[Stay quiet] I know this option won't win nor is it the best of the two but I'm curious to see how he would react if his mistress surprised him with silence.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
I personally dins either choice risky, as people who are on edge tend to catch onto things so if she says it but isn't convincing or he doesn't believe it, it may be bad. But I think staying silent is worse.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
Wow this is probably the toughest choice of the story so far! From what we have heard and seen of King Albin so far is that he is a minor king compared to the others but obviously the most mentally unstable which makes this choice so difficult with it being perfectly reasonable that he could flip out on her either way.. I would say that I am going vote to have Missy [Say that you love him] because really I am most intrigued by what would happen if she stayed quiet but from what i could tell from this part is that she legitimately feels an attraction for him whether it is love or not I'm not sure but in this situation it probably is the best idea for her to say that she loves him.
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
The throne room of Kingsgrave was packed with the people of the court, and whispering and murmur filled the hall. Missy was making … moreher way from the back row to where she could actually see what was going to happen. She walked past a handful of handmaidens who giggled and whispered as they saw her. A memory of her past life flashed through Missy’s mind. No! Forget it, Missy, forget it! Missy was still a young woman, but these days she was always dirty and tired. Her once long and beautiful hair was now short and greasy, and the look on her once passionate green eyes was empty. Whereas she once wore beautiful silk dresses, now her clothing was closer to one of a common tavern wench.
Finally she made it to the front row and saw King Albin Manwoody sitting on his throne with a bored expression on his face. He was wearing a black coat with the sigil of House Manwoody – a crowned skull. His black beard fell all the way to his chest, and… [view original content]
[Say that you love him]
No point in resistance, Missy should just be submissive here. BTW - nice new POV we have here - seemingly irrelev… moreant girl, fully loyal to the King, but we see she has a dark past with him. Calling it now - Missy will realize how dangerous and psychopathic person Albin is and abandon him/escape from Kingsgrave, maybe to join Blackmonts or Martells. It seems like a legit scenario - with the way of showing connection between those two, it's very possible to happen. Anyway - that's looks like another very interesting storyline, can't wait to see how it'll develop.
Missy will tell King Albin that she loves him. I expected this to be another clear vote, and while it kinda was, I'm surprised that staying quiet got as many votes as it did. Now, I should say that this decision has two kind of consequences. Firstly the obvious - how will the King react? But aside from that there is a more subtle consequence on what kind of direction will this take Missy internally, as a character. However, as this is just the first choice, neither of those things will be anything that would determine the rest of Missy's story. There will be lots of choices for her that can change the direction of her development.
The next part will be the second part of Nymeria. I have started writing it but I'm still at the very beginning, I have written less than one page so far. It could be that I'll manage to finish it tomorrow, but I can't promise that. Also, I should finish the next part of my other story But don't worry, you'll most certainly get the part during this weekend.
PS. I'll also edit out the "NEW" from the title, as I don't think it's necessary anymore. Oh, and I've came up with the titles for chapters 2 and 3, check out from the OP if you're interested (they're very vague titles, so no spoilers or anything).
Voting is closed!
Missy will tell King Albin that she loves him. I expected this to be another clear vote, and while it kinda was, I'm su… morerprised that staying quiet got as many votes as it did. Now, I should say that this decision has two kind of consequences. Firstly the obvious - how will the King react? But aside from that there is a more subtle consequence on what kind of direction will this take Missy internally, as a character. However, as this is just the first choice, neither of those things will be anything that would determine the rest of Missy's story. There will be lots of choices for her that can change the direction of her development.
The next part will be the second part of Nymeria. I have started writing it but I'm still at the very beginning, I have written less than one page so far. It could be that I'll manage to finish it tomorrow, but I can't promise that. Also, I should finish the next part of my other story But d… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved swords stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would need to secure Godsgrace and Vaith under their control. One step at a time, Nymeria thought and sighed.
Nymeria saw one of her captains, Dianna, walking to the garden. Dianna was a beautiful woman on her mid-twenties, just a couple years younger than Nymeria. A touch of Ghiscari heritage could be seen from the olive skin of Dianna, and her reddish brown hair, but in any case she was one of the most loyal warriors Nymeria had. She had been with her from the day they had sailed from their home, and never had she questioned her princess. The Martell guards stepped aside as Dianna walked into the garden, a skillfully crafted arakh hanging from her belt.
“Dianna, it’s good to see you.” Nymeria spoke with a friendly smile on her face, and Dianna bowed to her. If Nymeria hated something about being the Princess, it was that she could never form true friendships as she would always be the leader for her people.
“Prince Mors is waiting for you in the throne room, there are several guests asking for an audience.” Dianna explained calmly and dutifully. Nymeria stood up and nodded to her. “Let’s go then.” She said with a smirk, and so they walked out of the garden.
Sandship was an ugly dun-colored fort. It had apparently got its name from looking like a dromond that had wrecked to the land and turned to stone. Nymeria could see the fort’s resemblance to a ship, but only barely. Whatever it looked like, it was too small for the court of the Martells now that the Rhoynar were part of it. After Nymeria had married Mors, they had commanded a construction of a new palace to the hill next to the Sandship, but it would take years before it would be ready. Until then Sandship will be good enough.
Nymeria and Dianna walked in from the main doors that led to the small entrance hall. Martell guards stood on every corner, doing their duty. Nymeria smiled to them, she wanted to inspire these men to stay loyal, because harder times would be ahead.
As Nymeria walked into the throne room, Dianna took her place at guarding the room. Mors looked at Nymeria with his gentle smile on as she approached him. “We have some work to do, my Princess.” Mors said with friendly tone and Nymeria nodded. “Let’s do it then.” She whispered with decisive look on her eyes.
