The walking dead michonne please help
So I'm trying to play this game but at the part in episode one when you are tied up and look at the cigarettes, life jackets, health kit, and duffle bags, its supposed to trigger a part where a toy robot, dinosaur, and a stuffed bear come up, but it isn't. I can't proceed from there when I try to replay it, when I finally am able to get it to trigger, at the end where you can choose to stop or let Sam kill what's his face that shot Greg I will stop her, but then in episode two when it shows the "previously on" part it shows that I killed him? I don't understand why its showing choices that I didn't choose, it really frustrating. Also episode three just doesn't want to start. I know that's a lot all at once but can someone please help me? I can't play the game and enjoy it because of it.