the King, but we see she has a dark past with him. Calling it now - Missy will realize how dangerous and psychopathic person Albin is and abandon him/escape from Kingsgrave, maybe to join Blackmonts or Martells. It seems like a legit scenario - with the way of showing connection between those two, it's very possible to happen. Anyway - that's looks like another very interesting storyline, can't wait to see how it'll develop.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
I read the prologue and the OP and sent some characters, now I'm gonna read up the chapters you already posted.
Tell me if you liked the chars, thanks
[Agree with Benedict]
As much as I hate Benedict's decision, disagreeing with him might raise more problems than it would solve.
Nice, a whole family of characters!
They are great, I'll have to think how I'll bring them to the story, but there will surely be a role for them.
Don't worry, introduce them whenever there's a good time fitting
Btw. I read those chapters and I very much like what I'm seeing so far.
Oh, I don't know if I mentioned it or you already know that, but Tidsmarch is near Hellholt and is a vassal to Brimstone
Yeah, I think you mentioned that it's Brimstone vassal, but it's good to know it's close to Hellholt
Hellholt is fairly close to Hellgate Hall (the King's fort), so I assume that you are okay if I make Tidsmarch to be a town that is very close to Hellgate Hall.
Of course
All I know about Tidsmarch is that it's near to Hellholt, so whether it is closer to Hellholt or Hellgate Hall is up to you ;D
Voting is closed!
Gwendis is going to play it safe and agree with Benedict. Well, this was a clear one
I didn't really expect such a clear consensus on this decision, but I definitely see the reasons why you voted this. It will be a hard choice for Gwendis to make because it's in her ideals to avoid war if it's possible.
The next part will introduce us to Starfall. I've started writing the part, but it will probably take a couple days before it's ready.
Jamison had woken up a while ago, but he was still on his bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling. A naked girl with perfectly curved body and a wavy black hair slept next to him, and Jamison felt no need to wake her up. As he laid there he thought about his plans for the future. It had been a week now since he had returned to Starfall, and whereas he had first been happy to see his family again, it was now starting to get boring. Even with all these beautiful ladies to entertain me.
Finally Jamison got up from the bed and dressed up. His clothing was casual velvet and leather clothes, but it was still much finer than what he was used to wear on his travels. Jamison looked at himself from the mirror with a small smirk on. He had the purple eyes of the Dayne’s, but his black hair he had inherited from his mother’s side. Looking good, as always. Jamison left the room, leaving the girl sleeping.
Growing up Jamison had always thought that Starfall was the grandest and the most beautiful castle in the world – and visiting places like Blackmont or Sandstone certainly didn’t break that illusion. Only this past year and a half had truly opened his eyes, as he had seen places like Highgarden and Storm’s End. Starfall with its beautiful white stone and tall towers would always be home to Jamison, but it almost felt underwhelming now. The same concerned their kingdom – the Kingdom of Torrentine. Jamison couldn’t understand his father, they had the power to greatly expand their kingdom, but Vorian decided to stay passive and Jamison’s older brother Malcolm was guaranteed to do the same if he ever inherited the crown. ‘We have all we need on these lands’ they always said, claiming that trying to conquer would only bring trouble. Jamison disagreed, he saw that Dorne was theirs to take, and only the Yronwoods could possess any kind of threat to them.
Jamison walked to the courtyard, passing the armory and the forge, and when he arrived he saw the man who once taught him to swing a sword – Ser Laroy Ladybright. Sure, Vorian had been the one to give the first lessons to Jamison, but Ser Laroy was the man who had truly taught him to master the art of swordplay. Now the man was already on his early fifties, but still a strong and sturdy man.
“Jamison!” He shouted with his raspy voice as he saw him, a wide grin on his face. They hadn’t yet seen after Jamison’s return because Ser Laroy had been on a visit to High Hermitage. “It’s good to see you, old man.” Jamison said, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“You have been making yourself some name, boy.” Laroy put his hand on Jamison’s shoulder as he spoke. “I even heard you won a tournament at the Cider Hall.” Jamison let out a small laugh. “You should have seen the faces of those Reachmen.” He said with a joking tone.