They sat down to their thrones and Mors turned to Nymeria. “I think we have a visitor from Lemonwood.” He said calmly. Before Nymeria could answer, the door was opened. Jaran Martell, Mors younger brother, walked in with a young man who was dressed in a light yellow coat that reached all the way to his feet. They walked closer to the thrones, and the young man glanced at Nymeria and Mors nervously.
“You stand in front of Mors Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and Nymeria Martell, the Princess of Dorne.” Jaran announced monotonously, and the young man fell to his knees. “I am Adian of House Dalt.” He started. “I have been sent here by my uncle, Lord Daris Dalt.”
“You may stand up.” Mors said, and Adian Dalt followed his request, still with a touch of nervousness in his eyes. They sent a timid boy as their ambassador. “I have come to tell that Lord Daris has accepted your request, Lemonwood is ready to serve you, and fight for you.” The boy continued and Mors gave him a nod with a pleased smile on his face.
“And?” Nymeria said skeptically. The boy looked at her with fear and confusion in his eyes. “Spit it out boy, what is your Lord asking in return?” Nymeria asked with cold words and Adian Dalt gulped. “N- nothing, all he wants is that you send some of your men to help him guard his lands – we’ve had problems with bandits on the roads and villages lately. I had to come with an escort of twenty men because of that.”
“We are ready to help with cleaning the lands of your uncle.” Mors stated calmly. “It is part of our realm now, and we wish prosperity and peace to our lands.” Adian nodded nervously to the Prince’s words. “Jaran.” Mors said and turned towards his brother. “Find good rooms for Adian and his men. And Adian, you are welcome to a dinner with me and the Princess later tonight.” Adian Dalt bowed, and Jaran escorted him out of the throne room.
“Was that everything?” Nymeria asked with slightly bored tone, and Mors shook his head. “I’m afraid we have couple more to go.” He said with a sigh, and the doors were opened again. This time in walked a bald and plain looking man with elegant clothing that hinted of eastern origins. There was something on the deep blue eyes and the sharp edges of this man’s face that got Nymeria slightly nervous. If the last visitor had been a timid boy, this man was something entirely different.
“You stand in front of Mors Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and Nymeria Martell, the Princess of Dorne.” One of the guards announced, and the bald man kneeled. “My name is Forovos Norvoshi.” He said and stood up.
“Norvoshi? You come from Norvos?” Nymeria asked, genuinely interested. Back in Ny Sar, her parents had often made trade with the Norvoshi.
“I’m afraid not, my Princess.” Forovos answered calmly. “My mother was Norvoshi, I however am a keyholder of the Iron Bank of Braavos.” Nymeria’s eyes widened. She glanced at Mors and could see that he was just as surprised as she was.
“Have we contacted the Iron Bank?” Nymeria asked with serious tone, looking first at Forovos and then at her husband, who silently shook his head. “No, you haven’t.” Forovos said with a small smile on his face. “But I heard of your cause, and I traveled here to make my offer.” A moment of silence followed, until Mors cleared his throat.
“The Iron Bank of Braavos is known for choosing their customers carefully.” He started, pressing his fingers together. “Many see our cause as a risky one. What makes you see differently?” Mors asked and the grin on Forovos’ face got wider. “There is always a risk.” He said. “And certainly not every keyholder on the Iron Bank would see this as a wise investment. However, I see a great chance in this. If you just have the resources to reach your goal and unite the Dorne, it will result a much more prosperous kingdom than any of the petty ones this peninsula has at the moment. To me that sounds like a great investment.”
“Sure.” Nymeria said coldly. “And if your faith to us falters, all you have to do is sail to Yronwood and make a new offer. Am I correct?” Forovos let out a small laugh. “You are a clever one.” He said, still smirking. “But you know I could have sailed to Yronwood already, and I still can, if you choose not to make a deal with me.” Forovos spoke with slightly arrogant words and Nymeria gave him a glare.
“If you ever leave this place at all.” She said, hiding her threat into a calm tone. This wiped out the grin from Forovos’ face. “I am not just some helpless loan peddler, my Princess.” The man replied calmly, with an ominous look on his eyes. Once again Prince Mors cleared his throat.
“This offer came as a surprise, my friend, I’m sure you understand that.” Mors said with conciliatory words. “However, we are ready to consider taking a loan from you. Perhaps we could go to the details later?” Forovos shrugged. “I’m in no hurry.” He said. “But I do hope you can offer me a place to stay in.”
“That will be arranged.” Mors said with his polite tone. “I’m thankful of that. I will be waiting for your invitation.” Forovos Norvoshi said and bowed to them and left the throne room. Nymeria sighed as she looked at her husband. “A loan from Iron Bank could really help us win this war.” Mors said. “And at least we don’t want him to support our enemies.” Nymeria nodded in agreement, even if she didn’t like this keyholder. “I suppose you are right.” She admitted with a touch of frustration on her words. Then the doors were opened again. This time it was the maester of Sandship – Olivar. Olivar was a man on his late forties, apparently fairly young when it came to maesters.
Olivar ran to the thrones with great haste, his ragged brown robes dangling amusingly. “Prince, Princess.” He spoke, out of breath from his running, and bowed quickly. “I have news.” He said and pulled a raven scroll from his sleeve with shaking hands.
“What is it?” Mors asked with tense words. Maester Olivar gulped, and handed the scroll to his Prince. “It’s from the Ghost Hill. The Tolands have declared a war.” Mors read through the scroll and let out a frustrated sigh. He handed the scroll to Nymeria. The message was basically the Lord of Ghost Hill boasting how he would never bow to Martells, and in the end was a threat of the Tolands marching with an army to their lands.
“It was to be expected that someone would do this.” Nymeria said calmly and handed the scroll back to the maester. “We must prepare ourselves.” She added and Mors nodded in agreement.
“We should also call the Dalts to aid.” He said and turned his gaze to the floor. “We must only hope that they are as loyal as they say they are.”
