Sneak Peek at Telltale's Next Season of 'The Walking Dead' Revealed at E3

On Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, Telltale joined IGN to reveal the world's first sneak peek at the next season of 'The Walking Dead' series, set to premiere this fall.
It's just a brief glimpse, and we're not yet ready to confirm a whole lot about exactly what it means... but there's a lot of fodder in there for speculation.
So what CAN we say about this upcoming season? For a start, who's that guy with Clementine? His name is Javier. Yes, Clem returns and will play a key role, but this is a new story as much as it is a continuation of Seasons One and Two. Players completely new to the Telltale series will be able to jump right in without feeling lost at all, and those familiar with previous seasons will perhaps find some even deeper meaning, as we'll be working to ensure save file decisions will carry over from the last two games if you've played them in the past.
When it comes to Clementine, players' relationships with her have very much evolved over the course of Seasons One and Two. In Season One, it was all about playing a more paternal role and helping a little girl find her feet and the courage to survive in a world gone to hell. Season Two was about Clementine developing her skills and becoming more independent of the people around her. In this next season, she's in her early teens, and has grown to be a person who is clearly capable of handling herself - someone very much on the same level as Javier, a fellow survivor who has been through hell, and has managed to remain alive as long as Clem.
Clem has also been through a lot since we left her at the end of Season Two... and depending on the paths players may have taken with her in the past, she may or may not be exactly the same person we knew back then. You'll play as both Javier and Clementine through the course of the season, but exactly how that works is one of the exciting details we're not quite yet ready to reveal.
Be sure to check out that teaser, and let us know what you think! We're thrilled to be able to share this with you. Stay tuned for more info on this new season as we head towards the premiere this fall!
Seeing the new engine in motion was super cool!
I'm so excited to play season 3 this Fall, the game looks amazing and I hope it won't be like Season 2 (don't get me wrong, season 2 was okay, but compared to season 1, it was mediocre.)
I'm assuming the worse about AJ. And something tells me that a physical version of this won't be on the PS3, or XBOX 360.
I'm kind of worried about this...
Hope It Comes Out To Xbox 360/PS3
So excited! The lip syncing looks so much better.
Ttg just took wd to another level. Cant wait for it. Clem's all grown up! Imagine what ttg can do in future with such epic graphics!
We will play as clementine? javier? or both?
Add someone from the game of Michonne or 400 days!
Spanish subtitles plis!!!
This looks so cool.
I'm kind of happy to hear that we will play as both of them. I think everyone should be excited about that. Both people that wanted to play as Clem and the ones that dreamed about a new playable character.
Dear Telltale Games,
What is the reason for making this game? Do you have a great story to tell, or it is because the popularity of the franchise? What makes this new season worth buying?
Does anyone here think that clem was a little(lot) tan. And also that man kinda looked like the governor from the to show
Looks hype af. Clem looks badass too.
What popularity? Recently I've heard people saying "Telltale, why do you do this? Why no TWAU season 2?". I just get a feeling that because of TWD season 2 this Telltale series isn't as popular as it used to be before.
Tbh, I don't see any similarities between him and the governor from the TV show.
Смотрите не помрите в ожидании чуда!
А эмоций то сколько в ваших словах, небось потекли уже!!!
Clementine what don't its her eyes glow hope this is just a bug on the models and graphics will be soon as in season 2th
I think its more to do with the popularity of Clementine, because everybody loves her.
Maybe you're right but not everybody loves her, I assure you. There is a friend of mine who I introduced into The Walking Dead and he doesn't actually like Clementine. Like from the beginning. He said multiple times when we've discussed this game that he won't care if she dies. She's bascially one of the main reasons he disliked Season 2 so I can imagine that he won't even buy Season 3.
Your friend, does he have a heart?
You mean physically? The answer is yes, then.
Who the fuck uses a gun on one walker?
I just hope my choices will keep Clem a good person. I try to make the choices that are the high road. Well, as high road as things can get in the WD universe, which is EXTREMELY difficult.
In season 1 I tried to make Lee an optimist, trying to keep hope for the future.
In season 2 I tried to make Clem a peacekeeper, trying to help everyone.
telltale games I am Brazilian and I love your games and excuse me for my bad English, I'm a big fan of the game series walking dead almost cried the first season, also really like minecraft story mode.
I hope to continue thus producing boms games as always are your games
I need too know where AJ is!!
What if i have played the last 2 seasons in ps3 and i buy this game on PC? There is a way that i can move my files or something?
Telltale stated that they're working on a way to transfer your save files on a different platforms. If they'll succed you should be able to transfer your saves from PS3 onto PC.
Because people want it and because it's possibly their most popular, well-known and first big game series?
I can't wait!!! I really hope that Jane and Kenny are in Season 3!!!!
Personally, I don't think Clementine looks like the Clem she did before. In both seasons one and two, she had extremely curly hair, a wider nose, more squinted eyes and with darker, rounder lips. In season three, she has a slimmer nose, mostly straight hair, thinner lips that don't have a dark color to it, and her eyes aren't squinted that much. And they're really shiny. Right now, this is the only thing that concerns me. When playing this in the future, it won't feel the same to me because she doesn't look like the Clementine she did back then at all. If she took off her pigtails and hat, I wouldn't recognize her at all. Im not angry, i just wanted to ask you if you could at least make her nose wider, make her lips darker and eyes more squinted. Thank you!
What's the point if they don't have a good story to tell? Release e mediocre game and if it sells, release another until people eventually got totally sick of it? This is a classic milking of franchise. For a no-brainer games like FIFA, Call of Duty and rest this is ok. I'm not saying that these games are bad, just they are not particularly focused on story. Season 1 was success not because of having choices, gore, or zombies. This was a game that made people not found of point and click games to actually try it and love it. But after that all next TTG titles became pretty generic - if you don't like the genre, you'd probably won't like them either. Again - not bad, but easy to forget - I played TWD: Michonne last week and already forgot what was the name of the girl that took me to her house. It seems that the focus of Season 3 (as was for S2) is to see make just another badass female character chopping heads. If I want to kill zombies, I'd play L4D.
Alvin Junior was renamed to Alvin Javier in S3. He outgrow Clem because she decided to make him a magical tattoo using blood magic (that's why she is missing a finger). In the trailer they are headed to the enchanted forest to search for the Blue Fairy in order to make Lee a real boy (instead of zombie).
Well whether a story is 'good' is never objective, it's always an opinion, thus subjective.
How were the later released titles 'generic'? The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Game of Thrones, Minecraft: Story Mode, The Walking Dead Game: Season Two, The Walking Dead: Michonne all generic?
I must disagree here, I don't think Season 2 was about making a bad ass female protagonist, nor do I think Season 3 will be about that. If you want to kill zombies, play an apocalyptic game with zombies - which The Walking Dead portrays almost constantly. It's not all about killing zombies, it's about survival of the individual physically, mentally and emotionally - at least in my opinion.
Totally agree with you. Her main facial features like Eyes, Nose and Lips are very different now. Growing into a teenage doesn't change you that much
But fuck it LOL. I still love Clem #TeamClem
I am not saying that is bad if you enjoy their games. It's bad because they do just the bare minimum to keep you entertained.
Why does Clem still have her little girl hairstyle?
Lee: 'Keep that hair short (so that walkers cant grab)'
does anyone notice Clem's MISSING FINGER