“Aye, I’m sure it was a glorious sight.” Laroy replied and tapped Jamison on the back. “It’s hard to believe you were trained by me.”
“Well you weren’t the one who taught me to ride or joust.” Jamison remarked, making Laroy burst into a laugh. “True, true.” He replied. “True as always, you wise ass!” Jamison shrugged with a smile on his face. “Just saying it how it is, old man.” He said and Laroy gave him a playful punch on the arm. They started walking towards the main keep with grins on their faces.
“So, Ser Jamison.” Laroy said, now with a slightly more calm tone on his voice. “What’s your plan for the future? Are you going to continue traveling around Westeros?” Jamison let out a sigh, he wasn’t sure about this himself. “I would like to do something useful for my family.” He said quietly, as they opened the doors and walked to the entrance hall. “But what is there to do? Malcolm is the heir, what am I?” Ser Laroy now looked at him with calm and unrelenting stare. “You are the Sword of the Night, the greatest knight this house has.” He said, but Jamison wasn’t happy with that. “In other words I’ll just be a tool for my father and later for my brother, a soldier who does what the King commands.” As he said this the look on Ser Laroy’s face changed, clearly he resented Jamison’s attitude.
“There is pride in serving the King.” He said with serious words. “Not if everything the King wants to do is to sit on his ass and be afraid of the world.” Jamison hit back and turned his eyes away from the old knight. Before Ser Laroy could answer anything they were interrupted by Prince Malcolm.
“Jamison, Ser Laroy, sorry to interrupt.” Jamison’s brother said from behind them, and they turned to face him. “If you don’t mind Ser Laroy, I would like to talk with my brother.” After quickly glancing at Jamison, Laroy bowed to his Prince and walked away.
“So, good morning, brother.” Malcolm said with his friendly and polite tone. Unlike Jamison, Malcolm had the silver hair of their father, and his clothing was also much more posh and extravagant. “What is it you want?” Jamison asked with little interest in his voice, making his brother chuckle. “Do I have to want something to say good morning to my brother?” Malcolm asked, raising his eyebrows, but Jamison only gave him a cold glare.
“You are a hard one to come along with, little brother.” Malcolm said, shaking his head subtly. “Well then, I’ll only say what I came here to say. Father wants to meet you – now, at his office.” This finally caught Jamison’s interest, but also made him slightly confused. “Why would he want to meet me there?” He asked, but his brother just shrugged. “Perhaps he wants to speak to you privately, on a calm place with no interruptions. Just my guess.” With these words Malcolm walked past him, leaving Jamison alone in the hall.
Jamison didn’t feel the need to knock, he walked straight into his father’s office. There he found King Vorian sitting behind his desk, reading a raven scroll.
“Good morning, Jamison.” He said with monotone words as he put down the scroll. Vorian was at his mid-thirties, but he had aged well and was still a handsome man – many said he looked ten years younger than he truly was. Jamison grabbed a chair and sat down opposed to his father.
“You invited me.” He stated bluntly, and a subtle smirk appeared on his father’s face. “Indeed I did.” Vorian replied. “I think we should talk about your future.”
“My future?” Jamison asked sarcastically. “You mean the one where I sit here as a glorified bodyguard for you and Malcolm?” Vorian let out a sigh for these words, taking a glance at the table, but quickly turning his eyes back to his son. “I know that you don’t agree with us on certain things…” Vorian started, but Jamison cut him off.
“No, I certainly don’t. We are meekly sitting here behind our borders when we could easily conquer.” He spoke with passionate words, but his father looked at him with neglecting eyes. “The Fowlers are weak, the Blackmonts are weak…” Jamison started, but now it was Vorian’s turn to cut him off.