“If it comes to it, we have the nephew of Lord Dalt here – to make sure they behave.” Nymeria said, feeling a bit ashamed of what she was suggesting. The maester looked at her with puzzlement. “Should I put that into the message I send to them?” He asked, glancing at Mors and Nymeria. Mors turned his eyes to the Princess. “What do you think, my love?”
[Add the threat to the message][Don't add the threat]
House Dalt is a new ally and future vassal. So far, they have done nothing that would justify getting threatened. Before considering such drastic measures, they deserve a chance to prove themselves, by supporting House Martell against the Tolands. If they get threatened and treated with disrespect now, there is the chance that they rather ally with the Tolands.
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
I have to agree with Liquid here, they are a newly made ally and a future vassal. I feel like choosing to force them into war would be an Aerys Targaryen move, so I think not adding the threat would be wiser. Though, they already have the nephew, so Lord Dalt is likely to keep this into consideration already, with or without a threat. Easily enough they can keep Adian in Sandship, the boy seems pretty fearful of danger and war.
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
[Don't add the threat] I pretty much have to agree with the others on this one. No need to start trouble with a new ally especially with House Martell's conquest of Dorne being in the beginning stages, Nymeria and House Martell need every ally possible.
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
The Dalt lord is probably already aware that his nephew is at Nymeria's court and wouldn't risk it. It would also be wise to make a good first impression.
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
No need to to that - as Crips said, Lord Dalt for sure know that his nephew is in Sandship now, so he will behave, and threat to him would just ruin the good relations between Martells and their new vassals. Threat now will just increase chance of their treason, so better keep it easy.
BTW. I'm thinking of new character and I considered placing him in Sandship, Yronwood or Skyreach. Let me know where do you lack characters so I can modify his story to fit in and help your story to develop
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved sword… mores stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would… [view original content]
[Don't add the threat]
No need to to that - as Crips said, Lord Dalt for sure know that his nephew is in Sandship now, so he will behave,… more and threat to him would just ruin the good relations between Martells and their new vassals. Threat now will just increase chance of their treason, so better keep it easy.
BTW. I'm thinking of new character and I considered placing him in Sandship, Yronwood or Skyreach. Let me know where do you lack characters so I can modify his story to fit in and help your story to develop
[Don't add the threat]
No need to to that - as Crips said, Lord Dalt for sure know that his nephew is in Sandship now, so he will behave,… more and threat to him would just ruin the good relations between Martells and their new vassals. Threat now will just increase chance of their treason, so better keep it easy.
BTW. I'm thinking of new character and I considered placing him in Sandship, Yronwood or Skyreach. Let me know where do you lack characters so I can modify his story to fit in and help your story to develop
Nymeria will decide to not add the threat to the message for Dalts. Most likely a smart choice, threats could have been taken badly...
Anyway, I must say this part was the hardest to write so far, and I'm sorry if it came out as a boring read. However, now we've established the situation on the eastern coast and introduced couple more characters so I'm happy to move on with the story.
And what comes to moving on, the next part's PoV will be a new character, and his story begins from just outside of Dorne - Nightsong. I'll start writing that part soon, but I can already admit I probably won't be writing much tomorrow because the GoT premiere!
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, a weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the back.
“It is good to have you here again, Ser Myke of the Marches.” Joran spoke with genuine happiness as they backed out from each other, and Myke gave him a smile. “You don’t need to call me with that title.” He said calmly, but Joran shook his head. “Horseshit! Lord Trevas gave you that title for a reason, you should be proud of it!” Mention of Lord Caron turned Myke’s expression more serious.
“I assume you know why I have come back here?” Myke asked Joran, who nodded to him with a sad look on his face now. “Aye.” He said with a sigh. “It’s been almost a year now… She left about two months after you did.”
“And no one has seen her since?” Myke asked with concerned tone, and Joran shook his head. “Do you remember that spear master from Myr? Norano his name was, he went after her and never returned.” There was small touch of anger in Joran’s words, but Myke shrugged it off. “Maybe they ran off together, it seemed always clear to me that the two were in love.” He spoke with sympathy in his words, but Joran shook his head.
“It’s still wrong.” He said strictly. “Taking another man’s daughter, leaving him wonder if she is even alive anymore.” Myke nodded in agreement, he had to admit that was not an honorable thing to do. “And do we have any idea where we could look for her?” He asked, and now Joran shrugged. “All we know is that she headed south when she ran off… We spent weeks looking for her on the Wide Way, but she had just disappeared, just like Norano after her.”
“Finding her now is nearly impossible.” Myke stated, more to himself than the other knight. “That’s what men like us are for.” Joran replied, a small smile on his face again, and they both allowed themselves a small laugh. “By the way, do you still fight with that damn whip mace?” Joran asked as they walked towards the doors of the keep, and Myke answered to him with just a sly grin. “Of course you do, you old devil.” Ser Joran muttered with a smile on his face as they opened the doors.
Lord Trevas Caron sat on his chambers, next to a fireplace that burned bright. Sers Joran and Myke had taken their seats from other side of the small table. Lord Caron was around the same age with Myke, on his late fifties, but he had not aged as well. It was clear to see he was in a weak state, and the dark bags under his eyes told he was tired. As he looked at Myke he had a weak smile on his face, but Myke knew that under that fragile veil he was broken and depressed. I can understand that. He had lost his eldest child and daughter – a young, beautiful and lively woman on her early twenties.
“I am happy to see you again, Ser Myke.” Lord Caron said quietly. “And I’m sorry to bother you during your well-deserved days of rest and peace…” Myke cut off the Lord. “No, don’t be. It’s my honor to offer my help to you once again, after all it was you who helped me when my days were darkest.” He said with genuine gratitude.
