When will the Season 3 Walking Dead Trailer be released? (Based off the 1st 2)


  • maybe E3 or San Diego Comic Con?

    if not, early autumn or around Halloween.

  • edited May 2016

    There's really no way of knowing currently, they could make it big by announcing it at an event or they could just show they trailer on their Youtube channel, they'd likely do it as late around a month before the first episode releases which would have to be by early December or late October at the latest unless they end up delaying Season Three. I don't really have a good guess of when sorry :c

  • I'm going to wager a guess that the game is not coming until sometime towards the end of the year. I would not expect a trailer until a few weeks before the game releases. The only exception to this for a modern Telltale game is Wolf Among Us, which got a full trailer (not a teaser trailer) like two months early. Otherwise, it's usually a few weeks before release.

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