“The heir of Blackmont is your cousin, Jamison!” The King shouted with anger in his eyes. “Son of my sister!” These words silenced the room as Jamison couldn’t come up with an answer. For a moment it looked as if Vorian was about to send him out, but finally he calmed down. “One day your brother will be the king, and yes, you will be a knight in his service, but you can earn yourself a role in the court that is more than just that.” Vorian looked his son to the eyes as he spoke. “And what is that role?” Jamison asked quietly, turning his eyes down.
“You can sit on his council, help him rule, advise him. And if a war ever comes, you can lead his armies to battlefield.” Vorian explained calmly. “But if that is something you want, you will have to earn it.” Jamison raised his eyes back to his father. “And how do I earn it?” He asked.
“By showing your skills on politics and diplomacy.” Vorian said like it was the obvious answer. “If you wish to prove yourself, I already have a mission for you.” For a moment they were quiet, until Vorian decided to ask something. “Have you heard of the alliance of the Sun and the Spear?”
“Sun and spear?” Jamison said with puzzled tone, and his father nodded. “The Martells and the Rhoynar.” He explained calmly. “They have declared to conquer all of Dorne. Undoubtedly most have simply ignored this declaration, as words of conquer hold little meaning – it’s the swords that need to do the talking.”
“So, you haven’t ignored it then?” Jamison asked, and his father smiled. “It’s true that Martells are perhaps biting more than they can swallow, but they should not be underestimated – the Rhoynar have truly made them strong.” Vorian said, but Jamison wasn’t convinced. “Do you really think this is our concern?” He asked with doubtful words. “No, not yet at least, but it would be best to make sure it never will be.” The King spoke with calm words. Jamison raised his eyebrow. “So how exactly are you doing that?” He asked.
“There are many ways.” Vorian replied. “But the first step would be to offer our support for the Drylands. And as we help them, we will also get their gratitude, and form a strong alliance.” Jamison let out a sigh of frustration. “The Drylands are our enemies, father.” He said, but Vorian shook his head. “The last war between Daynes and Drylands was more than century ago.” He said dismissively.
“A war that we lost.” Jamison remarked. “A war that shrank our kingdom to almost half of what it was.” Now a smirk appeared on Vorian’s face. “And this could be a way to get some of those lands that we lost back.” He said with a sly tone. Jamison hadn’t thought about that, but perhaps it could work.
“I am sending an ambassador to Hellgate Hall.” King Vorian stated, still smirking. “Would you like to take that mission?” Jamison gulped, he wasn’t really a diplomat. At least I’m given a chance to do something for my kingdom.
[Take the mission] [Stay in Starfall]
[Take the mission]
[Take the mission]
A chance to prove ourselves!
Another great part! It's interesting to see some Dayne's in the story, especially considering that I had almost written Gwendis and Naemon as Dayne's
It seems Jamison has not much love for his cousins, though it was nice to see that Vorian has a different opinion. In any way, Jamison seems like an interesting character, I'm looking forward to read more about him.
[Take the mission]
On the one hand, staying in Starfall sounds like something that Jamison might be more qualified for. He said it himself, he's not really a diplomat. However, this can be a chance for him to challenge himself. His father wouldn't give him this mission if he would be terribly unsuited for it. Perhaps he's going to learn some useful skills and improves one of his weaknesses. Also, he might win his father's favour by succeeding at this mission. Also, story-wise this sounds like it has more opportunities for an interesting storyline for Jamison, even though I'd also like to see more from the rest of the Starfall cast.
... said WildlingKing yesterday. :-DD So cool to see the part already today!
anyway: [Take the mission] because it is good i guess for character development and interactions!
Jamison is in many ways like a mirror to Naemon. Well first of all they are both young, skilled and handsome knights. Naemon is the heir but doesn't want the crown, Jamison is not the heir but clearly wants to be. Naemon considers Daynes part of the family, Jamison would be ready to start a war with the Blackmonts
Haha, yeah, inspiration struck me today
And btw I forgot to answer to your pm, but I'll say it here: amazing work again with the pictures! Regarding those characters, I haven't quite yet come to a decision on what kind of role will I give them, but I'll figure it out!