“You have already payed back all you ever owed me.” Lord Caron said weakly and gulped. “I can’t demand anything from you anymore, but I’m ready to pay you all I can… If I can just see my dear Kortney again.” Trevas’ voice cracked on his last words, and he had to turn his eyes away. I know his pain only too well. “I don’t need any payment, my Lord.” Ser Myke said calmly and gently. “Kortney was like a family to me, I will do everything I can to find her and bring her back to home.” Joran cleared his throat. “As will I, my Lord.” He said humbly. Trevas nodded, and for a moment they were all silent.
“It was my fault, you know… that she ran away.” The Lord spoke quietly, staring at the flames with blank eyes. “I wanted her to marry a knight, someone noble, and I ignored her when she said that she only loved that one man.” Trevas avoided speaking by name of the spear master Norano. Ser Myke let out an understanding sigh. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened.” He said with comforting words.
“If anyone should be blamed it’s Norano.” Ser Joran said with a touch of bitterness in his words, and Myke shot a glare at him. Lord Trevas took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the two knights again. “I’m thankful there are men like you on this world.” He said, and a small glimmer of hope could be seen in his eyes. “You shall have all the wine and meat you wish tonight, and tomorrow your mission begins.”
Ser Myke once again stood on the courtyard of the Nightsong, saddling his horse and tiredly looking at the blue sky. He had drank much less than Ser Joran last night, but he still had a bit of a headache. He was waiting for Joran, eager to begin the journey. This mission was important, and it would be the last one Myke would ever have, he was sure of it.
Ser Myke was starting to get impatient, but then he saw a young man walking towards him. It was Prestan Caron, Lord Trevas’ son and heir, a lean and pretty boy of fifteen. He was the older of Lord Caron’s two sons, and his dream was to become a great knight. Good lad.
“Ser Myke.” He greeted shyly, and Myke gave him a bow. “Good day, little lord.” He replied with a smile, but Prestan didn’t seem to be on a cheerful mood. “What is it, Prestan?” Ser Myke asked, and the young man let out a small sigh.
“I have to ask something…” He said, looking down on his shoes. “Take me with you.” He spat out, and Myke let out a small laugh, shaking his head. “No, I don’t think your father would approve…” He started, but the boy cut him off.
“I know!” He shouted desperately, now looking Ser Myke to the eyes. “But I miss Kortney. I want to help you find her, I promise I’ll be useful! I can’t just sit here when my sister could be in danger.” Myke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He understood the feelings of this boy, he understood his frustration. Once I was like him myself. He looked at the boy, knowing how much this decision meant for him.
[Take Prestan with you][Tell Prestan to stay at home]
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
[Tell Prestan to stay at home] This is obviously a very tough choice but taking the heir of House Caron on what will most likely be a very dangerous mission could turn out very badly for Ser Myke if Prestan did not make it home safely. I would like to see what Prestan could do in Dorne, but I don't think he should go without his father's permission.
By the way I seen you needed characters for Skyreach so I made one! if you do not need her or need to make changes to her that is fine by me!
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
[Tell Prestan to stay at home] Where Myke and Joran are going could be dangerous and this boy doesn't have the proper training to defend himself. He can still be useful at Nightsong.
I liked this part though. Myke and Joran would make a fine team and hopefully they will find Kortney alive.
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
I know I'm going against the flock here, though I have a hunch. If indeed this Kortney girl has run off with some Norano of Myr, I think two old knights might not be that convincing to bring her back. This is of course putting Prestan in a dangerous position, not doubt about that, though the boy is eager to save his sister and a future lord needs qualities like that if he is one day going to lead and protect his people. Also, he would likely be a convincing sight for his sister to consider coming back, if she is still alive that is.
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
I'd like to give the kid a chance, but honestly, the others brought up fair points against this. Prestan is Lord Caron's heir and I doubt his father is going to be happy if anything happens to him. And even if nothing happens, then he is still going to be mad with worry. Just imagine what happens if he dies during this journey. Just imagine how much worse it will be if we don't find Kortney, or at least don't manage to take her back to Nightsong. Prestan is needed here as the heir to his house.
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
[Tell Prestan to stay at home] This is obviously a very tough choice but taking the heir of House Caron on what will most likely be a very … moredangerous mission could turn out very badly for Ser Myke if Prestan did not make it home safely. I would like to see what Prestan could do in Dorne, but I don't think he should go without his father's permission.
By the way I seen you needed characters for Skyreach so I made one! if you do not need her or need to make changes to her that is fine by me!
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, … morea weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the b… [view original content]
I like him! It's great to get some characters to Skyreach, and I already have some ideas for this one Oh, and it's not impossible that he'll be a PoV at some point - depends on where exactly will I go with the story.
I'll also send a PM to you about something you mentioned on the submit, so keep an eye at your feed
It is no problem at all! I really like how there is so much room to make characters since there are really no real established characters outside of the kings and Nymeria! If any more characters are needed I will do my best to contribute!
Myke will tell Prestan to stay at home. There could have been some benefits from bringing the boy, but as many of you brought up it would have also put him in danger, and Lord Trevas certainly wouldn't have liked it.
The next part will be Gwendis PoV. Last time we were on Blackmont, Gwendis firstly had a chat with her brother who then left for a hunt with couple friends. However, after that was the meat of the part, as Gwendis took part in the council meeting. To her surprise there was also her father, King Benedict, who usually doesn't bother with these meetings. The council went first through an issue with the kingdom's harvest being poor, and it was decided to give aid for the villages and farms of the northern part of the kingdom. The council also briefly touched on the conquer declaration of the Martells, but the main issue of the meeting was a message from Albin Manwoody, where he declared bunch of villages on the west side of Wide Way as part of his kingdom. After a small conversation on the matter the King decided they would gather an army and march to war. Gwendis would have preferred a more diplomatic solution, but she decided not to argue against her father.
