Borderlands X Walking Dead : Who would you choose from the Walking Dead game for your Vault team?

So... You have played Tales from the Borderlands, right? If not, go play it dum-dum (Handsome Jack reference). Anyway, where was I? Right! Which 5 characters would you chose to be inside Gortys when she fights the Traveler? I know that in the game you choose only 3 Vault Hunters but I decided to make it more spicy since 3 is too little. However, you may choose to keep Rhys and Loaderbot if you want and add 3 characters instead. Your choice! Here are some thoughts

Team #1 Worse than Cl4p Tr4p edition

  1. Ben
  2. Sarah
  3. Duck
  4. Reggie
  5. Travis

Team #2 Second Wind edition

  1. Luke
  2. Mark
  3. Carley
  4. Lee
  5. Matthew

Team 3 Zer0 c0uld appr0ve this? edition

  1. Clem
  2. Molly
  3. Jane
  4. Michone
  5. Lee? (can't find more badass characters)

I can't think any other team with a title making a Borderland reference, so I am done.


  • The hateful five
    3.Andy St.John
    4.Danny St.John

  • "Alpha" Team

    1. Michonne
    2. Molly
    3. Lee
    4. Carley
    5. Luke

    "Gold" Team - they have the "Party Bus"

    1. Kenny
    2. Randall
    3. William Carver
    4. Larry
    5. Danny St. John
    1. Lee. Obvious choice.
    2. Kenny. Before what happened to katjaa and duck.
    3. Molly. Stealth.
    4. Chuck. Experience.
      1. Carver.intelligence.

    Honoroble mentions:
    Randall, Pete, Lily, Andy St. John, Michonne, Carley, Troy, Crawford

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