Inspiration is good, keeps you going :-D Now another part to go!
[Take the mission]
Hey, great story so far. Just found it recently, and I have to say, I absolutely love it. Keep up the great work my friend!
I'll do my best to keep the story interesting! 
[Take the mission] Jamison has a smart mouth and I would like to see how he would represent the Dayne's in that fashion. Perhaps maybe we'll be given different approaches of how to speak during the mission if it comes to it. Anyways great part! This choice could introduce Jamison to many different characters in the future, so I'm with the majority.
I submitted my first character, Walter Oakley, and am currently working on submitting his sister Quinn Oakley.
[Take the mission]
This was an excellent part, and I believe I'm just going to stand with the crowd and agree with the majority of the comments on Jamison and co. I am looking forward to seeing more of Starfall, but I'd like to see a challenge for Jamison and also like to see how he copes with trying to work things out diplomatically with the Drylands, whom he has thought of as his enemies for however long
Great part, looking forward to the next!
[Take the mission]
I was considering rejecting Vorian's offer as Jamison seems to don't like Drylands too much, so he wouldn't be a good ambassador, but something got me. If Jamison goes to Hellgate Hall, he will have a chance to meet his sister Nealia - she's also going to Drylands with her sellswords company, and I really want this reunion to happen - well, maybe? The bad part of it will placing 2 POVs in the same place, but Jamison will not be staying there long I suppose, well, neither will Nealia, but we'll see.
I hadn't even thought of this. The idea of a reunion happening would be awesome to see, though I wonder what Jamison's thoughts would be on the matter. I mean, the kid did want to set conquest against the Blackmont's, which are his cousins... Also, he doesn't hold much respect for his own brother, so I can only imagine what might be in tale for his bastard sister. Though who knows, perhaps they may share some ideals and similarities which bind them closer?
I've sent an assassin character along with someone from House Manwoody. I know I sent 6 characters in total and that's a lot, but I've been thinking quite a while about some Dornish characters. Also, this being such a huge prequel really helps with imagination.
Just checked them out and I like them! I'm actually just writing a part that is set to Kingsgrave, so at least one of your characters will have a cameo very soon. I had Albin's family written already but I hadn't really thought about his siblings so Alaric was a great addition to what I had came up with myself
That is so good to hear, I'm very excited. Good luck with writing!
I actually thought of writing a PM to you if making a Manwoody is okay, but I figured if it wouldn't, then you would tell me so I'm relieved to hear that.
Voting is closed!
And of course Jamison will take the mission! This time I'm not really surprised that this option crushed the voting so clearly
The next part will take us to yet another court - Kingsgrave. However this time the perspective will be very different, and the part will be more... well, you'll see. It is almost ready, just needs some finishing touches - I'll post it later today.
Different, huh? Well, count me intrigued!
I'm excited...
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making her way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and on his bald head was a golden crown. The Great King of the Red Mountains.
Next to the King sat Queen Sofina, the second wife of Albin. The expression on Sofina’s face was cold and stony, as if she was closing herself from the world. On the other side of the King stood the Crown Prince Arvin, who was son of Albin’s first wife Emely – who according to rumors he had beaten to death. Arvin had a grumpy look on his face, and next to him stood his betrothed Sanya Purell, looking slightly frightened. Both of Albin’s daughters, Teressa and Alana, had already been married off, but the two youngest of his children – Prince Brodin and Prince Jullon – stood next to their mother. Brodin was thirteen and Jullon was ten. Lastly next to the young princes stood their uncle – Albin’s younger brother – Alaric Manwoody, who had an ugly scar on his left cheek to remind him of his brother’s anger.