I have started writing the part, but you might have to wait couple days for it.
I haven't actually started writing it yet, but right now I'm leaning towards another part for Nymeria - so in Sandship.
We want next part, we want next part! :-D
[Stay quiet] I know this option won't win nor is it the best of the two but I'm curious to see how he would react if his mistress surprised him with silence.
Wow, uh... [Say that you love him]
I personally dins either choice risky, as people who are on edge tend to catch onto things so if she says it but isn't convincing or he doesn't believe it, it may be bad. But I think staying silent is worse.
Wow this is probably the toughest choice of the story so far! From what we have heard and seen of King Albin so far is that he is a minor king compared to the others but obviously the most mentally unstable which makes this choice so difficult with it being perfectly reasonable that he could flip out on her either way.. I would say that I am going vote to have Missy [Say that you love him] because really I am most intrigued by what would happen if she stayed quiet but from what i could tell from this part is that she legitimately feels an attraction for him whether it is love or not I'm not sure but in this situation it probably is the best idea for her to say that she loves him.
[Stay quiet]
Voting is closed!
Missy will tell King Albin that she loves him. I expected this to be another clear vote, and while it kinda was, I'm surprised that staying quiet got as many votes as it did. Now, I should say that this decision has two kind of consequences. Firstly the obvious - how will the King react? But aside from that there is a more subtle consequence on what kind of direction will this take Missy internally, as a character. However, as this is just the first choice, neither of those things will be anything that would determine the rest of Missy's story. There will be lots of choices for her that can change the direction of her development.
The next part will be the second part of Nymeria. I have started writing it but I'm still at the very beginning, I have written less than one page so far. It could be that I'll manage to finish it tomorrow, but I can't promise that. Also, I should finish the next part of my other story
But don't worry, you'll most certainly get the part during this weekend.
PS. I'll also edit out the "NEW" from the title, as I don't think it's necessary anymore. Oh, and I've came up with the titles for chapters 2 and 3, check out from the OP if you're interested (they're very vague titles, so no spoilers or anything).
Snakes and Kings...Maybe some shady spy buisiness, a betrayal or a murder? Or all of Them
Song of Swords - War maybe probably?
We'll see, seems onteresting
Nymeria sat in the small garden of the Sandship, looking at the fountain with dreamy eyes. Martell guards with their curved swords stood by the gateway of the garden, protecting their Princess. It was a clear and hot day, and Nymeria listened to the singing of the birds. It was a weird feeling – a war was on the horizon, a war that could destroy the new home that Nymeria had found for her people, but she wasn’t afraid. Not yet at least.
These past weeks Nymeria and Mors had been going through their first steps of this conquer. The Dalts of the Lemonwood were already their allies, but now they would have to turn them from allies to vassals. Nymeria wasn’t nervous about that, it was the Tolands of the Ghost Hill and Santagars of the Spottswood that would certainly prove to be more of a trouble. And making them bend the knee would just be the beginning, the Drylands would be the first real threat to them, and on that war they would need to secure Godsgrace and Vaith under their control. One step at a time, Nymeria thought and sighed.
Nymeria saw one of her captains, Dianna, walking to the garden. Dianna was a beautiful woman on her mid-twenties, just a couple years younger than Nymeria. A touch of Ghiscari heritage could be seen from the olive skin of Dianna, and her reddish brown hair, but in any case she was one of the most loyal warriors Nymeria had. She had been with her from the day they had sailed from their home, and never had she questioned her princess. The Martell guards stepped aside as Dianna walked into the garden, a skillfully crafted arakh hanging from her belt.
“Dianna, it’s good to see you.” Nymeria spoke with a friendly smile on her face, and Dianna bowed to her. If Nymeria hated something about being the Princess, it was that she could never form true friendships as she would always be the leader for her people.
“Prince Mors is waiting for you in the throne room, there are several guests asking for an audience.” Dianna explained calmly and dutifully. Nymeria stood up and nodded to her. “Let’s go then.” She said with a smirk, and so they walked out of the garden.
Sandship was an ugly dun-colored fort. It had apparently got its name from looking like a dromond that had wrecked to the land and turned to stone. Nymeria could see the fort’s resemblance to a ship, but only barely. Whatever it looked like, it was too small for the court of the Martells now that the Rhoynar were part of it. After Nymeria had married Mors, they had commanded a construction of a new palace to the hill next to the Sandship, but it would take years before it would be ready. Until then Sandship will be good enough.
Nymeria and Dianna walked in from the main doors that led to the small entrance hall. Martell guards stood on every corner, doing their duty. Nymeria smiled to them, she wanted to inspire these men to stay loyal, because harder times would be ahead.
As Nymeria walked into the throne room, Dianna took her place at guarding the room. Mors looked at Nymeria with his gentle smile on as she approached him. “We have some work to do, my Princess.” Mors said with friendly tone and Nymeria nodded. “Let’s do it then.” She whispered with decisive look on her eyes.
They sat down to their thrones and Mors turned to Nymeria. “I think we have a visitor from Lemonwood.” He said calmly. Before Nymeria could answer, the door was opened. Jaran Martell, Mors younger brother, walked in with a young man who was dressed in a light yellow coat that reached all the way to his feet. They walked closer to the thrones, and the young man glanced at Nymeria and Mors nervously.
“You stand in front of Mors Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and Nymeria Martell, the Princess of Dorne.” Jaran announced monotonously, and the young man fell to his knees. “I am Adian of House Dalt.” He started. “I have been sent here by my uncle, Lord Daris Dalt.”
“You may stand up.” Mors said, and Adian Dalt followed his request, still with a touch of nervousness in his eyes. They sent a timid boy as their ambassador. “I have come to tell that Lord Daris has accepted your request, Lemonwood is ready to serve you, and fight for you.” The boy continued and Mors gave him a nod with a pleased smile on his face.
“And?” Nymeria said skeptically. The boy looked at her with fear and confusion in his eyes. “Spit it out boy, what is your Lord asking in return?” Nymeria asked with cold words and Adian Dalt gulped. “N- nothing, all he wants is that you send some of your men to help him guard his lands – we’ve had problems with bandits on the roads and villages lately. I had to come with an escort of twenty men because of that.”
“We are ready to help with cleaning the lands of your uncle.” Mors stated calmly. “It is part of our realm now, and we wish prosperity and peace to our lands.” Adian nodded nervously to the Prince’s words. “Jaran.” Mors said and turned towards his brother. “Find good rooms for Adian and his men. And Adian, you are welcome to a dinner with me and the Princess later tonight.” Adian Dalt bowed, and Jaran escorted him out of the throne room.
“Was that everything?” Nymeria asked with slightly bored tone, and Mors shook his head. “I’m afraid we have couple more to go.” He said with a sigh, and the doors were opened again. This time in walked a bald and plain looking man with elegant clothing that hinted of eastern origins. There was something on the deep blue eyes and the sharp edges of this man’s face that got Nymeria slightly nervous. If the last visitor had been a timid boy, this man was something entirely different.
“You stand in front of Mors Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and Nymeria Martell, the Princess of Dorne.” One of the guards announced, and the bald man kneeled. “My name is Forovos Norvoshi.” He said and stood up.
“Norvoshi? You come from Norvos?” Nymeria asked, genuinely interested. Back in Ny Sar, her parents had often made trade with the Norvoshi.
“I’m afraid not, my Princess.” Forovos answered calmly. “My mother was Norvoshi, I however am a keyholder of the Iron Bank of Braavos.” Nymeria’s eyes widened. She glanced at Mors and could see that he was just as surprised as she was.
“Have we contacted the Iron Bank?” Nymeria asked with serious tone, looking first at Forovos and then at her husband, who silently shook his head. “No, you haven’t.” Forovos said with a small smile on his face. “But I heard of your cause, and I traveled here to make my offer.” A moment of silence followed, until Mors cleared his throat.
“The Iron Bank of Braavos is known for choosing their customers carefully.” He started, pressing his fingers together. “Many see our cause as a risky one. What makes you see differently?” Mors asked and the grin on Forovos’ face got wider. “There is always a risk.” He said. “And certainly not every keyholder on the Iron Bank would see this as a wise investment. However, I see a great chance in this. If you just have the resources to reach your goal and unite the Dorne, it will result a much more prosperous kingdom than any of the petty ones this peninsula has at the moment. To me that sounds like a great investment.”
“Sure.” Nymeria said coldly. “And if your faith to us falters, all you have to do is sail to Yronwood and make a new offer. Am I correct?” Forovos let out a small laugh. “You are a clever one.” He said, still smirking. “But you know I could have sailed to Yronwood already, and I still can, if you choose not to make a deal with me.” Forovos spoke with slightly arrogant words and Nymeria gave him a glare.
“If you ever leave this place at all.” She said, hiding her threat into a calm tone. This wiped out the grin from Forovos’ face. “I am not just some helpless loan peddler, my Princess.” The man replied calmly, with an ominous look on his eyes. Once again Prince Mors cleared his throat.
“This offer came as a surprise, my friend, I’m sure you understand that.” Mors said with conciliatory words. “However, we are ready to consider taking a loan from you. Perhaps we could go to the details later?” Forovos shrugged. “I’m in no hurry.” He said. “But I do hope you can offer me a place to stay in.”
“That will be arranged.” Mors said with his polite tone. “I’m thankful of that. I will be waiting for your invitation.” Forovos Norvoshi said and bowed to them and left the throne room. Nymeria sighed as she looked at her husband. “A loan from Iron Bank could really help us win this war.” Mors said. “And at least we don’t want him to support our enemies.” Nymeria nodded in agreement, even if she didn’t like this keyholder. “I suppose you are right.” She admitted with a touch of frustration on her words. Then the doors were opened again. This time it was the maester of Sandship – Olivar. Olivar was a man on his late forties, apparently fairly young when it came to maesters.
Olivar ran to the thrones with great haste, his ragged brown robes dangling amusingly. “Prince, Princess.” He spoke, out of breath from his running, and bowed quickly. “I have news.” He said and pulled a raven scroll from his sleeve with shaking hands.
“What is it?” Mors asked with tense words. Maester Olivar gulped, and handed the scroll to his Prince. “It’s from the Ghost Hill. The Tolands have declared a war.” Mors read through the scroll and let out a frustrated sigh. He handed the scroll to Nymeria. The message was basically the Lord of Ghost Hill boasting how he would never bow to Martells, and in the end was a threat of the Tolands marching with an army to their lands.
“It was to be expected that someone would do this.” Nymeria said calmly and handed the scroll back to the maester. “We must prepare ourselves.” She added and Mors nodded in agreement.
“We should also call the Dalts to aid.” He said and turned his gaze to the floor. “We must only hope that they are as loyal as they say they are.”
“If it comes to it, we have the nephew of Lord Dalt here – to make sure they behave.” Nymeria said, feeling a bit ashamed of what she was suggesting. The maester looked at her with puzzlement. “Should I put that into the message I send to them?” He asked, glancing at Mors and Nymeria. Mors turned his eyes to the Princess. “What do you think, my love?”
[Add the threat to the message] [Don't add the threat]
[Don't add the threat]
House Dalt is a new ally and future vassal. So far, they have done nothing that would justify getting threatened. Before considering such drastic measures, they deserve a chance to prove themselves, by supporting House Martell against the Tolands. If they get threatened and treated with disrespect now, there is the chance that they rather ally with the Tolands.