Finally the doors of the throne room were slammed open, and when the people saw what was brought in they gasped in shock. One of the King’s freaks, Tom the Animal, was dragging a naked man with a chain that was attached to a collar on the man’s neck. The naked man’s face and body were heavily bruised, but Missy still recognized him. He was – or at least had been – one of the King’s Guards, Ser Rud the Short. Ser Rud was a plain looking man on his late thirties with brown eyes and black hair. Tom pushed Ser Rud to his knees and the court watched in silence as the knight muttered something, perhaps he prayed. Gods won’t help you, Missy thought.
King Albin stood up from his throne, and all the eyes turned to him. He walked towards the man with rage in his eyes. The King walked past Ser Rud, to Tom the Animal. “Give me the whip.” He growled, and Tom gave it to him with a twisted grin on his face.
“SON OF A WHORE!” Albin screamed from the bottom of his lungs as he whipped the knight in the back. Ser Rud let out loud scream of agony and Missy could see people turning their eyes away. Missy didn’t turn away, she looked with fascination how Albin whipped the man, again and again. She saw how blood was flowing down Ser Rud’s back, as he was lying on his stomach, trying to crawl away from the King. Albin put his foot on Rud’s back, stopping his squirming. Missy glanced towards the throne, and she saw that the only one smiling from the Manwoody family was Prince Arvin – everyone else looked either frightened or disinterested.
“This man is a traitor!” King Albin shouted, pointing at Rud and eyeing the silent crowd. For a second the eyes of Missy and Albin met, and Missy’s heart started pounding. But the moment was quickly gone as Albin turned his eyes to Ser Rud again. “This bastard served me for six years… and all that time, he has been a spy… for the FUCKING BLACKMONTS!” These words caused a cacophony of noise in the hall and it only ended when the King raised his hand. As the hall was silent again, Albin lowered his hand to grab Ser Rud from the hair and raised him up. The knight had no more strength left to resist, or even scream. “Animal!” The King yelled, and Tom looked at him like a dog looks at its master. “Dagger to the eye.” Albin said coldly, and with enthusiasm shining from his eyes Tom the Animal took his dagger and walked to Ser Rudin.
“Bye, bye, traitor!” He shouted with a disturbingly playful tone and shoved the dagger to Ser Rudin’s left eye, as Albin held the knight still. For a brief moment Ser Rudin screamed again, but then his scream died out and his body went limp, and finally King Albin let him fall. The whole court watched as the naked knight bled out on the floor of the throne room. One must never betray the Great King, Missy thought.
Missy sat on her bed in the darkness and silence, only one candle on the table was bringing light to the room. On her mind she went through what she just saw at the throne room. The man was a traitor, he deserved it. Missy was nervous, she knew the King would come soon. She admired the King, she loved his power, but at the same time she knew he would always be a dangerous man. She had served him well, she knew it, and she hoped that the King acknowledged it as well. Whenever the King wanted advice, comfort or love, Missy gave it to him – no matter how hard it was. The creaking sound of the door being opened woke up Missy from her thoughts, and she raised her gaze towards the door. It was the King.
There Albin Manwoody stood, passion and madness in his deep set green eyes. Albin was an old man, on his early fifties, but his presence was still oozing strength and determination. Silently he walked closer to Missy and sat right next to her in the bed. Missy took a deep breath and turned her eyes to Albin. They looked at each other’s eyes for a moment that felt agonizingly long. Missy was simultaneously full of fear and excitement.
“Your eyes are beautiful as always, Missy.” The King muttered with his deep voice and moved his right hand on Missy’s soft cheek. Missy knew that the King would want to talk about what happened in the throne room, so she would let him talk. “Do you agree with what I did to Ser Rud?” Albin asked, a small touch of weakness in his voice. Missy gulped subtly, but she nodded. “Yes, of course. He was a spy, a traitor.” She said gently, as the King had move his hand to her neck.