[Add the threat to the message] let's show them from the start that nymeria 's not joking , better to be feared than loved in my opinion
[Don't add the threat]
[Don't add the threat]
I have to agree with Liquid here, they are a newly made ally and a future vassal. I feel like choosing to force them into war would be an Aerys Targaryen move, so I think not adding the threat would be wiser. Though, they already have the nephew, so Lord Dalt is likely to keep this into consideration already, with or without a threat. Easily enough they can keep Adian in Sandship, the boy seems pretty fearful of danger and war.
[Don't add the threat] I pretty much have to agree with the others on this one. No need to start trouble with a new ally especially with House Martell's conquest of Dorne being in the beginning stages, Nymeria and House Martell need every ally possible.
[Don't add the threat]
[Don't add the threat]
[Don't add the threat]
The Dalt lord is probably already aware that his nephew is at Nymeria's court and wouldn't risk it. It would also be wise to make a good first impression.
[Don't add the threat]
[Don't add the threat]
Great part!
[Don't add the threat]
No need to to that - as Crips said, Lord Dalt for sure know that his nephew is in Sandship now, so he will behave, and threat to him would just ruin the good relations between Martells and their new vassals. Threat now will just increase chance of their treason, so better keep it easy.
BTW. I'm thinking of new character and I considered placing him in Sandship, Yronwood or Skyreach. Let me know where do you lack characters so I can modify his story to fit in and help your story to develop
need stuff in Sandship
Sandship or Skyreach would be best. Yronwood doesn't have much characters either, but I'm also not planning on having a PoV there for a while.
I'll let you decide, go for which ever you have inspiration for and I'll be thankful!
Voting is closed!
Nymeria will decide to not add the threat to the message for Dalts. Most likely a smart choice, threats could have been taken badly...
Anyway, I must say this part was the hardest to write so far, and I'm sorry if it came out as a boring read. However, now we've established the situation on the eastern coast and introduced couple more characters so I'm happy to move on with the story.
And what comes to moving on, the next part's PoV will be a new character, and his story begins from just outside of Dorne - Nightsong. I'll start writing that part soon, but I can already admit I probably won't be writing much tomorrow because the GoT premiere!
Ser Myke walked on the courtyard of Nightsong. The nightingale banners of House Caron were hanging on the grey walls of the castle, a weak wind was blowing, and the guards and servants were doing their jobs without paying much attention to Myke. He had just arrived and brought his horse to the stables, and now it would be time to meet the Lord. The Lord who I owe for all the dignity I still have.
“Ser Myke!” He heard a coarse but friendly voice call behind him. As he turned around he saw Ser Joran Storm, the bastard brother of Lord Connington, a knight on his mid-forties. Myke had met this man when he had first arrived to Nightsong five years ago. “Welcome back, you old bastard!” Ser Joran said with a wide grin on his face and Myke chuckled dryly. “You are the bastard here, and you are not that young yourself anymore.” He replied with a smirk. Joran let out a hearty laughter and grabbed him for a brotherly hug, patting him on the back.
“It is good to have you here again, Ser Myke of the Marches.” Joran spoke with genuine happiness as they backed out from each other, and Myke gave him a smile. “You don’t need to call me with that title.” He said calmly, but Joran shook his head. “Horseshit! Lord Trevas gave you that title for a reason, you should be proud of it!” Mention of Lord Caron turned Myke’s expression more serious.
“I assume you know why I have come back here?” Myke asked Joran, who nodded to him with a sad look on his face now. “Aye.” He said with a sigh. “It’s been almost a year now… She left about two months after you did.”
“And no one has seen her since?” Myke asked with concerned tone, and Joran shook his head. “Do you remember that spear master from Myr? Norano his name was, he went after her and never returned.” There was small touch of anger in Joran’s words, but Myke shrugged it off. “Maybe they ran off together, it seemed always clear to me that the two were in love.” He spoke with sympathy in his words, but Joran shook his head.
“It’s still wrong.” He said strictly. “Taking another man’s daughter, leaving him wonder if she is even alive anymore.” Myke nodded in agreement, he had to admit that was not an honorable thing to do. “And do we have any idea where we could look for her?” He asked, and now Joran shrugged. “All we know is that she headed south when she ran off… We spent weeks looking for her on the Wide Way, but she had just disappeared, just like Norano after her.”
“Finding her now is nearly impossible.” Myke stated, more to himself than the other knight. “That’s what men like us are for.” Joran replied, a small smile on his face again, and they both allowed themselves a small laugh. “By the way, do you still fight with that damn whip mace?” Joran asked as they walked towards the doors of the keep, and Myke answered to him with just a sly grin. “Of course you do, you old devil.” Ser Joran muttered with a smile on his face as they opened the doors.
Lord Trevas Caron sat on his chambers, next to a fireplace that burned bright. Sers Joran and Myke had taken their seats from other side of the small table. Lord Caron was around the same age with Myke, on his late fifties, but he had not aged as well. It was clear to see he was in a weak state, and the dark bags under his eyes told he was tired. As he looked at Myke he had a weak smile on his face, but Myke knew that under that fragile veil he was broken and depressed. I can understand that. He had lost his eldest child and daughter – a young, beautiful and lively woman on her early twenties.
“I am happy to see you again, Ser Myke.” Lord Caron said quietly. “And I’m sorry to bother you during your well-deserved days of rest and peace…” Myke cut off the Lord. “No, don’t be. It’s my honor to offer my help to you once again, after all it was you who helped me when my days were darkest.” He said with genuine gratitude.
“You have already payed back all you ever owed me.” Lord Caron said weakly and gulped. “I can’t demand anything from you anymore, but I’m ready to pay you all I can… If I can just see my dear Kortney again.” Trevas’ voice cracked on his last words, and he had to turn his eyes away. I know his pain only too well. “I don’t need any payment, my Lord.” Ser Myke said calmly and gently. “Kortney was like a family to me, I will do everything I can to find her and bring her back to home.” Joran cleared his throat. “As will I, my Lord.” He said humbly. Trevas nodded, and for a moment they were all silent.