“He was found writing a letter about my plans.” He explained quietly. “It took long to break him, but he finally revealed that he worked for the Blackmonts.” Missy could see the anger in her King’s eyes again. “He is killed now, we don’t have to worry about it anymore.” Missy spoke softly and the King looked her to the eyes again. Albin’s eyes were full of emotion and lust, and his hand now moved to Missy’s breasts.
“I am going to kill everyone who goes against me.” Albin muttered quietly, and Missy’s heart was beating faster and faster. “I will rule the Red Mountains, and no fucker will stop me.” With these words the King squeezed Missy’s breast, which made her let out a quiet whimper. “I am the King, I am the King.” Albin muttered obsessively, and Missy felt heat raising to her cheeks as the King shoved his hand inside her dress and pinched her nipple. Her breathing accelerated, and goosebumps ran up her arm. Stay calm, Missy, stay calm. Albin moved closer, staring her to the eyes. He came so close that Missy could feel his breathing on her cheeks, smell the odor of ale from it. “Missy, do you love me?” The King asked quietly, with a luster in his eyes.
[Say that you love him] [Stay quiet]
[Say that you love him] I don't know, I guess that's what he wants to hear.
Well, here's a hard choice.
I'd [stay quiet] just to see what happens...and if it was a game, rewind it! Sadly, it's not a game. But I'll still go with this choice.
Wow, excellent part. It wasn't that big a part which I was a little disenchanted about, though it certainly started showing the madness of Missy. I do look forward to seeing more of her, and I apologise for making her difficult. Though hey, difficult can be fun once it's mastered! As for this vote.
[Say that you love him]
Missy adores King Albin, she has been taught to in a cruel manner that even now she believes. I think if she wants a stronger relation with the King, saying she loves him certainly won't hurt. Although, I can see him taking it a different way, though I think 9 times out of 10 he would like to hear that she loves him. So yeah, give him what he wants I reckon. Though gee, this part sent some shivers down my spine. I knew she was mistress to the King, though it never occurred to me that such a mad man with cruel ambitions could be married. That adds a whole scheme of complications, as I think there is perhaps some shame for King Albin, though perhaps not.
Anyhow, great part! Looking forward to seeing more of Missy!
[Say that you love him]
Better not to say no to the madman.
[Say that you love him]
This was a great part, if at the same time delightfully twisted! Albin is so insane, it's genuinely entertaining for me. In general, the kings we saw so far all had highly distinctive characteristics and I'm loving it. As for this choice, my reasoning for choosing this option is roughly similar to my reasoning for choosing to agree with Benedict in Gwendis' part. While Benedict is unpredictable because he is so damn enigmatic, Albin is unpredictable because he is clearly a deranged psychopath. Saying that she loves him might be the safe option. At least it has better chances to be the safe option than just staying quiet. And with people like Albin, I think the safe option is almost always the better one. Missy is clearly in a horrible position and she absolutely has to play it safe. Then again, considering that he seems utterly unpredictable, there's no saying how Albin is going to react to either option. With a sane person, the first option is clearly better, but with Albin? I don't know... I only know that I'm hooked to yet another great storyline.
As I was writing the part I noticed that it wouldn't be as long as the earlier ones, so I thought about adding a scene to make it longer, but ultimately I felt like it would have been just filler. Missy will get to interact with the rest of the Kingsgrave cast in the future, but in this part I wanted to concentrate just on her and Albin. Anyway I'm glad that you liked it!
sane + insane? Or insane + insane. It will be interesting to see where this leads to say the very least!
Any idea where the next part will take place in?
[Say that you love him]
No point in resistance, Missy should just be submissive here. BTW - nice new POV we have here - seemingly irrelevant girl, fully loyal to the King, but we see she has a dark past with him. Calling it now - Missy will realize how dangerous and psychopathic person Albin is and abandon him/escape from Kingsgrave, maybe to join Blackmonts or Martells. It seems like a legit scenario - with the way of showing connection between those two, it's very possible to happen. Anyway - that's looks like another very interesting storyline, can't wait to see how it'll develop.