“It was my fault, you know… that she ran away.” The Lord spoke quietly, staring at the flames with blank eyes. “I wanted her to marry a knight, someone noble, and I ignored her when she said that she only loved that one man.” Trevas avoided speaking by name of the spear master Norano. Ser Myke let out an understanding sigh. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened.” He said with comforting words.
“If anyone should be blamed it’s Norano.” Ser Joran said with a touch of bitterness in his words, and Myke shot a glare at him. Lord Trevas took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the two knights again. “I’m thankful there are men like you on this world.” He said, and a small glimmer of hope could be seen in his eyes. “You shall have all the wine and meat you wish tonight, and tomorrow your mission begins.”
Ser Myke once again stood on the courtyard of the Nightsong, saddling his horse and tiredly looking at the blue sky. He had drank much less than Ser Joran last night, but he still had a bit of a headache. He was waiting for Joran, eager to begin the journey. This mission was important, and it would be the last one Myke would ever have, he was sure of it.
Ser Myke was starting to get impatient, but then he saw a young man walking towards him. It was Prestan Caron, Lord Trevas’ son and heir, a lean and pretty boy of fifteen. He was the older of Lord Caron’s two sons, and his dream was to become a great knight. Good lad.
“Ser Myke.” He greeted shyly, and Myke gave him a bow. “Good day, little lord.” He replied with a smile, but Prestan didn’t seem to be on a cheerful mood. “What is it, Prestan?” Ser Myke asked, and the young man let out a small sigh.
“I have to ask something…” He said, looking down on his shoes. “Take me with you.” He spat out, and Myke let out a small laugh, shaking his head. “No, I don’t think your father would approve…” He started, but the boy cut him off.
“I know!” He shouted desperately, now looking Ser Myke to the eyes. “But I miss Kortney. I want to help you find her, I promise I’ll be useful! I can’t just sit here when my sister could be in danger.” Myke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He understood the feelings of this boy, he understood his frustration. Once I was like him myself. He looked at the boy, knowing how much this decision meant for him.
[Take Prestan with you] [Tell Prestan to stay at home]
[Take Prestan with you] Don't make me regret this.... Pretty please?
Great part!
[Tell Prestan to stay at home] This is obviously a very tough choice but taking the heir of House Caron on what will most likely be a very dangerous mission could turn out very badly for Ser Myke if Prestan did not make it home safely. I would like to see what Prestan could do in Dorne, but I don't think he should go without his father's permission.
By the way I seen you needed characters for Skyreach so I made one! if you do not need her or need to make changes to her that is fine by me!
[Tell Prestan to stay at home] Where Myke and Joran are going could be dangerous and this boy doesn't have the proper training to defend himself. He can still be useful at Nightsong.
I liked this part though. Myke and Joran would make a fine team and hopefully they will find Kortney alive.
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
It's always a bad idea to let the heir on these kinds of missions. It's like asking for a beatdown.
[Take Prestan with you]
I know I'm going against the flock here, though I have a hunch. If indeed this Kortney girl has run off with some Norano of Myr, I think two old knights might not be that convincing to bring her back. This is of course putting Prestan in a dangerous position, not doubt about that, though the boy is eager to save his sister and a future lord needs qualities like that if he is one day going to lead and protect his people. Also, he would likely be a convincing sight for his sister to consider coming back, if she is still alive that is.
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
No, it is not a wise idea to take the heir without a green light from the lord. I already see him dying somewhere on the way...
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
His father needs him by his side, and what will happen if we find Kortney and lose Prestan? Lord would not be happy.
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
I'd like to give the kid a chance, but honestly, the others brought up fair points against this. Prestan is Lord Caron's heir and I doubt his father is going to be happy if anything happens to him. And even if nothing happens, then he is still going to be mad with worry. Just imagine what happens if he dies during this journey. Just imagine how much worse it will be if we don't find Kortney, or at least don't manage to take her back to Nightsong. Prestan is needed here as the heir to his house.
Thanks again for the character! She'll make a great PoV for Skyreach
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
[Tell Prestan to stay at home]
BTW. - I submitted new character. Took me long, but I wanted to develop him well. Take a look and tell me what do you think
I like him! It's great to get some characters to Skyreach, and I already have some ideas for this one
Oh, and it's not impossible that he'll be a PoV at some point - depends on where exactly will I go with the story.
I'll also send a PM to you about something you mentioned on the submit, so keep an eye at your feed
It is no problem at all! I really like how there is so much room to make characters since there are really no real established characters outside of the kings and Nymeria! If any more characters are needed I will do my best to contribute!
Voting is closed!
Myke will tell Prestan to stay at home. There could have been some benefits from bringing the boy, but as many of you brought up it would have also put him in danger, and Lord Trevas certainly wouldn't have liked it.
The next part will be Gwendis PoV. Last time we were on Blackmont, Gwendis firstly had a chat with her brother who then left for a hunt with couple friends. However, after that was the meat of the part, as Gwendis took part in the council meeting. To her surprise there was also her father, King Benedict, who usually doesn't bother with these meetings. The council went first through an issue with the kingdom's harvest being poor, and it was decided to give aid for the villages and farms of the northern part of the kingdom. The council also briefly touched on the conquer declaration of the Martells, but the main issue of the meeting was a message from Albin Manwoody, where he declared bunch of villages on the west side of Wide Way as part of his kingdom. After a small conversation on the matter the King decided they would gather an army and march to war. Gwendis would have preferred a more diplomatic solution, but she decided not to argue against her father.
I have started writing the part, but you might have to wait couple days for it.